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The sound of constant beeping woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and that when I realised it was my alarm. I moved my hand to the other side of the bed to see if Alessandro  was still there but he wasn't.
I decided that today I'm going in to school. At first Alessandro wasn't thrilled by the idea but he understands that I don't have long before I won't have a choice in whether I can go or not because when the twins are here I'll have to care for them.
I rubbed my flat stomach with a smile plastered on my face. Wow. I never thought I would be so lucky.
I slowly rolled out of bed and managed to stumble my way into the the shower.

Once I was out the shower I got into my outfit for the day and went downstairs to get breakfast.
I trudged down the stairs and walked into the kitchen expecting there to be no one but to my surprise Rodrigo was sat down.
" good morning " I greeted him with as I walked over to get some cereal out the cupboard.
He smiled at me and greeted me back.
" how are you this morning ?" He asked. I'm guessing he was talking about the babies and me.
" I'm okay thanks. I'm excited to be back at school but nervous as you never know what could happen now I'm pregnant. " I said with a chuckle as I poured the milk into my bowl of cereal.
" well if you ever need me just call. If Alessandro doesn't pick up then you can call me " he assured me.
" thanks " I told him as I sat down opposite him to eat my cereal.
" so how's it going in the mafia lately?" I asked him as I took a mouthful of my breakfast.
He sighed in frustration before he proceeded to talk.
" we are just trying to find this leader and group. I know it's stressing out Alessandro as all he wants to do is keep you and the babies safe. We all do. " he said with a smile.
" I can always help. I think sometimes Alessandro thinks I'm incapable of defending myself or helping you guys out. "
" I know. I reckon you can be quite scary " he said while laughing.
" oh yes " I said while laughing too.
I did get on with Rodrigo well but not as well as Leo. I was close with both of them which was good as I need people in this house that I can trust.

Once I finished breakfast I realised it was time to go. I shouted for Alessandro.
After a few minutes he came walking down the stairs. His eyes slightly lit up when he saw me. Whenever I saw him something inside me lit up.
" hey baby" he said to me as he walked over to me and enveloped me into a big comforting hug.
" are you feeling okay ?" He asked me as he placed a hand on my stomach.
" yeah I feel fine at the moment " I told him as we made our way out to the car.
My morning sickness has started but this morning I felt completely fine which was good.

Once I arrived at school I was about to get out the car when Alessandro muttered my name.
" Mia, remember text me or call me if you need me"
I nodded in response to him.
" oh and one last thing " he said which made me turn around to face him. He smooshed his lips up against mine. Our kiss deepened until I ran out of breath.
I pulled away breathless and flustered. Alessandro gave a smug smile before driving off leaving me standing on the side of the pavement stunned.
"Let's do this " I whispered to my babies as I placed a hand over my stomach.

By the time it was second lesson, it felt like I'd never been away. Everything felt so normal.
Cara was in my English class and we both kept muttering to each other. She sat next to me so it was good for some company.
We were study William Shakespeare- Romeo and Juliet. A love that was tragic. A love where the other was prepared to die to be with their other half in another life.
I gulped, thinking about all the possibilities of Alessandro and I. The thought that we were involved in the mafia never left my head. I've grown up with it yet now I felt less safe. Maybe it was because I was being followed? Or the the fact that I now had to protect another two lives as well as mine and alessandro's.
" so how are you and Alessandro going ?" Cara whispered quietly while smiling. Just as I was about to answer a wave of nausea hit me. I quickly ran out the classroom leaving the teacher calling my name a faint mutter in the distance. I sprinted down the corridors until I reached the bathroom. I locked the bathroom door and bent down over the toilet bowl just in time.

While I was sat down on the floor in front of the toilet there were multiple bangs on the door yet I ignored them all. I didn't want anyone knowing about me. Not yet anyway. I wanted it to be kept a secret as long as I could.
Once the nausea seemed to pass I fumbled around in my pocket to try and find my phone. Luckily I found it and I quickly dialled alessandro's number.

Phone call
-Ringing - 
" hello " Alessandro said
" Alessandro please come and get me " I said in the strongest voice I could muster yet it came out as weak and croakey.
" baby, what's happened?" He asked concerned as I heard in the background the door shutting and him getting in his car.
" it's morning sickness. "
" I'm on my way, okay ? " he told me.
" thank you " I told him as I placed my phone back down on the floor as I felt another wave of nausea hit. I gripped the toilet bowl either side with my hands as I deposited more of my breakfast.
" stay on the phone with me " Alessandro told me. I could hear his frustrated mutters at traffic.

After a gruelling 10 minutes I finally heard alessandro's voice on the other side of the door.
" let me in Mia " he said encouragingly. I managed to twist my body and unlock the bathroom stool.
He came running inside and squatted by my side.
" it's okay " he assured me as he rubbed my back and held my hair back.

We stayed like this for a little while before I felt well enough to go. I wasn't feeling well enough to go back into lessons so Alessandro said he will take me home.
He put his arm around my waist as he supported me to the car.
We drove away leaving the school a spec in the distance.

End of chapter

Omg, guys can I just say thank you!!! 5K! Like what, that is unreal. I've been getting lots of comments and votes recently and I am so happy. Thank you for reading! I love you all.

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