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Six months had passed since her first moment of morning sickness. Annalisa had grown quite large over the past few months and often had trouble sleeping at night.

Her pregnancy had made her irritable and impatient. The maids feared her often, except for Bridget, the maid from Drake's estate. She had been a wedding present due to Annalisa's infatuation with the girl for she had been so kind to help Annalisa with her English.

She rested her hands on the bed as the maids tugged her dress together, "Be careful, you might hurt 'er wee young one! You wouldn' want that, now would ya?" Bridget snapped at the poor souls who tended to Annalisa.

"Bridget, give them a moment, please." Annalisa snapped between gritted teeth, "They are trying to do the best they can with this huge mass in their way."

Bridget clicked her tongue, "Now, miss, you'd a best be careful what you say about the wee baby. You keep talkin' this way, he'd be a comin' early."

"And how do you know he is a boy, young lady?" Edward's voice called out suddenly from his spot in the corner of the room.

"If the missus has trouble with the babe, it a best be a boy, my lord." Bridget replied doing her best to curtsy, though it looked more like a drunken tilt.

One final tug signaled that they had finally finished her dress, "Leave me."

She walked over to the mirror and inspected herself, "You look beautiful, Anna."

She smiled, "Thank you, Edward."

He came up behind her and started to fasten a necklace around her neck, "For my Queen— the only true Queen in this world."

She gasped and looked at the diamond and emerald necklace, "It's beautiful."

Edward smiled proudly, "Can I have a kiss, then?"

Annalisa hasn't been to fond of affection recently. Being with child made her uncomfortable and extremely depressed. 

Annalisa's shook her head, "We need to go to the ball. We can't be late."


Annalisa stood around with some newly introduced Lords and Ladies.

Lady Eleanor and Lord Jacque stood to her left, dressed in the Parisian fashions. They were close friends of Edward's family and Eleanor had become a close ally of hers. 

Lord Murrain stood to her right with the Lady Katherine on his arm, Lady Katherine being the newly introduced, long lost cousin of Eleanor's. Not only was she beautiful, but extremely smart and kind. She was, though, awfully distracted by a man. Her head snapped to attention every time Lord Drake passed her.

It was as if they shared a silent moment together every time he passed. A modern Romeo and Juliet.

"I must say, Lady Eleanor, the Holiday Ball is the grandest I've seen it at in years." Lord Murrain started out, smiling at Annalisa's friend.

The past few months, Annalisa had often received visits from Eleanor while she was alone in the palace. Eleanor seemed to understand that being pregnant was not as fun as it seemed and decided to take care of her herself.

Annalisa droned them out, listening to the other conversations from across the room, "They say she's just a seductress that lured the poor King into her trap."

"She is a bastard princess." Another voice said.

Just breath, Anna. They are just spreading rumors- it happens.

"What is your thought on it, my Queen?" Lord Jacque asked, crossing his arms and studying her intently.

"I think the ball is grand. I haven't been to one that was this grand in years." Annalisa answered doing her best to stutter, "You did great, Eleanor."

Eleanor smiled and reached out to grab Annalisa's hand, "Thank you, darling."

Another voice caught her ear, "I heard that after her parents' deaths, the new King refused to hold any balls."

Annalisa started to fan herself with the Ivory fan, feeling lightheaded.

"She's so unfashionable." Another woman muttered, "And she is certainly not handling that fan correctly."

"My Queen, are you alright?" Lady Katherine asked, creasing her eyebrow. Her face was etched with worry as she went from looking at Annalisa to looking at Lady Eleanor.

"I am fine, thank you for your concern, Lady Katherine." she replied, nodding her head.

Lord Jacque mirrored his wife's, "You are paling, Queen Annalisa. I think you should sit down."

Annalisa fanned faster and started to open her mouth but her mother-in-law started for her. Without a possible polite way to escape, the older woman joined their conversation with a happy grin.

"It's the baby. You know how they get- all those hot flashes. She should have taken more time in her bed than walking around her gardens. Of course, I am the only one who understands the concept of child bearing as I am the only one who has had children."

Annalisa watched as Eleanor's face heated up with embarrassment.

"You will have to excuse me, I am feeling quite ill." Annalisa whispered, starting to turn away. She was not going to add more stress to herself by staying with the older woman.

"Let me escort you, then." Eleanor offered, leading her out of the ballroom. She nodded at Lady Katherine before leaving with Annalisa.

Once they were out of view, Eleanor whispered, "You shouldn't listen to that old witch. She is just trying to make you feel less important."

Annalisa gave her a nervous laugh and brought her to a more secluded corner.

"I am fine, Eleanor, I promise." She whispered back.

Eleanor gripped her arm tighter as Annalisa closed her eyes. For some reason, the pain was stronger than it usually was and the fear was starting to eat at her.

"Lady—" Annalisa stopped as a white wave of panic took her over.

When they reopened, she opened them in her room, dressed in her night clothes.

The pains had returned, and a wet sensation started from her hips.

She was so cold and in so much pain.

"Eleanor..." She gasped, seeing her friend rush to her side.

"Annalisa, darling, you need rest." Eleanor warned, draping a cool cloth over her forehead.

"Edward... I need..."

Eleanor nodded, trying to shush her, "You shouldn't strain yourself. Think of your child, Annalisa."

"Edward." She cried out, reaching for the non-existent husband.

"Annalisa... You... You are bleeding." Eleanor said, pointing at the blood leaking for her.

Thank you to the @Happy_Purple_Monster. Who was amazing and made my beautiful cover!!!

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