Chapter 35

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*Disclaimer: So this has characters from later seasons because why not*

Derek's POV:

So far Ellis has been here for a total of 4 days, and they have been the weirdest four days, to say the least. Meredith and her and bonding via talking and whiteboard writing, and she is spoiling the girls with heaps of gifts plus offering to babysit whilst I am at work since my mother had to leave as another family crisis was about to burst at the seams. And to top it all of Mark says Meredith can have her jaw unwired today, she can finally talk to us!

I think Meredith getting into an accident has opened my eyes, to how close we were to losing it all, and now with the ring, my mum gave me when she first came, I know I want Meredith to become my wife. She is the love of my life.

"Derek, I know the girls are only 6 months old but would they like the park?"

Ellis Grey, the Ellis Grey has changed she is more caring now and maybe this is what she needed.

"Um, well I think if you took them in the pram just for the fresh air they would enjoy that, just like a walk around the domain."

"Yes that's what I was thinking, and then I was going to meet Richard for a coffee."

Hmmm, Richard and Ellis meeting for coffee there is something fishy going on there, I bet.

"So, I have to go to work now, but once I visit Meredith, I'll text you with an update hope you and the girls have a nice day."

"Bye Derek.


Meredith's POV:

I am so excited! Today I get the wires taken off which means I am so much closer to being able to go home and then back to work and just think all the things I can say! I am so filled with excitement that I decided to turn the t.v on to distract myself and the headline made all of that excitement leave my body.


Reporter- "Taylor James, has recently been arrested for abuse against a young anonymous doctor, and while waiting for his hearing was restricted to his home. He has breached his homestay and if you see this man do not be hesitant to call the police. Now on to other news....."

Taylor James, the name plays through my head and I can feel my chest tightening, and my breathes becoming more rapid, my hands begin to shake and all I can think of is Taylor James. I remember his name, I remember his face, I remember it all I wish I didn't, I wish one of the blows to my head made me forget that event, but it didn't and I can't, and now is out on the lose. And he is coming to finish what he started.


Derek's POV:

As I walk into the attending lounge, I notice that all eyes are glued to the t.v screen which is odd as normally we all would be chatting away talking about how awesome our surgeries were and what the latest news on specialties was, not today everyone was hooked. My eyes make their way to the screen and I see what everyone is so interested in.


Reporter- "Taylor James, has recently been arrested for abuse against a young anonymous doctor, and while waiting for his hearing was restricted to his home. He has breached his homestay and if you see this man do not be hesitant to call the police. Now on to other news....."

Oh god, Meredith has a T.V in her room.

I start to sprint to her room, many people telling me that I can't run but I block them out I just need to her room. And fast.


I finally get my way to her room, and I see her there, crying, shaking, trying to breathe and I rush in to intervene and calm her down.

"Mer, it's me, Derek, you're safe here, he isn't going to come."

She continues to cry, so I begin to stroke her hair and brush away her tears, which is doesn't do anything as new ones soon replace the old ones.

"Meredith, look at me, breath, it's just you and I. You are not in the alleyway, you are with me in this bed, you are not there."

She finally looks in me the eyes, and I can see how scared and vulnerable she is and my heart breaks, she was so excited to have the wires off to finally speak but at this moment her eyes tell me all that she needed to say.

She is scared and anxious.


Meredith's POV:

The tears won't stop flowing, my heart won't stop pounding and my body won't stop shaking. But Derek is here in my room after backing away from wiping my tears but I just need to feel his body wrapped around mine, I need to feel his presence but he is too apprehensive to even move an inch closer scared I am going to break like glass.

I want to scream at the top of my lungs, I want to scream so loud and not to stop until my throat physically starts to hurt but the wires stop me from even being able to speak. I just want to voice how I feel, today was going to be a good day.

Lie with me please, I need you.

"Okay, I'll lie with you. And I won't leave until you tell me too."

Derek's POV:

Meredith is still crying, so I started stroking her again trying to lure her to sleep, she has been through so much emotionally, mentally, and physically that she needs rest. Soon the sound of her crying turns into sobs and is now replaced by little sounds of snoring which will sound only escalate in sound, the deeper in sleep she gets.

I know I have work to get to, but I promised her I wouldn't leave until she told me to. So I will stay here until I am paged or when she wakes up I just know I won't be leaving her willingly.


Bailey's POV:

Most of the attendings have just watched the breaking news and we all instantly were put into a state of shock, knowing that the man that attacked Meredith was now out god knows where.

Arizona- "Has anyone seen Derek? Or check on Meredith, she has access to the news in her room."

"She's my patient, so I will go over there and check on her."

I make my way down there and all these thoughts run through my head and I start to question what Taylor James's intentions are.

I quickly make my way to her room and the sight in front of my eyes bring peace to my mind, she and Derek and intertwined in each other. It's clear she had been crying but she is now asleep peacefully in Derek's embrace and we can now breathe a sigh of relief.

Okay, so two things happened! So number one Derek wants to propose EKKKK and two Mer's attacker is on the loss I got this idea from so thank you so much it means a lot! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :)

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Have a great day


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