7.14 (2)

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After dinner, the younger son took the older son to the house to chat. Old Liu helped his wife clean the dishes. Although he was happy his son came back, he didn’t know why his heart felt uncomfortable.

“Let’s watch Caicai for a while, don’t let him go out. My heart feels uncomfortable.”

“You’re a soft-hearted man. These kinds of things aren’t accurate. When I wasn’t married yet, my Second Sister got married. The fortune teller said that she and my Brother-in-law were a match made in heaven. What happened? In less than half a year, she went home crying and got divorced.”

“I know, but the man doesn’t look like a liar. He looks like the immortals in those paintings, and Uncle Genzi said he was accurate. You know Uncle Genzi never lies.”

Hearing ‘Uncle Genzi’, her hands that were washing dishes paused. She had some hesitation on her face, but soon found a reason, “Uncle is easier to cheat than you. He must have been fooled. The man told you the water’s edge? Caicai doesn’t like to go out. There isn’t any water’s edge at home. Let him stay at hope properly.”

“All right, all right. If you aren’t assured, I’ll watch Caicai. I won’t tell him to go out. All right?”

Although she didn’t agree with her husband’s words, she couldn’t neglect the distress look on his frowning face, so she agreed.

“Huahua rarely comes home. Quickly, go inside and talk with him. If he’s tired, tell him to rest. Tell Caicai to keep quiet.”

Old Lai nodded. Digging his pocket, ready to take out a cigarette to smoke, he suddenly remembered that his eldest son didn’t like it when he smoked. So, he quickly stuffed it back in.

His son always said that smoking was harmful to his health, and every time he saw him smoking, he contemplated on take him to a big city for a physical examination.

It’s fine. Why should he spend that money? His son is at home these days, so he had to avoid him when smoking.

When she saw her man enter the house, the wife smiled and continued to scrub the dishes. Her happy mood continued because of her son’s return.

She felt that she was really lucky to marry such a good man and give birth to such a good child.

When her Older Sister’s husband died, there was only one Caicai who was still a baby, and a few hundred yuan that wasn’t enough to support a child. When her brother-in-law’s relatives threw the child away, it was obvious that their family’s condition weren’t good at that time, but her husband still decided to take the child in.

The man raised Caicai as his own child, and Huahua accepted his younger brother, played with him and taught him to read and write.

Looking at the whole village, which family was willing to feed a child for nothing? So, she was really lucky.

When the woman finished washing the dishes, she saw that the table had been cleared by her husband, so she shook water off her hands and went into the house. The younger son was laughing around the eldest son and played around with him. Maybe because he was tired after working during the day, her husband was already lying in bed and snoring loudly.

She gently came closer to her sons, “All right, you two go play in your own room, Dad is tired, let Dad sleep.”

Caicai still wanted to stay and watch TV, but the elder son was sensible. He picked up his younger brother, “Let’s go, brother will take you to my room to play cards.”

This was a game that the brothers could play all day with one deck of cards.

Watching her two sons go out, the woman sat by the bed with a smile and took off her husband’s shoes.

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