Chapter 32

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Richard's POV:

After many phone calls back and forth and arguments with Ellis, I have convinced her to come down to Seattle to visit Meredith it wasn't easy getting her to take leave from the hospital, but this is her daughter we are talking about. 

I have to find a way to tell Meredith but given the current circumstances, I can't personally tell her it would have to be Derek. I can only imagine how she would react they don't have a good history of being all lovey-dovey towards each other.

"Richard? You paged me?"

"Yes I did, Derek, Ellis is coming tomorrow to visit Seattle. And it was my idea, Meredith needs her mother no matter what has happened in the past, and now it means Ellis can meet Amelia and Eliza."

"Richard you should have talked to us first, Meredith may not be ready to see Ellis. And I sure as hell don't Meredith stressing out about her coming."

"I just think you should let Meredith be aware of what's happening, and if she isn't up to seeing her, take Ellis to see the twins she is wanting to meet them, Derek."

"I'll talk to Meredith, but don't get your hopes up, Richard. She's been through a lot."

"I understand Derek and thank you. I have to go I'm being paged down to the E.R."


Derek's POV:

I can't believe Richard has invited Ellis down to Seattle.

Where would she stay?

Who would pick her up?

What would Meredith say?

Meredith has finally started to become less jumpy and is starting to be able to sleep through the night now that she has started taking her meds through her I.V as her jaw is still wired shut, which makes this more harder for her to tell me how she feels on the matter.

I walk into her room and she's sleeping, she's finally sleeping and I quietly sigh a sigh of relief knowing I have a little while to think of what and how I'll tell her, and bracing myself for her reaction. 


Meredith is stirring in her sleep which means she would be waking up soon, now I have to prepare her for what I'm going to say, it's not necessarily bad having your mother come visit when you have been attacked, but this isn't your typical mother, it's Ellis Grey.

(bold is Meredith writing on the whiteboard)

"Hey, gorgeous how did you sleep?"

Hmmm fine, where are the girls?

"They are in daycare, do you want me to bring them down?"

Later, just want to talk to you at the moment.

"Meredith, I need to tell you something and you have to try and not freak out? Okay?"

Derek, you're scaring me what's happened?

"Your mother is coming to see you tomorrow, and well the girls too. But if you don't want to see her, I can just give her updates and let her meet the twins."

Why I don't get it.

She yelled at me when she discovered I was pregnant and now she wants to see us?

"Mer, as much as you deny it, you need your mother here with you."

I have your mother, she is more than a mum to me than my own.

"I know Mer, but let's just see what she has to say tomorrow, and if you don't feel comfortable I will figure something else out."

Okay, I guess one day won't hurt.

Meredith's POV:

My mother is coming. I can't believe she is coming to see me after all 6 months of the twins being on this earth she hasn't returned any of my calls updating her on their condition. She hasn't replied to my text messages letting her know that we were alright, she hasn't made any effort to contact her family because after all surgery tops family, it always has and always will, nothing has changed.

"Meredith, what are you thinking about?"

I don't have the energy to reply to Derek, I know he is only looking out for me but I just can't handle it, I'm tired, mentally and physically.

"Meredith you may not be able to speak to me, but I know you can damn well hear me so please reply to me."

He doesn't get it, I can't speak, I can't tell people how I feel, I can't express myself when my body starts to aches, he doesn't understand no one does. I laid in that alleyway for hours upon hours so close to death, and I can't even talk about it because my mouth is wired shut. 

I turn around to face Derek, tears threatening to fall and I just want him to hold me for a while, to let me know that it will soon be okay, we will soon be okay.

"Oh Meredith, slide over, everything is going to be okay. I'm sorry for snapping. Go to sleep you need to rest before your mother comes to visit."


*The day of the arrival*

Derek's POV:

Ring ring ring

"Dr. Derek Shepherd speaking."

"Ah Derek, it's Ellis Grey, my flight comes in at half-past ten am I expecting you or a cab?"

"Uh, I can pick you up and take you back to the house, my mother is staying there too and I'll have the girls with me, so I'll see you at half-past ten."

"Thank you, Derek, see you then."

*End of phone call*

Well, that could have gone worse now all I have to do is tidy the house up before I leave and pick Ellis up. And then either take her back or take her to see Meredith, or I should see Mer beforehand with the twins.

"Ma? Can you help me get the place ready for Ellis?"

"Sure, Derek the girls have just gone down for a nap what do you need help with?"

"Cleaning everything and getting everything cleaned to Ellis Grey standard."

"And that is?"

"Everything clean and nothing out of place."

"Well, we better get cleaning shouldn't we?"


Ma and I got the house clean and tidy in time, we had enough time to spare that I took the girls to see Meredith before I went to pick Ellis up, and I could tell Meredith was internally freaking out having her mother come and visit. And now we are at the airport waiting for the arrival of the great (not so great if you ask me) Ellis Grey.

"Dr.Grey over here!"

Hi everyone I hope you liked this chapter, I know it wasn't too interesting but I still hope you liked it :)

And if you did don't forget to vote and comment it means a lot! And OMG thank you so much for 10k reads like WOAH was not expecting that! 

If you have ideas or advice let me know it's always welcomed :)

Have a great day


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