Bonus Chapter Two

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Annalisa could not help but grin.

She loved watching Edward play with his son. After so long of being apart, it was nice to see him happy again.

"Mama! Mama, look at my snowman!" Her son giggled as he stumbled his way towards her. He fell into her arms with a large grin.

She smoothed back his dark curls, "You and your Daddy did very well, my libeling. Perhaps you should give him a scarf? It is awfully cold."

The little boy scrambled off of her lap and ran to the nursemaid, begging her for a scarf.

Edward came and sat down next to her, rubbing his hands together, "I fear our boy will never leave and we will freeze to death."

Annalisa smiles at her husband, "He's just like his father— passionate."

Edward leaned into her and whispered, "We can leave the nursemaid with him while we go upstairs..."

Annalisa giggled and shoved her husband gently, "We can do that later. For now, we shall watch our son explore a new world."

The small child had now wrapped his snowy friend in a scarf and was now making a snow angel.

Edward had since stood to rejoin his son in the snow, leaving Annalisa alone on the bench.

"Your majesty, may I sit next to you?" A quiet voice asked her.

Annalisa turned and smiled at the small French lady, Katherine. Annalisa moves over so that Katherine was able to sit with her.

A few days earlier, Lady Eleanor and her household had come to join Drake at the castle. She had not seen much of Katherine but Eleanor had made sure to keep Annalisa very busy.

The girl was very fragile looking, like a glass slipper about to crash to the floor. In more recent times, Katherine had looked pale than she had in the past— as if something were ailing her.

"May I ask you a question, your majesty?" Katherine asked, after a few seconds of silence between them.

"You may."

"How did you know your husband was the one?" Katherine asked, looking at her dubiously.

Annalisa smiled brightly, "Oh, I didn't."

Katherine tilted her head slightly in confusion, "I am sorry, your majesty, but I do not understand."

Annalisa nodded, "I didn't either. I had spent my whole life doing this exactly how the rules told me to. I never took any chance. My life was dull and uneventful. When Edward proposed— if you can even call it a proposal— I said yes. I feared that I had made a mistake. I even considered walking out of our wedding."

"When did you realize the truth?" Katherine whispered.

Annalisa's eyes focused on her husband out in the distance. Her smile faded slightly, "My dear, if he is truly the right one, you will know. I married a man quickly because I wanted an adventure and that is what I got. Well... and my son, of course."

"So, what you are saying is to take a chance?" Katherine asked.

"Well," Annalisa laughed, "What I was trying to say is that you will know when your man is actually your man, but I guess that came out as take a chance."

Katherine smiled at her, "Yes, your message was a little... lost."

Annalisa shrugged, "Maybe I am not the one to ask. I was lucky. I believe Eleanor did the same thing with Lord Jacque. Let me tell you this, Edward was the best decision I made, even if it was a rash one. Well, I wish you the best of luck, but I probably should go make sure those two behave."

Katherine curtsied as Annalisa made her way over to where Edward and her son were.


Annalisa smiled, "Come here."

The boy ran forward and Annalisa placed a small bundle of snow in his hands, "Go throw this at your Daddy and see what happens." She whispered.

Edward gave her a small glare as he pretended to be afraid of the impending doom following behind his son.

"No, no! Please, I beg of you! Have mercy on a poor soul as I!" Edward cried, throwing his hands up in the air.

The little boy giggled as he threw the snowball and watched as his father fell to the snowy floor.


Later, as the young boy went inside, Edward took his wife aside, "Come with me."

Her eyes widened, like an innocent doe, "Where?"

Edward smiled and tugged her hand, "Dancing."

She followed him through the woods and over to a frozen lake, "I hope you are not thinking what you are—"

Edward got onto the ice and held out his hand to her, "Come join me."

Her eyes narrowed at him, "No funny business?"

He smiled, "Have faith, Annalisa."

He watched as his wife gingerly stepped out onto the ice and made her way over to him. She had always been gracefully on the ice, like the Queen of winter, compared to him.

It had taken him weeks to learn how to properly skate.

He took her hands and started to hum a tune. Edward led her in a dance like they had on their tour of Germany.

He twirled her around and brought her close to him, "You know, I thought you were beautiful when I married you but nothing compares to how you look right now."

Edward watched as her cheeks blushed, her hand covering his heart, "You spoil me."

Edward brushed his lips across hers, "I do only what I can do for you, my darling."

Annalisa placed her head on his chest as they swirled around the ice, "I loved you more than yesterday but never more than tomorrow."

Edward didn't reply. All he could do was smile and hold his true love.

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