Chapter 25

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Meredith's POV:

All I feel is pain, and even then I don't know if I can feel all of my injuries because I'm in shock. God, why do these things keep happening to me, to the people around me why is the universe so screwed up?

I'm not sure how long I've been lying here for and I don't know how long I can stay awake as the darkness around me is so warm and welcoming I just want to join it and stay there for while because that is where I am safe.


Derek's POV:

I left for work before Mer did so I could prep for my surgery but now my surgery has finished and I notice she hasn't messaged me letting me know that she has arrived at work, which is odd because she always makes sure she does text me so I don't worry and end up hovering over her. Something isn't adding up first she cries most of the night over something she won't tell me and now she isn't texting me to let me know if she got here safely.

I've come to the conclusion that she must have gotten pulled into a trauma case and working on a patient but I can't help but feel that a piece of the puzzle is missing, if I still haven't heard from her I will talk to Cristina and co.

Cristina's POV:

Meredith hasn't come into work yet and has missed rounds which didn't make Bailey very happy as she is now missing a resident without any notice. But it doesn't add up, Derek asked me to look after her today and see if she is okay but yet she hasn't turned up for work.

"Cristina, do you know where Meredith is? I saw Derek with the twins this morning and he said that she would be coming in, well hours ago now."

"No. Bambi I don't know where is she and she isn't answering her pager or her phone she must have taken a day for herself."

"Okay, but if she doesn't come to work soon should we go over and see if she is at home just to be sure?"

"Actually Bambi, that is a good idea who knew you had some."

"Cristina, Mer might be sick okay? You don't need to tease me."

"Whatever Bambi, I'll see you at lunch? Oh and tell Izzie and Alex that we are going to Mer's after work to see if she is okay?"

"Sure Cristina, it's not like it was my idea or anything."


Meredith's POV:

I'm trying to determine what injuries I have so far I have been able to identify some of them, there is a clear dislocation in my elbow, possible broken jaw, broken leg, and arm and I think something is wrong with my ears, I'm by the road but I can't seem to hear any of the cars driving past or the sirens of the ambulances coming to E.R which I'm only metres away from.

If only I could move a little closer to the hospital then I would be able to be seen and helped but I can't move without pain seeping through my whole body. So I stay here in the cold letting the the darkness take over once more.

Derek's POV:

I've had surgeries after surgeries but I still haven't heard anything from Meredith and I'm starting to worry, I left before she did, I didn't get a message from her now I really need to talk to Cristina and see if she is at work and safe in a O.R safe anywhere really.


"Ah, Dr.Bailey how can I help you I'm about to go grab lunch."

"Well, actually I was wondering if you could tell me why Meredith hasn't turned up for her shift today? Do you happen to know why that is?"

Meredith has even turned up to work! This isn't like her something is definitely wrong and I need to figure out what.

"Um sorry but no I don't know, she was up this morning and left for work, have we checked if her car is here? Did she let the others know?"

"Derek, something is wrong and we need to figure out what, I'll tell you what you go look for her car I will talk to the rest of them and dig out whatever I can from them and we will meet back here in 20?"

"Okay thank you, Bailey."

"I hope I'm right and nothing is wrong."

"Me too, me too."

Bailey's POV:

Okay, so Meredith hasn't turned up for work but she told Derek she was coming to work today, she didn't tell the others something just isn't adding up.

"You four, why isn't Meredith at work today?"

G- "We don't know, we were going to go to her house after work to see if she is alright. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, yes everything is okay let me know if she is feeling alright."

They know nothing, for once Meredith hasn't filled them in on her life that's a shocker.


Derek's POV:

I make my way to the car park to look for Meredith's Jeep and I search every single lane and I find it parked right next to mine. This doesn't make sense she told me she was coming to work and her car is here yet no one has seen her at all today. I begin to walk back towards the hospital through the main entry which isn't the normal route normally Mer and I come through the E.R incase of any emergencies that need us right away.

"Hey Debbie, I was wondering if you could page Meredith Grey please."

"Dr. Shepherd we have been paging her all day and we have gotten no answer for all the times we have tried sorry. Would you still like me to page her?"

" no it's okay."

Meredith's POV:
I start to feel my eyes opening again, I look around and I see blood around me, my blood I notice that the sun is starting to set and if I'm not found soon I will most likely die out here.
I can't die.
I can't leave Derek and the girls.

"Help please."

I begin to cry from just saying those two words.

"Help please"

I try once again in the hopes someone will hear the whimper that is my voice, but it doesn't take long before everything goes dark for a third time.

Hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter sorry bad grammar I'm writing this on my phone so I don't have grammarly by my side 😂. Sorry if this chapter drags a bit I kind of wanted it to give it some suspense, also I basically just used the injuries from the attack in season 12 🙃.
If you liked his chapter don't forget to vote or comment it would mean a lot to me 😁
Have a great day

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