Chapter 34

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Bailey's POV:

I was standing outside Meredith's room, filling out some charts, waiting for Ben to come and take us home when Meredith's alarms started to blare and before I could think about warning her about who was entering her room, I was by her side trying to calm her down before I did something I could well have regretted.

"Meredith breathe for me, breathe."

I could tell by looking at her that she was somewhere else, and not in the moment most likely back to the event and the only thing I could think of doing was cutting the wires, if she wasn't going to breathe for me I would breathe "for" her.

I snipped the wires and automatically she began to slowly slow down her breathing and zoning back into her surroundings.

Mark- "Miranda what the hell did you just do!"

"She was having a panic attack and need air."

Mark- "Do you realize the damage you could have done, the jaw is very fragile!"

"Mark! She needed some air so I got her some damn air, you can reattach the wires later for now let her breathe, and I will go page, Derek."

I start to walk out when I get stopped, I look down and Meredith's hand is on my arm.

"Your welcome, Grey."

Mark- "Grey, just because the wires are off doesn't me you can go and ramble your mouth off. Just pretend they are still there until I get back them on in a couple of hours."

Derek's POV:

Well, now that I have dropped the girls off at daycare I have time to plan what I am going to say while I am in surgery, it's a simple craniotomy but it's long enough to let me think about everything that has happened and everything I want to plan for the future ahead of Mer and I.

I begin to scrub when Mark enters the room, he looks as if he has bad news and I know that could only mean one thing. Meredith.

"Mark, I am about to scrub in on a surgery with Meredith's mother in the gallery. I know that look on your face and I'm asking you is it Meredith or the girls, or can it wait 2 hours?"

"It-it can wait."

Mark stuttered, Mark never stutters something must be going on but I can't focus on that I need to focus on the patient in front of me and nothing else, whatever Mark has to say can wait 2 hours, right?

Meredith's POV:

I feel so embarrassed.

I thought I was getting better, I thought I really thought I was improving how stupid was I for thinking I could get better so fast?

"Meredith, I'm coming in is that okay?"

"I know Mer, I'm sorry I guess I was avoiding coming to visit you because if I did it would make it real that, that we didn't look for you sooner. I'm sorry."

"Cris, you have nothing to be sorry for, you couldn't have known where I was, I'm just grateful you and Izzie found me when you did because if you didn't I would be very much dead right now."

"And we don't need that happening now do we?"

"No Cristina we don't. So how is everyone missing me yet?"

"You have no idea how much George and Izzie are moping around, it's getting annoying."

For the first time in a while, I laughed well laughed as well as could with the new wires that Mark just put in and it felt good, it's better than crying and screaming.

Leaving my love behindUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum