Chapter 38

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Derek's POV:

The door went down with a thud, with the door now gone we can find Meredith. I heard her say ouch but it's too dark to find her and it doesn't help that the light switches don't work. I keep walking into the room and we can longer hear Meredith, yet alone see her. 

"Derek, what if she isn't in here? What if we find her and it's too late?"

I can't think like that, I just can't I can't picture the love of my life lying on the floor no longer breathing I won't do that not unless I have to.

"Cristina, she's Meredith Grey she will survive this, I'm sure she will."

Meredith's POV:

I can hear Cristina's and Derek's voice, I'm trying to tell them that I am here that I'm roughly okay but nothing leaves my mouth expect for a small screech. I'm starting to think that this is when I will surely die I won't get the chance to say goodbye to everyone who I love. But really who can stop death from coming if it's so warm and welcoming.

Cristina- "Derek are you sure you heard someone in here? I can't see or hear anyone."

Derek- "Cristina, I'm sure. I know Meredith and I know she is in here we just need to keep looking. I'm not leaving her not again, I'm not giving up of her."

Cristina- "Well, okay you look over there and I'll look over here."

I'm over here just keep walking, follow the blood. I'm so close to where you're standing, just keep walking, you'll see me I promise.

Cristina's POV:

I didn't realize how big this supply closet was until we walked in, there was rows upon rows of old supplies and books, doors that go into unknown places and yet we haven't found Meredith yet, and I'm starting to wonder if she is actually in here.

I opened each door hoping to see Meredith lying there but each time I was met with disappointed with another empty room. I hate to say but I don't think she is in here. Although we heard her sobs we can't find her, were we imagining it? Was this our mind playing tricks on us?


Derek's POV:

I started to look down each row of shelves, I stood in a puddle. I first thought it was water but I know it isn't, I look down and even without light I can tell it's a colour of dark red. It's blood, can it be Meredith's blood?

I stare at ground for a little while just trying to process what I'm about to find and what I'm standing in, I start to follow the trail of blood and there she is. There Meredith lies blood and bruises cover her body, her already fragile and broken state broken once more and this time it looks more serious.

How could this happen? Twice! While she was in the god damn hospital!

"Cristina! I found her! Go get me a gurney she is losing consciousness."

Cristina- "You found her?!"

"I Found her."


Meredith's POV:

My head is pounding, my body aches and my eyes are slowly closing. I'm ready to face my reality that no one will find me, I will die here and no one will find me. I won't get to say goodbye to Eliza and Amelia and...... I won't get to say goodbye to Derek most of all.

Then all of sudden, I feel my body getting lifted up, I slowly open my eyes and there stands Derek, holding me close to his chest. I can smell his scent, I can feel him. This isn't the end, I think I am going to be okay if Derek is here.

Derek- "Meredith, you're going to be okay? Stay with me we are taking you upstairs, stay with me."

As much as I want to stay awake, I just can't Derek's grasp is just too comforting his warmth is too welcoming I just want to sleep, just for a little while.

Derek- "Cristina hurry! She's in and out of consciousness again!"

The next thing I know everything turns black and I see Derek standing at the end of the hall.


Richard's POV:

Derek has just paged me letting me know he has found Meredith, but she isn't in good shape. What kind of bastard attacks a women not once but twice! I want to find that son of a jerk and get him convicted.

I've gathered all of Meredith's friends and the doctors who will be on her team, to let them know what they are dealing with Meredith's injuries wise.

"Okay everyone, I have an update. Derek and Cristina have located Meredith and are on their way up with her, she is in critical condition and as much as I want you to be on her case if you are blood relative you can not work on her, Lexie I am looking at you."

Lexie- "Sir, respectfully if her resident friends work on her, so can I. We- we are all her family she only has us sir."

"Lexie, I understand but I don't think you would be able to focus completely knowing this is your sister, so I'm telling you no."


"Right everyone they are on their way up, let's get moving."


Meredith's POV:

"Derek what are you doing?"

"I'm waiting for you Meredith, when you're ready I'll be here."

"Ready for what?"

"To come back Meredith, when and if you choose you want to come back to us, I'll be here."

"But, Derek if I come back, he will still be there."

"I know....I know but Meredith you're strong and extraordinary remember that. I've got to go but I'll be back waiting for you"

"Derek don't leave me.....please."


*In surgery*

Bailey's POV:

We have just started surgery on Meredith's internal bleeding, her broken wrist and her broken jaw. I'm not going to lie it's been touch and go and I'm honestly getting worried if she will make it out of here, but she is Meredith Grey, she can and she will.

"Has anyone let Ellis know? Last time I heard she was looking after the twins."


"No one thought to let Meredith's mother know she was kidnapped and attacked again! Seriously?!"

A nurse- "I'll get on it right away Dr. Bailey."

"Thank you."


"She's crashing!"


Meredith's POV:

Derek left me, does this mean I'm dying?

I don't want to die.

Please some one save me.

Hi everyone! Hope you liked this chapter sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes :/

If you have any ideas or advice let me know it's always welcome.

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Have a great day


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