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Qi Zhongjie's reputation has plummeted because of this incident. His character and temper are not very good. Even if he tries to hide it on the screen, you can more or less see it when you're in his circle of contacts.

It's like when the Song God found Qi Zhongjie was only gentle in front and secretly vented his anger on his husky behind him. Many people found his true temperament, but because he was good at hiding his real face and Qi Zhongjie's career was booming, most of them chose silence or secretly noted it for ambushes.

In the entertainment circle, the most typical sentence is 'to kick a person when he's down.'

Qi Zhongjie and Wei Mingyan had a long history of grudges since they were exposed online. This time, his reveal was the beginning of the frame-up, and the comments on the Internet began to overwhelm him.

A group of celebrities, like other people, watched for a while and found that someone behind Wei Mingyan was determined to engage in battle with Qi Zhongjie. They immediately became interested. Celebrities who had been offended and had to suffer losses came out one by one to declare their position. The real black material was thrown out.

Right now, it was modern society, as long as you wanted to, you can easily find one or two videos. Soon, news such as [Qi Zhongjie had an argument with others on set], [Qi Zhongjie threw water on the assistant's face], [Qi Zhongjie used the backdoor to get a role] and so on– appeared one after another.

There was no room for fans to doubt it, there were pictures and facts.

The prosperity he has worked so hard to build over the years was completely destroyed overnight.


"These ..."

Song Qi was at Wei Mingyan's home when the series of things happened online due to the exposure of her love affair. She was stunned by the information he handed over.

Most of these materials are photos. To take care of Song Qi's feelings, they were censored with a mosaic, but they could still be vaguely seen. These were pictures of seriously injured animals.

"These cats and dogs were left near the villa area after being abused by someone. Because most of the residents are celebrities who need privacy, there is no monitoring in the villa area, and the security guards do not know how these cats and dogs appeared there. One of them kindly sent two surviving cats to the veterinary hospital. The Doctor checked and said that the vocal cords were cut off."

Wei Mingyan looked at his beloved's horrified expression. He skipped these cruel pictures as fast as possible and went on to say, "They guessed that someone was abusing cats and dogs in the villa area. Because there had been several complaints, they had planned to call the police. But since then, there has never been any abused animals showing up anymore, so the matter was dismissed."

Song Qi turned pale, stopped looking at the bloody picture, glanced at his face and asked, "are these animals related to Qi Zhongjie?"

"Yes." Wei Mingyan gently took the information from her hand, and turned it over it on the table. He calmly, and gently stroked Song Qi's hand.

"Someone told me before that Qi Zhongjie was unfriendly to his pet. I asked someone to check it out. Before Qi Zhongjie moved into the villa, there had never been anything like this."

"After the time his garden was rebuilt, animal bodies never appeared again, and someone once sent a blog post saying that he occasionally saw someone feeding stray cats and dogs. He was very caring and finally left with a cat in his arms. According to the picture, although Qi Zhongjie used a disguise, it should be him."

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