Chapter 24

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Lexie's POV:

"Really? Did she say that! Did she move to Michigan?"

"Ella, I wish I could tell you but I just started a sister-type relationship so I can only tell you the things I've already told you."

"Just wait till you have tequila in your system then you will start telling me all the tea."

"I've had enough to drink for tonight I think I'm just going to brush my teeth and call it a night."

"Oh, you're such a bore, Lexie."

"Goodnight Ella."

I can't believe it, I'm an auntie (again) but I'm an auntie to Mer's children and she is letting me in I have another sister and it seems that she is starting to accept me into her family, our family we are becoming the family I've dreamt of since I found out about Meredith.

I got into bed and I just couldn't stop thinking about the evening that just happened it feels like it was all a dream and that I will wake up and everything will go to it was before I came here and I'm scared of the reality if it was really, in fact, a dream.

Oh, I hope this was real because it was so.......perfect.


Derek's POV:

Lexie has just left and I can tell Meredith has something on her mind, but she is like a closed book you never know if she is sad or happy you are left in the dark trying to figure out what goes on inside that head of hers.

"See Mer, it wasn't that bad. I'm proud of you, you are making progress with Lexie you're letting her in, Mer you have a family that is someone you should be smiling about."

"Derek, I already had a family. You and the twins."

And just like that Meredith began to storm off I am really confused she looked like she was having a really great time with Lexie and now she is pissed at me? So I did the only thing I could do, I followed her into our room to get to the bottom of this.

"Mer what the hell you can't just snap at me and walk away like it's nothing."

She turned away and I saw her tear-stained face and my heart broke but I don't know why she would be crying, tonight went perfect, great dinner (if I say so myself) great company, great music, and conversations everything went well so I'm confused on why Mer is crying.

"Please, Derek not now. Not today."

"Meredith, talk to me something must be up if you storm off to our room and break down into tears. Now please talk to me I can help you.'

"You can't help Derek unless you can change the past and you aren't  God or father time so you can't help okay? Can we please just cuddle?"

I can't say no to that face, I may be confused but at the end of the day if Mer needs me I will be there for her no matter what, no matter the argument.


Meredith's POV:

I can't tell Derek why I am upset because it is over something so stupid and pathetic, it's just it pains me to think about how my dad left me and replaced me with a new family, and don't get me wrong I like Lexie, I think she is really nice girl but knowing that she was picked over me it's hard to act like it doesn't affect me. Like our dad came to the hospital to shoot me if that doesn't show a broken bond I don't know what does.

I can tell Derek is still awake, I constantly keep moving despite his arms wrapped around me and I didn't even notice that there were tears trickling down my cheeks, so it can tell it didn't take Derek much to wake up again.

And right on cue, Derek flicks the lamp on.

"Mer, what's wrong? You keep moving and you are clearly crying because you're crying onto my arms, and I personally don't want my arms getting stained with your tears."

Now I feel bad I've kept Derek up and I've used him as a crying pillow.

"I'm okay, just go back to sleep I'll be quiet I promise."

"I'm awake now so we can either talk about what is bothering you or sit here until you choose to talk either way we are going to talk because I hate seeing you upset so let me help."

"Derek, It's nothing okay? I- just go back to sleep I'll just have a shower and then everything will be fine okay?"

"Fine, but we are talking about this at some point."

I know I should tell Derek but he won't understand, and it isn't a big deal.


*The next morning*

Derek's POV:

It was a rough night last night, Mer was in her dark and twisty place and chose to sleep on the couch despite my many objections but she was adamant so we both could get some sleep, but I know something is bothering and I also know she isn't ready to open up to me but she may be ready to open up to Cristina.

*text messages*

D- Hi Cristina, I think Mer is in the dark and twisty place so could please look out for her today and maybe tell me why she is in the dark and twisty place?

C- McDreamy doesn't know why his girlfriend is upset? You must have really fucked up.

D- I didn't do anything.....that I'm aware of.

C- Exactly that you know of.

D-  Please can you just look out for her?

C- Fine no need to get your knickers in a twist.

D- Thank you, Cristina.

*end of message*

Did I do something wrong?

Meredith's POV;

I can't shake the feeling that I am unwanted and that I am replaceable and to top it off I have a really bad gut feeling that I'm being followed, I stop in front of the hospital and look around and see no one. Okay Meredith you're not being followed you are being paranoid, wait what was the sound?

I quickly turn around and the next thing I feel is myself hitting the concrete  I faintly feel myself getting dragged somewhere but the darkness is just so welcoming and I go to join in.

I'm knocked unconscious. 

Sorry for not updating in a while, I hope you liked this chapter, and thank you so much for 7k reads it means so much to me! Don't forget to vote or comment or both if you feel like it :)

If you have any ideas let me know I'm always open to new ideas.

Have a great day.


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