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Qi Jingshu was not spoiled when she was a child, but no matter how busy her mother was, she always spared some time to go home and cook, so her childhood life was completely carefree.

When she was just promoted to junior high school, her parents died, and her brother was busy with graduation. Although he gave Qi Jingshu money to buy food, she was sensible enough to start cooking by herself.

Over the years, her cooking skills got better day by day.

Her little niece was also a sensible girl. Usually children her age didn't like to do housework, not to mention playing around a lot, but Qi Jiayu had been a good girl since she was little. Now even more so, she can help Qi Jingshu with household chores.

The aunt and niece sat together at the table in the courtyard to peel beans.

Thinking of what Wei Mingyan said to her, Qi Jingshu carefully looked at her niece who was seriously looking at the food in her hand, and bit her lips while peeling it.

"Jiayu, if Auntie told Mom and Dad that you should transfer to another school, would you agree?"

The little girl looked up in surprise, her eyes full of joy.

"Can I not go to this school? But didn't Mom and Dad already pay for it? If I don't go, will it be a waste..."

Seeing her excited and timid, Qi Jingshu's heart cooled down.

How could such a lovely child suffer such a thing ...

She raised a smile on her face. "Don't worry, the money will be returned. Does Jiayu want to go to other schools?"

"Yes! Auntie, can I really transfer?"

Qi Jiayu's beautiful big eyes were full of hope, fearing that her aunt was just saying that.

She really didn't want to stay in that school anymore.

Everyone didn't like her, they laughed at her, and Liu Momo would bully her. Every night, when she lied under her quilt, she couldn't help but secretly cry.

Several times, Qi Jiayu couldn't resist and wanted to tell Mom and Dad about it.

But she was afraid to say it.

Mom and Dad were so happy when they sent her to that school. They also said that as long as she could go to this school, it didn't matter if they were bitter and tired. Her Aunt was tired of taking care of her every day, so she can't make any more trouble.

The small child has learned in her heart to not cause trouble for her family by keeping it to herself.

Compared with other children, Qi Jiayu, was the one with the most psychological maturity for her age.

"Of course it's true. Your Mom and Dad listen to your Aunt most, don't they? If I tell them, they will surely agree."

Qi Jiayu looked at her niece's clever and sensible appearance, her heart ached when she thought of what she had experienced.

At the beginning, when she was in high school, she almost committed suicide when she was bullied. However, because her family was powerless, she could only watch the perpetrators transfer schools and leave.

From that time on, the cheerful Qi Jingshu changed.

She began to learn to endure, and will only endure when she encounters things, because she knew that even if she really stopped enduring and made a scene, the one who will benefit in the end will definitely not be herself.

"Okay, the beans are done being peeled, so go inside and watch TV until they come back and I'll talk to them, okay?"


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