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Tears were streaming down Annalisa's face as she sat in Drake's office. Her hands were shaking as she reached out towards Drake's awaiting hand. "I-It came yesterday morning. I only just got the chance to open it this morning. It's him, Drake. The man who is after me"

Thomas Drake stared at the letter, his eyes analyzing every word Jacque Hossian had written to her.


The name sent a shiver up her spine as she remembered what her fiancee had done to her. He had been a controlling and despicable man, looking for blood and power. Annalisa had only been a way to accomplish that goal. 

Peter's father, Jacque, had demanded that she come back at once or he would stage an uprising. She knew he would, but she couldn't go back to Peter.

"Look, I can buy you some time. We can get you married off to some nice English gentleman and that will protect you. You'll need a child too, as fast as possible. A child in the picture can protect you even further."

Annalisa shook her head, "But what of my brother?"

Drake dragged his hand over his face as he contemplated her words. "Your brother is the King." He finally said, "Maybe it's time to protect yourself, Annalisa. A King can protect himself. A princess, however, cannot."

Annalisa stood and began to pace, "I-I can't just leave my kingdom exposed like that! I have a duty to my people."

Drake shook his head, "You are a princess. You belong to no one until you are married. You are a mere pawn. Take your fate into your own hands and see where it will take you."

Annalisa breathed deeply, trying to keep herself from breaking into tears, "I just do not know what to do."

Drake stood and gathered her into his arms, "Just leave it to me, darling. I will make sure everything will be okay."


Annalisa felt a hand touch her shoulder, jolting her awake. She opened her sleepy eyes to see her mother standing over her.

"My dove, you must awaken." Her mother's melodic voice called to her. Annalisa could see the fear behind the tears in her eyes. Her mother was visibly shaking as she began to pull Annalisa out of bed,

"Mama?" Her voice asked, getting worried.

Her mother guided her over to the wall and removed a picture so that it revealed a small hole, "Annalisa, you must hide. Stay in this small hole until your brother comes for you, alright? Do not speak for anyone but Hans, yes?" Her mother's soft hands caressed her face.

"Yes, mama but what of Papa? Can he not come for me? Or you? Mama, I am scared." Annalisa asked, her eyes studying her mother's face.

Her mother' lips pursed, "It is not a matter that you must worry about. Just know that I love you, always."

An echoing of footsteps pushed her mother to cover the hole and run away.

Minutes later, Annalisa heard her mother beg for her life before she heard the blood-curdling scream that ended her mother. And then the silence afterward. It wasn't until she heard the footsteps echoed closer and closer to the hole in the wall that she began to silently cry. It was only a matter of time before she would be sentenced to the same fate as her mother. Annalisa's heart beat faster and faster.

She said her prayers before she heard the hidden door jiggle.

The door was removed and...

"M'lady?" A voice called out to her.

Annalisa sat up with a jolt, breathing hard and tears streaming down her face.. She looked around the room, frantically, blinking hard.

"M'lady, are you alright?" She heard the handmaiden, Bridget, ask.

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