Chapter 31

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Derek's POV:

"Derek, can we talk I need to explain myself."

I know that voice and it belongs to the one and only Mark Sloan, the man who had an affair with my then-wife, the man who went along with making me believe I was going to become a father. Mark Sloan in flesh and blood.

"Mark what is there you could possibly say, that will explain what you and Addison both did to me?"

"Derek, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness-"

Damn right you don't

"But I miss my best friend, Addison she said some things and did some things after she came back visiting you all and now I'm all alone and well I miss my best friend."

"Mark, listen whatever Addison said or did I'm sure you would be able to get over it."

"She-she slept with another man, and left and took our kid with her, I- I don't know where they are Derek. Please, I am so so sorry but you have Meredith and the girls now so please I am so sorry for everything."

Mark is clearly close to breaking point and in need of some comfort but I'm not sure if I'm ready to be the one who gives it.

"Listen, Mark, as much as I want to be the one to help you. I'm not sure if I am ready to be best buds again, but I do hope you hear from Addison soon and get to see-"


"Get to see Lily again, I have to go and do my surgery but I'm sure I'll see you around sometime."


Meredith's POV:

I can hear footsteps entering my room and I instantly know that they don't belong to Derek's nor Bailey's and once again I begin to panic. 

Alarms blaring.

Heart rate increasing.

I can feel a panic attack starting.

"Meredith, wake up, wake up it's me, Richard."

No he's lying it's not Richard, it's the attacker he's back it's not Richard.

It's not Richard. 

You are not in the hospital, you are in the alleyway. 

This is not Richard.

Bailey- "Richard! What the hell did you do?! Someone get me some sedative! We need to sedate Meredith Grey!"

And just like that everything went pitch black.

Richard's POV:

I don't understand what happened, all I was doing was standing in her room waiting for her to wake up. I was letting her know that her mother has been asking about her, and her heart rate spiked and we had to sedate her.

"Bailey, I don't understand what happened, she was asleep. I swear she was asleep."

B-"Richard, we have strict rules in place regarding Meredith, only certain people can go in while she is asleep and unless she is conscious and has given you permission to enter her room, you can't go in. We are sending her up to psych once her jaw is fixed for a consult, there is a high chance she has PTSD which would explain why she freaked out while you were in her room."

"But she was asleep."

B-"Maybe, maybe not she could have been in a light sleep, which would mean she could have heard your steps and began to convince herself that you weren't who you said you were."

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