Chapter 46

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Meredith's POV:

Time has moved extremally slow since we left the police station, I just want to go home have a shower and sleep that's all I want to do. But I know Derek will want to talk about what he heard today but honestly between therapy, the appointment and then the police station I don't think I have the energy to bring it all up again.

"Meredith, we're home now."

I was so zoned out I didn't realize we left the carpark or even drove home.


"Huh sorry?"

"We're home now, I think you should go have a nap, I'll watch the girls."

"Yea... I think I need to sleep, can you help me up?"

"Of course."

Derek comes round to my side of the car and opens the door for me, I hate making him help me and feeling so useless, I really just want things to go back to normal I don't want to miss more of the girls life than I already did.

We painfully make our ways up the stairs which hurt like a bitch, I guess that happens when you don't take your medication. He carefully lays me down in our bed and leaves the room so I can sleep but how can I sleep when my mind won't turn off?

Derek's POV:

I'm downstairs watching the girls "play" with each other, well it's more like rolling on top of each and waving animals around in their hands but never the less it's adorable. I start to feel guilty because they are nearly 8 months and I haven't been present as much as I should be, I mean I tried to be both home and the hospital but some where down the line I left them with Ma more than them being with me.

I walk over to their play pen and pick them both up and place them in their highchairs, I walk over to the bookshelf and grab a book to read them. I decided on reading them, The Little Engine That could.

"I think I can-I think I can - I think I can - I think I can. Up, up, up. Faster and faster and faster and faster the little engine climbed, until at they reach the mountain. Down in the valley lay in the city."

I look over to the girls and Amelia has fallen asleep in her chair and Eliza is wide awake looking around the room in fascination, I glance at my watch damn I was suppose to give them bottle a half hour ago.

I make my way to the kitchen to grab some bottles for them and look for anything I could cook for dinner.

"Here you go buzzy bee (Eliza), we better wake your sister up so she have some dinner too."


A few hours have passed and Meredith still hasn't come down for dinner so I placed it in the oven, I suspect she must have ended up falling asleep, today was a lot for her which I understand but hearing what they son of a bitch did to her made my blood boil. Meredith's wasn't to blame, she wasn't on his wife's case I was, Meredith's didn't deserve this and I am going to make damn sure Taylor gets put away for a very long time.

I pick both girls up and carry them into their room, I put Eliza in her bed first and kiss her goodnight and ironically Amelia is now the one that is wide awake, she always is the one out of the two that is the night owl.

"Come on Amelia, you've got to go to sleep mama and dada need their sleep tonight. I would really appreciate if you went to sleep and didn't wake up and tell you what if you do you can pick the book for tomorrow night."

I know she actually can't verbalize what book she would want but if I placed them in front of her she would be able to choose, she just needs to keep her end of the bargain.

"Come on lady bug (Amelia), sleep for dada."

She just stares up at me with her bright blue eyes showing no signs of sleepiness.


Meredith's POV:

I wake up and stretch my arms out expecting Derek to be on the other side of the bed, but I was met with the cold bed untouched from when I came to bed yesterday. Derek never came to bed which was odd, he must have fallen asleep on the couch, come to think of it last night both of the girls didn't wake up which was a blessing.

I slowly make my to sitting up in the bed, my cutches are right by me so I try to stand and grab them this time I won't make the mistake of misplacing my foot. I make my way to the crutches and grab them without falling over which is quite an achievement considering my history.

I somewhat walk down the hallway and into the girls room to see if they are awake, and there he is asleep in the rocking chair with Amelia cuddled into his chest both looking so peaceful. I walk over to Eliza and she is awake just staring at the ceiling waiting for one of us to notice her, all I want to do is pick her up but I can't stand without the crutches so that can't happen, I can't pick my daughter up.

"Meredith? What are you doing up, you're supposed to be in bed."

"I woke up and you weren't there, I see you have a new favourite."

"She wouldn't fall asleep so I rocked her and I guess I fell asleep. Would you like pancakes for breakfast?"

"That's sounds lovely Derek, and I never said it yesterday but thank you for being there it meant a lot to me, you being there while I talked about... while I talked about the attacks."

"Mer, you are my girlfriend and the mother of my children of course I would be there, I am always going to be there."


Derek's POV:

Meredith seems to be doing better today she smiling more and laughing more, I know that the recovery will be long and there will be good days and bad days but I'm just glad she is making progress and slowly getting better.

"Derek? Eliza needs her diaper changed can you please bring the stuff over so I can change it?"

"Yeah let me go to the wash house, I'll be back don't go anywhere."

"Not like I could even if I wanted to."

"Right, I'll be back."

These past two months have been hard for all of us, but now Meredith is home its been getting better and in a few weeks she will be able to walk normally and will be able to go back to doing the things she loved to do before the accident.
But I also know that these coming weeks will tough but Mer and I are strong enough to handle it together. And I know soon not now she will be strong enough and ready for me to ask her to marry me.

Hi everyone I hope you liked this chapter, I thought I would include some family scenes :)
Don't forget to vote and comment
And sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
Have a great day

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