Chapter 10

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*four weeks later*

Mer's POV:

Okay, so after dwelling on whether or not to come to Seattle for the past four weeks I have finally made my decision, I'm going to go to Seattle I just need to know if Cristina, Izzie, Alex, and George are alright so as soon as I can I will be flying to Seattle Grace Hospital. Wish me luck.


Derek's POV:

It has been four weeks since the "incident" as we are calling it, I don't remember much besides getting shot and losing consciousness and waking up in the hospital, but it wasn't Seattle Grace that much I do remember. I was at Seattle Press, I had to stay there for at least a week while they removed the bloodstains off the floors and sadly remove the bodies of the ones who didn't survive. May they rest in peace.


I got many visitors. My mum, my sisters but no Meredith she is the only person I really want to see because after all she is carrying my child and I haven't been there at all for the pregnancy. Cristina has been very nice to me which isn't like her at all, she has been telling me the Mer is doing alright, and now is at 28 weeks I just really wish I could see her and say how sorry I am and how much I love her.


Cristina's POV:

Izzie, George, Alex, and I at Mer's old house, Mer had left behind some old surgery tapes so we decided to watch them and drink beer and eat pizza, then we heard the doorbell ring.

Izzie- "I'll get it, pause the tv"

"Mer?! What are you doing here and YOUR PREGNANT?!"

Alex- "What Mers knocked up?!"

George- "What?!?" 

Mer really came, I didn't think she would but she actually came oh my god she would have to see Derek before he finds out from the gossip that she is back.

Mer- Okay, I am knocked up, and no I don't want to talk about who the father is or why I left, I'm only here to see if everyone is okay, and please don't tell people I'm here or that I'm pregnant, please? I'm looking at you, Alex."

Alex- I wasn't going to say a word, but I'm sure we all have questions that don't involve you leaving or the father. Right guys?"

Izzie&George- "Right"

Izzie- Cristina you're awfully quiet aren't you happy to see Mer? Oh god!  you already knew that's why you always had to fly out of Seattle! You were going to see Mer! And you didn't tell us!"

"Yea, I knew but Mer over here was being her normal stubborn self and wouldn't let me tell anyone not even the father. Although he found out anyway."

Izzie- "What is the bet McDreamy is the father"


Izzie- "no you're kidding"


Meredith's POV:

I can't believe I just came back to Seattle what was I thinking, I can't come back here. Everyone will know that Derek knocked me up and Derek will use his McDreamy smile and noooooo why the hell did I come back.

Nonetheless, I found myself standing in front of my childhood home my thumb inches away from the doorbell.


They were all bombarding me with questions, so I thought the best way to get them to shut up is to tell them.... everything.

After a good two hours of storytelling, they were all gobsmacked to learn that I was expecting twin girls and Derek doesn't know the genders or that they are twins, it took another two hours of them convincing me to go to the hospital to see Derek tomorrow. I have to face him eventually and I guess tell him everything.


*the next day*

Derek's POV:

I'm bored out of my mind I have been in this hospital bed for 4 weeks and still have at least three days left! It's torture that's what it is, I should be cutting into brains not sitting in bed all day watching tv and eating this crap they give as "food".

"Um sorry to interrupt your thoughts, Dr.  Sheppherd but you have a visitor. Would you like me to send them through?"

"Sure, send them through and tell them they don't need to ask."

"um, hey Derek."

I knew that voice and I knew that scent, it only belonged to one person and that person is Meredith the love of my life the carrier of my child, she really is here, she really came.

"Meredith? Is this a dream?"

"I wish it was, but no I'm here in Seattle but not for long I just came to see if everyone is okay."

"I'm fine Mer, besides the whole getting shot by your father thing, but you being here has made all the pain that I may have had go away.  So are you just going to stand there or are you going to tell me why you left and how my child is doing?"



"It's twins Derek, twin girls."

I was shocked there will two little Grey-Shepherds, and I couldn't be more excited.

"Wow, that's great new Mer! But you owe me one hell of an explanation."

"I know-"

"Mer? Whats happened?"

I looked down and I saw a puddle of water, her waters broke.


Meredith's POV:

No! This can't be happening not now, not today not when I'm not even in Michigan. It's too early I'm only 7 months they need to stay in there for longer.

"Mer, they obviously are desperate to meet their handsome father."

"DEREK! You do not get to make jokes about this, I had a plan, I would be working until I was due, and then Cristina would fly out, and then I would bring them home to their nurseries, and now my plan is RUINED!"

I burst into tears and I couldn't make the waterworks stop they just kept coming, why did the girls choose today out of all days to make their appearance!

"Mer...come here sit with me I'll page a nurse to take us to O.B."

" You're coming? But you don't love me, you picked Addison."

"Meredith Ellis Grey! I love you! I was an idiot, I thought I loved Addison but I  was wrong. You were like coming up for fresh air, it was like I was drowning and you saved me. Meredith, I'm sorry for hurting you I truly am but Meredith I Love You and I never stopped loving you."

After Derek's perfect speech the waterworks just kept coming and there was no way I could possibly stop them now.


"Breath Mer, I'll page the nurses to wheel us to the O.B floor okay?"

"owwww o-okay"

And just like that this day turned from me confronting Derek to welcoming my daughters into the world.

Hey guys! So this chapter isn't my best work especially at the beginning but I hope you still liked it, so I have a name for one of the twins but I can't think of a second name so suggestions welcome! Also, leave any advice etc in the comments, thank you so much for all the love and support you have shown me it means the world!

Have a great day!


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