Chapter One

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Mer's POV:

I couldn't believe it.

He chose Addison, he actually chose Addison.



" Meredith get your arse down here before I drag your arse to work!"

"Right i'm coming" Cristina yelled

And with that Cristina came into my room and quite literally pulled me out from my safe place which didn't seem so safe anymore.

" nooooo i don't what to go, people are going to stare at me Cristina do you know how embarrassing that will be?" I whined

"Listen Mer, i know this will be hard to hear but Derek chose Addison now you need to-"

Before i could even let Cristina finish i had to run to the bathroom, to empty what ever i had in my stomach, i must of eaten something bad last night.

"God mer are you okay?"

"yea i'm fine it is probably something i ate last night, let's go to work."

Cristina's POV:

I'm getting worried about Mer she hasn't been herself since Derek chose Addison, and now she is sick something isn't adding up. I make a mental note to talk to Mer about it later.

Mer's POV:

As i entered into Seattle Grace I'm met with dozens of eyes stuck on me waiting for me to break. I can't do this with the constant stares and whispers maybe i should transfer to another programme now that's an idea, I'll talk to the Chief before my shift finishes.


*later in her shift*

I was on my way to the chief's office as i was walking i could tell people were staring at me, i just need to get away from here, i have emailed multiple hospitals and got accepted to the programme in Michigan and now all i have to do is talk to Rich-

Watch where you're going i looked up and my eyes met the ocean blue ones i'm trying to hate but can't.

" sorry Mer i wasn't looking where i was walking."

"it's Meredith to you, only my friends get to call me Mer and you are clearly not my friend."

I stormed off not caring what Derek was thinking or how he reacted he didn't deserve a moment of my time.


*knock knock*

"Come in"

"Good afternoon Meredith what do i owe this pleasure?"

"Good afternoon sir, i'm here to tell you that i'm resigning and moving away to Michigan, but i would prefer if you don't tell people where i'm going just that i'm leaving."

"Meredith may i ask why you are leaving it is because of Derek? I can talk to him if you want me to."

"Respectfully sir, i would rather you didn't. I just need you to sign these papers and i would be leaving in a weeks time."

"As long as you are sure about this Meredith and there will always been a place in the programme here waiting for you, we will miss you greatly."

"Thank you Chief, thank you for everything."

I left the office and just like that my new life is about to begin. I need to make sure I tell Crsitina.


Cristina's POV:

I was walking around the cardio floor looking for Burke when i saw McAss and i really wanted to slap him across the face right then and there or at the very lest use some strong language but I knew that would not have helped Meredith.


"Meredith is everything okay?!"

" no- i- need- to- talk- to- you"

You could tell she had been running to find me.

"Yea so go on"

" not here" she was pulling me into a on call room which was a bit sus.

" so i'm leaving.... i'm moving to Michigan to live and work. Only you and Richard know where i'm going and i would really appreciate it if you don't tell people especially Derek where i am. And i'll call you all the time-

" when you do leave?"

"a weeks time listen Cris just know i had no other choice to leave."

I just stood there trying to hold back my tears.

Mer's POV:

I just spoke to Richard now i need to find Cristina but before i do i need to go to the bathroom i can feel myself about to vomit. And sure enough i do, damn whatever i ate really isn't aggreging with me. I found Cristina on the Cardio floor of course and i had just run to find her so i was bit out of breath.


"Meredith is everything okay?!"

" no- i- need- to- talk- to- you"

"Yea so go on"

" not here" i pulled her into the on call room

" so i'm leaving.... i'm moving to Michigan to live and work. Only you and Richard know where i'm going and i would really appreciate it if you don't tell people especially Derek where i am. And i'll call you all the time-

" when you do leave?"

"a weeks time listen Cris just know i had no other choice to leave."

I could tell she was trying not to cry she didn't say anything so i just pulled her into a hug and we cried, this was one of the last times we would see each other in person i just wish things were different.

woah big chapter (the biggest i've written yet) so i hope you like it i'm going to do a small time jump for when she finds out she is pregnant. As usual leave advice etc in the comments :).

Have a great day


Word count: 874

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