6.6 (1)

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Xuan Lele was born in a small town, and it was only when she went to university that she was able to leave that small town for the bustling metropolis.

The daily expenses and tuition fees here were much higher, so she didn't have much left after paying for them. Thus, Xuan Lele started her part-time career, and bought a second-hand mobile phone for the convenience of contacting people. As expected of such a cheap item, many functions couldn't be used. Basically, it was just an object to call and send text messages.

Usually, she worked part-time besides studying, and had little time to rest. Of course, she didn't make time for entertainment. Although she knew of live broadcasting, she has never watched any, much less use it.

Yang Qing liked watching live broadcasts, specifically live games, but since Xuan Lele wasn't usually in the dorms, and even if she were, Yang Qing was afraid of disturbing her and wore headphones, so Xuan Lele never knew of it.

Basically, she didn't really understand what her boyfriend was doing, but she trusted her boyfriend, so she sat next to him and watched Wei Mingyan finish today's content.

"Today's lesson is over. Now, my girlfriend will replace me, and from now on she will be in her internship lecture period. Any of my friends who have something to do can leave first."

[Wait??? Girlfriend??]

[Big Brother, aren't you single? I'm so disappointed!]

[So, this is a couple's lecture? Old Brother is going steady ah!]

[Will your girlfriend show her face?]

Xuan Lele, who was gradually relaxing after getting comfortable next to him, tightened up for an instant, looked at the black screen and the barrage of messages scrolling past, and subconsciously grabbed her boyfriend's hand. "I, I can't ..."

[Your girlfriend has a nice voice. Is Little Sister going out with you?]

[Wow, do you need to find someone with a voice as good as yours when you fall in love? One by one, it's like your voice is overpowering!]

[Off topic: Isn't it the anchor girlfriend's turn to tutor now?]

Xuan Lele was now too afraid to look at what was crossing over the top of the screen. She was so nervous that she whispered, "I really can't."

"Didn't you tutor students as well? Come and give it a try. If it's really impossible, I'll turn it off."

"Besides, I'm doing this for free. So, no one will say anything, even if you speak poorly."

Wei Mingyan knew that his girlfriend had a terrible inferiority complex. She was obviously beautiful and had good grades, but she always felt that she wasn't good enough.

Such a personality was mostly forced into her, prompted by her surroundings. The more this was the case, the more she needed to be encouraged to speak to crowds and cultivate self-confidence.

Xuan Lele's biggest shortcoming was that she couldn't be persuaded by advice. Now that her boyfriend has persuaded her, she felt embarrassed, but still put on her headphones.

Her boyfriend's slender and beautiful fingers turned the pages and point them toward the written paper. Xuan Lele studied Wei Mingyan's tone of voice from earlier, stammered and began to talk about the subject.

"Now let's look at page ten ..."

[The Little Sister is a bit nervous. She's so cute and sweet. I can tell by her voice that she's a cute girl.]

[I hate you guys who listen to the voice and judge people. Can't a cute voice come from an old maid?]

[I think the girlfriend speaks very good ah, I can see that she has a solid foundation like the anchor, and is a Study Goddess. Quickly taking out my little notebook to take notes!]

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