Chapter 14

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Meredith's POV:

Today was the day I was dreading, the day I met Derek's mother and many thoughts were running through my head all at once, will she like me? What if she hates me and doesn't want Derek to continue seeing me and wants full custody of the twins!

Although I knew these thoughts were irrational  I couldn't help it, Meredith Grey does not and I mean does not do well with family especially mothers, mothers like people like Izzie all bright and shiny not people like me all dark and twisty.

Derek's POV:

Today is the day when the most important person in my life finally gets to meet the three loves of my life and I couldn't be any more excited to see my mom again it's been so long and so much has had happened Amelia and Eliza being proof of how much has changed in the last 8 months but I wouldn't ask for anything different.

I could tell that Mer was freaking out because she didn't really grow up with a family so this is all new to her but I promised myself to make sure she is welcomed and loved and that my family is accepting of her because after her she is the woman I want to marry, maybe not now but in the future. 


Meredith and I laid in bed trying to get as much sleep in as we could but of course, that didn't last long with Eliza screaming her lungs off which normally meant she was hungry but by her screaming, she would wake Amelia up and vice versa this would happen around 5 times in the space of 12 hours and when they finally would go down it would be 7 a.m and Mer and I would have no time left to sleep so it's fair to say we are very sleep-deprived.  So my mum turning up today could either be the perfect timing or the worse timing in the world only time will tell.

"Mer! Do you want me to dress Eliza or Amelia?"

"Can you dress both I need a shower!"

"Okay sweetie"

Shit, we haven't even made it official I can't call her sweetie, good going Derek.

"What was that?"

"I said okay Meredith."

I walked into the girl's room to get them changed if I thought I would dress them rather nicely since they are meeting their grandmother today and if I do say so myself the outfits I picked are quite cute Mer would love them.

I walked into the girl's room to get them changed if I thought I would dress them rather nicely since they are meeting their grandmother today and if I do say so myself the outfits I picked are quite cute Mer would love them

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Meredith's POV:

I swear I heard Derek call me sweetie and I guess I really liked it when it happened it made me feel all warm and fuzzy but that could also be the hormones but I now know for sure that I love Derek Christopher Shepherd and I guess my love never went away.

I walked into the girl's room and there were my three favorite people all in one chair with Derek sleeping Eliza pulling on his face and Amelia sleeping as well, this was truly a moment to remember as I took my camera out.

"Say cheese"

"mmmm. how long was I asleep for?"

"Not sure... sweetie."

"You heard?"

"Of course I did and I was thinking well since we have kids together we sleep together we live together um I think we - well I think we should make it official and I don't know become girlfriend and boyfriend again?"

I was extremely nervous about how he would react to what I just said.

"Meredith of course I want to be with you I have been wanting to get back together since the day you left and the day you came back I love you with all my heart."

Well, that went better than I expected it would.

"Should we get the girls and go pick your mum up?'

"Right I knew something was happening other than us making up without having s-e-x."



Derek's POV:

I  knew sooner or later Meredith would want to get back together and I'm so happy she asked me today so I can introduce her as my girlfriend not just as the girl I knocked up.

We arrived at the airport hand in hand with the girls in their stroller and began the wait for my mum, their granddaughter, and one day Meredith's mother-in-law.



"Mum! How have you been? There are some people I would like you to meet but first, this is my Girlfriend Meredith."

"Hi, Mrs. Shepherd it's so nice to meet you I have heard so many stories and I am so glad the girls get to meet their grandmother today."

As I watched my mum and Meredith interact I knew this is what I want for the rest of my life, kids with Meredith and Meredith being welcomed into the Shepherd family with open arms.

"Derek don't just stand there introduce me to my beautiful granddaughters who are just going to get so spoilt by their favorite grandma, yes they are."

"Well over here is Amelia Jade Grey-Shepherd and then over here is Eliza Ellis Grey Shepherd."

"They look so beautiful you both did an amazing job and Meredith I'm so sorry for how idiotic my son over here acted by trying to save an already failed marriage you have my deepest apologizes,"

Mum just apologized on behalf of me which made me realize I have hardly tried to make it up to Meredith.


Meredith's POV:

Derek's mother is the nicest person I have met I've only known her for about 30 minutes but she is already more like a mother to me than my own mother was and she even apologized for Derek which is definitely something she didn't have to do, because normally mothers are supposed to be on their son's side but clearly Carolyn wasn't having a bar of what Derek did.

"Should we start heading home?"

I'm so sorry for not updating for a while I have been really busy with performances etc but I hope you like this chapter as always leave comments/votes and advice or ideas because they are always welcomed and it helps me a lot! Also, I'm not American so I use mum not mom sorry if that confuses anyone or offends anyone. 

Also, my birthday is in 6 days EEKKKKK

Have a great day!!1


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