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Annalisa groaned as she rolled over on the surprisingly comfortable bed.

How long has it been since she slept on such a bed?

Oh, and why did she have to wake so early? She was having such a nice dream.

It was just her and Edward, dancing under the stars- him, dressed in his usual uniform and her in the soft blue dress that she had worn when they had met. She could still feel his warm hands in hers and his gentle kisses.

The familiar smell of food hit her suddenly and her eyes snapped open- Bridget never cooked her food until she was up.

Annalisa sat up and opened her eyes.

She gasped.

The familiar view of the bedroom from the castle hit her hard.

She was in the castle again. Without her son.

Annalisa stood and walked around the room, checking the windows, which were found to be secure and the doors, also secure.

Her heartbeat sped up, feeling like a trapped bird in a cage.

"Hello?" She called, banging once in the door, "Hello anyone?"

Her breathing became ragged as she continued to bang on the door, "Please, someone let me out! Please, I want my baby! Let me out."

She banged harder, screaming and crying.



Edward listened to her desperate pleas and cries. His eyes met with the doctor that stood in front of him, "Please tell me she'll be okay."

The doctor looked down at him, his face completely blank, "Its hard to tell right now, but she looks like she has a seriously clouded mind. It is easy to fix with a little work and a firm hand."

Edward stood and nodded, "Fine, I can do that. The nurses can handle my son until she has fully recovered. I will not take any risk in losing my son again."

The doctor's eyes softened, "As long as he receives the proper care and feeding, I can not advise you any differently. But, your majesty, may I just say one word of advice- It is one thing to mend one's mind but another to mend a heart."

With that, the old doctor left the room, leaving Edward with his biggest problem left.


With a shaky breath, Edward stepped towards the door and twisted open the door.

"Anna." He whispered, looking inside of the room. His eyes landed on the small figure curled up in the corner of the room.

"How could you?" he heard her whisper, her voice choked up, "How could you lock me in here and keep me from my son?"

Edward burned with anger as he narrowed his eyes, "You mean our son? Our son, the one you seemed to think that you had the right to take him away from me? For almost two years, you kept me away from seeing our son grow up."

Edward closed the door behind him and leaned against the door, "I locked you in here because you endangered our son."

She stood, "You refused to protect him. I warned you that Peter was coming and you ignored me! I wanted you to assure me that no matter what happened that my son would be safe. That we would be safe."

"I promised you that, Annalisa. Multiple times throughout our relationship." he reminded her.

She glared at him, "What relationship? All we ever were, was an arranged marriage."

His heart stopped. Edward felt his world completely spiral out of hand as he watch the only woman he had truely loved stare at him coldly, as if she felt no pain from the word she said.

"That's not how I saw it." He whispered, "I loved you from the minute I saw you. You were Annalisa Schmitt, the girl of my dreams. My wife. My son's mother. The future of my children." Annalisa opened her mouth to say something but he continued on, "And I honestly thought that we could move on from this and continue our marriage happily with our son, but if you don't love me..." he took a deep breath.

"Then I release you from this marriage."

Annalisa met his eyes and they stared at each other. God, he loved her so much, even when she was causing him so much trouble.

"Just let me leave you with one more thing, Annalisa." He stepped forward and cupped her face in his hands. He looked down at her and caught a few tears streaming down her cheek as he leaned forward and kissed her soft lips.

At first, he expected no response but when he felt her lips move in sync with his, he knew something was giving in inside of her.

Deep inside of Annalisa, he knew exactly how she felt. He could feel the passion in every move they made that night. Every time they touched, his own body would him in response.

And Edward knew that he loved her.


Annalisa looked to her side where her husband laid asleep, placing a small kiss on the side of his stubbly cheek. Her heart still swelled from the words he had said last night and after nursing her baby, finally, she felt safe.

No wars were standing in their way. No Peter or anyone who wanted the throne. No distance between them.

"Morning, Anna." She heard Edward whisper, still half asleep.

She smiled, "Morning, Edward." She pecked his lips quickly.

His strong arm wrapped around her back and pulled her closer to him, "I thought you would have slept in, after all that fighting with me last night."

Annalisa replied quickly, "I just thought that if I slept, I would miss something important."

Edward chuckled, "I think the most you will miss today is this bed."

Annalisa gasped slightly and sat up, "What is the time? Little Edward must be hungry! He hasn't eaten since last night and I can not stay away much longer from him! What if the nurses forgot to-"

Edward silenced her with a kiss and her heart fluttered, "The nurses know what to do. Just enjoy the moment for right now."

Annalisa nodded and pushed the feeling in the back of her head.

For now, it was her and Edward.

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