Bonus Chapter One

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Before Edward's Death

Edward's boots crunch the gravel underneath them as he walked towards Drake.

"You cannot keep hiding from me, Drake." He called out, watching as his friend started to walk away.

Drake turned around, clumsily, and dropped the bottle in his hands to the ground, "She's gone, Ed. I have no one left to live for."

Edward's eyes fell on the bottle of whiskey on the ground and looked back up at Drake. He knew his family was known for their drinking. His father was a drunk and so was his grandfather.

"Drake, you still have people there for you. You have me and Annalisa." Edward reminded him.

"And a child." Drake sobbed, stumbling over to a bench and sitting down. He let his head fall into his hands.

Edward stared at him for a moment, his mouth agape. Drake and his wife had only been married for a couple of months— that was not near long enough for a child.

"Her name is Mary." Drake murmured, "She was born a few months ago. She looks just like Katherine and I cannot stand to look at her anymore."

Edward sat next to his friend, "I know you are still dealing with the loss, but listen, you cannot abandon her. If you leave that little girl out in the open, you will never forgive yourself. I know how you work, Drake. You will start to drink and you will become this violent tyrant and I know you don't want that. You don't want to end like your father, do you?"

Drake shook his head and sniffed, "That's my biggest fear— turning into my father."

Edward nodded, "That was my fear too and look at me now. I have a wife and a kid. I'm the king of England. I am complete and happy. Things get better."

"You know, if we make it out alive, you should come live with us. Little Edward could use a friend to play with and he needs someone to marry. Growing up together just eases the process when they are older. We would be officially related." Edward suggested.

Drake snorted, "Your son would be the most arrogant prince on this continent."

Edward smiled, "Your daughter would be the most stubborn but beautiful woman in the sea of maidens."

"Why not of this realm?" Drake asked.

"I cannot put down my wife. She is the most beautiful, of course." Edward retorted.

"Even with age?"

"Age only increases the beauty." Edward replied with a frown, "Maybe. I'm not trying to jinx it or anything like that."

Drake laughed, "Ed, I never knew you to pick bad women. I always seemed to pick the ones with big opinions."

Edward turned to him, "You have no idea how bad Annalisa can get pretty opinionated about things. Everything that happens is this drama phenomenon and next thing I know, it's a battlefield within my house."

The two men laughed in unison before succumbing to the tempting silence.

After a while, Drake turned to Edward and spoke, "Are you scared?"

Edward didn't rely at first. He sat there, tapping his knee.

"I am scared out of my mind but not for me."

Drake raised a dark eyebrow, "Then for who? If I were you, I'd been terrified. That man— he's the size of a giant."

"Thanks for the confidence, old friend."

"You are welcome— Wait, who are you calling old. I'm at least ten years younger than you!" Drake snapped playfully.

Edward rolled his eyes, "Years? Try ten months, Drake. I hardly look as old as you suggest."

"Sure you are. Keep telling yourself how young you are and you might just be that young." Drake teased.

Edward scoffed and then felt the seriousness settle in his chest. "Drake, I am scared for my family. If I die, I'll be ready. I know what's coming for me but I don't want to leave my wife alone. I have so much responsibility that would be thrown into her hands the moment I died. I am afraid she couldn't handle it. And then my son— he shouldn't have to grow up without his father. Promise me something, Drake."

Drake tore his eyes away from the scenery and looked Edward directly in his eyes, "Anything."

"If I don't make it—"

"Don't say that. Don't you dare say that, Edward, because I couldn't stand it if I lost you too." Drake snapped, his eyes starting to fill with tears.

"If I don't make it, take care of my family, especially my son. He needs a father. You are the only man I trust to take care of my son and my wife. Promise me that you will take care of my family."

"Edward—" Drake started but closed his mouth quickly.

"Just say you will." Edward begged.

In the distance, Edward saw Annalisa coming towards them with a small smile attached to her face.

He smiled back. He had to put on his best face for her. All that mattered to him was making his last few hours with Annalisa as happy as possible.

"I promise you that I will do everything possible to take care of them." Drake replied as he stood and walked away.

Edward stared at his friend for a minute, watching him walk off before he turned back to look at his wife.

She was beautiful.

He'd never noticed how beautiful she truly was until he was close to losing her. It made his heart swell to think about how long they had been together.

He only wished it could have been longer.

"Hello, darling." He said, pulling her onto his lap.

He kissed her cheek, "Has the battlefield made you so bored that you had to take a walk?"

Annalisa smiled softly and placed her soft hand on his stubbly cheek, "No, I just wanted to spend some time with my favorite man in this earth."

He smiled back and cupped her face, "I want to spend every moment I have with you, my love." He kissed her softly.

"Edward, promise me something." She said once they pulled away from each other.

Edward shook his head, "I cannot make a promise I cannot keep, Annalisa."

Her beautiful smile faded, "I know. I just want you to do everything you possibly can to come home."

Edward swallowed his fear and simply nodded. That's all he could manage to do.

Smile and nod.

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