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Rain left silent, melodic noise in the room as it splashed across the window that Annalisa stared out of. Tears streamed down her face quietly, and she let them fall, shamelessly. The memories of her past were haunting her, like a cycle of never-ending ghosts. 

All she wanted was peace. 

She missed her home country more than ever.  She was more than ready to go home. She was tired of feeling alone, even if she was marrying a future heir to the throne of England.

This wasn't what she expected when she came to England. Her brother had been asking for her to find someone to take care of her. He had his own family to take care of now. He had no time for a silly old maid such as Annalisa. He did not have the time to fight her battles.

Honestly, she wanted to run far away from England and hide within the common people. She felt more in her place there.

But she wasn't going to disappoint her parents. She had promised them that she would marry into a good family. She couldn't bring herself to fail. Not again. Marrying the Duke seemed the only way to keep her promise to her family and to protect herself.

"I will do my best, momma." She swore before getting back to bed.


"Good morning, sir." A maid called out to him before giggling and rushing off.

Edward sighed and rubbed his head. He had had too much to drink once again.

"Morning isn't your time, are they, Ed?" Drake asked, walking up to him, patting him on the back.

Edward growled, "Can't I get a break, Drake? She agreed, no pushing involved. I was a complete gentleman. "

Drake smiled, " I have no doubt you weren't a gentleman. I saw her this morning, quite a beauty, I must say despite the lack of sleep she received. Perhaps she is afraid of living with you. Your snore is so loud, it scares away half the world. "

Edward's heart dropped and ignored Drakes comment. He was more concerned about Annalisa, "What do you mean lack of sleep? She had the best guest room. Besides..."

"Today's the wedding Ed. Of course, she slept badly, she nervous." Drake simplified for him.

"Nervous? How can a woman be nervous on her wedding day? Shouldn't they be excited and flustered?" Edward questioned.

"Easily. Go see her, Ed." Drake replied, giving him a small smile.

"Since when did you become knowing of women? As far as I know, you've been woman-less for a long time."

Drake scowled at him, "Don't you have a fiancé to check on? You know nothing of my love life, Edward. I'll warn you, one day you'll find yourself very surprised."

Edward eyed him," This isn't finished, Drake. I'll come back to that last part."

He dashed off down the elegant halls, up a servant staircase and across the hall again until he reached the room Annalisa was staying in.

He raised his hand to knock but stopped for a moment, hesitating.

"Annalisa?" He asked, knocking softer than he originally wanted to.

He waited for a moment until the door swung open, revealing Annalisa, covered by a thin shaw.

"Herr?" She asked, confusion laced in her voice. She was shaking badly. She was definitely nervous, more than Drake had let on.

It was true that Edward had been with women before but never had he given a moment to care. He never sat down and analyzed a woman's emotions.

He swallowed, trying to stay calm.

"I heard that you were stressed. If you want something I will give it to you. All that is needed is to declare it." Edward said to her, holding her hands.

"I cannot receive what I truly want." She replied to him, looking at the floor.

"What do you want, please just tell me!" He begged her. He didn't like to see her worried and anxious. He knew he was the cause of this and he felt as if he owed her more than what she was receiving.

She went back inside of her room and stared at the view outside her window, overlooking the same rose garden as before.

"Annalisa, I love you, you know that right?" Edward said, touching her shoulder.

She jumped, pulling her body away from him. "I know." She replied.

"Ever since I saw you walking down the steps at the party. I will give you anything I can." He whispered, stroking her dark hair.

"You cannot give me what I want!" Annalisa cried, throwing her hands up in the air, "What I want can never be given back to me! I just want to know if this is the right thing to do and I cannot ask someone who wants this! I want my mother back, just for one day so she could advise me!"

Edward's eyes narrowed, "I can get her then..."

"Nein, you cannot, Edward. She died when we were attacked when I was small." She replied quietly.

His heart broke as he watched her let a small tear drip down her face.

He pulled her into his arms, "I will never leave you or mistreat you, Annalisa. You will be the only woman I truly love in this earth. No mistresses or any of that sort..."

Annalisa started to laugh, "What about your mother?"

"My mother? She has enough on her mind to live without that love. Besides, it's hard to love a woman who scowls all the time." He snorted, trying not to smile at her laughs.

"I think..." She took in a deep breath, "I think I can go through with this."

Edward smiled, "Then I will see you at the altar?" She nodded in return.

"Altar. That is a new word for me. Now leave so I may be prepared!" She ushered him out as he laughed.

"Beat that Drake!" He whispered to himself before nearly skipping down the halls again.

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