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Annalisa held Edward's hand as the walked along the small lake in the local park. They didn't talk to each other but enjoyed simply holding hands and being with each other. It didn't matter, however, because all they needed was to be near each other.

All the cares she had in the world seemed to disappear when she was with him. All the nightmares she had of Peter and the constant fear of being found sank below the waves of love that flooded her shore.

"Edward," She said when she stopped abruptly.


"When we get back, will you spend time on your duties or me? I fear you would tend more to your duties than to me. I understand that you have work to do, but I'd rather not have to be alone constantly." She asked, nervously.

"Love, my duties are to you." He answered placing a kiss on her small hand, "Haven't I always been there for you?"

Annalisa smiled gently, "When we first married, I was afraid of you. There was something about you that made me afraid of you."

Edward raised an eyebrow, "Were you? How was I scary to you?"

She shrugged, "How could you not be? I was marrying an unknown man from a foreign country. My English is not as good. I did not know the customs. I barely knew you."

"But I do not scare you know, do I?" He asked, planting a kiss on her hand.

"Of course not." She replied, grinning.


Edward walked into the dining room and looked around at the rich sight.

The generous King had offered to allow them to join his dinner, hoping to introduce his family. Annalisa had begged him saying, "He is your family now, nein? We shall go to him and meet my family, just as I have met yours."

He couldn't refuse her sweet face so now he waited for her to arrive so that he could tuck her to him and be introduced.

"Edward, come let me introduce you. There is no use in waiting for Annalisa." He heard Hans say from behind.

Apparently, the great king would not wait for his sister. He followed and let him introduce him to the long line of stuck up rich relatives. His English clashes with their native tongues, creating a barrier between them.

Edward felt that he should be angry with these men and woman. He felt like they had left Annalisa in the cold, letting her fight her nightmares by herself. He didn't think it was fair to ignore her, especially since she was so young.

He engaged himself in a friendly conversation of the Duke of Würzburg, comparing their duties as dukes.

"My sister tells me that your wife loves you dearly. Is that true? I find that such abrupt marriages often bring harsh challenges to the table. That is how my wife and I married. A sorry day that was." He scoffed.

Edward's brow creased, "Of course, she is my wife."

Edward avoided conversation after that with the duke because he felt like he had hit a soft spot on the duke's tough armor. He didn't care to discuss his unfortunate marriage.

It didn't matter though, because his world suddenly stopped.

The angel in pale blue stepped downstairs gracefully, smiling brightly at him as their eyes met. He stepped forward and took her arm, leading her over to the table.

Everyone in the room watched the elegant couple as he pulled out her chair for her to sit in and pushed her in.

"You look beautiful, Annalisa." He said, planting a kiss on her soft hand.

The Foreign BrideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang