Chapter 8

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" Okay, so I see you have been taking your medication and vitamins but your blood pressure is still higher than I would like so I need you to watch that, now onto the baby okay so I'm getting two very strong heartbeats."

" um excuse me two heartbeats?"

Both Cristina and I were shocked not only did Derek get me knocked up he got me doubled knocked up.

"Yes, Meredith it looks like you having non-identical twins congratulations.

Mer's POV:
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, two kids how am I going to look after two kids!!!

"Would you like to know the genders?"

"Uh- yes please."

"Congratulations you are having two healthy baby girls, I'll let you get changed and print of the ultrasound.

"Thank you doctors Smith."


Cristina and I were driving back to my house, the car ride was filled with silence both of us not knowing what to say.

"So twin girls, that would be so cute Mer, a mini-you and a mini Derek. This brings me to my next question, are you sure you don't want to come back to Seattle with me?"
" yes Cristina I'm sure, I'm happy here and I'll be happy here with my girls, and remember the rule no McDreamy talk."

"Right okay but he needs to know please at least let me tell him the genders."

"NO Cristina, it's bad enough he knows that I'm pregnant I can't have him knowing more, I don't trust him and I don't know if I would be ever able to trust him."


Derek's Pov:

I can't stop thinking about Meredith and my future child, how can she not tell me but not only that how can she just leave and with  me with a letter. Who does that? Obviously, Meredith does, I know I should be mad but in some way it just makes me love her even more. I just wish I didn't waste all this time with Addison.


I turn around and I swear it is like she has a radar for when people are thinking of her good or bad.
Standing right in front of me was Addison.

" Listen, Derek, I know we ended things badly-"
"Badly Addison? You fucking cheated on me, got pregnant told me the baby was mine but it was my best friends. I think it is fair to say that things ended way worse than badly.

"I know Derek, and I'm sorry but I have no one left please can't we just forgive and forget. I love you Derek and I know I fucked up and I'm sorry. Mark left for a surgery over-seas-"

"So what you are telling me that you think I can just forget that you are literally Satan and that you only want me because Mark is out of town? You know what Addison screw you"

I stormed away from Addison I was more than just pissed I was fuming, she must be crazy if she thinks that after all she has put me through that I will just forgive her the minute she comes crawling back, I have more important things to worry about for example where Meredith and my future child are and if they are okay.


*Time jump to 24 weeks pregnant*

Mer's POV:

I am now 24weeks along but with twins, so it looks like I am further along than I'm supposed to be which can make me quite insecure but it's okay because I have my friends who pick me up when I'm down.


Cristina keeps calling me and telling me I should tell Derek at least what their genders are and I not sure why but there is a part of me that just can't bring myself to tell him out of fear of being hurt again and I'm happy here and I'm happy with him not knowing for the time being.

All week long my friends have been helping me put together the nursery's and they look absolutely beautiful, for baby A her room is sage green-themed and for Baby B it is yellow. I wanted to pick gender-neutral colors because I don't like the idea of only girls should wear pink and only boys should wear blue because that is just stereotypical.

 I wanted to pick gender-neutral colors because I don't like the idea of only girls should wear pink and only boys should wear blue because that is just stereotypical

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Cristina's POV:
Mer has stopped messaging me I hope she is okay, I'm getting really worried but good thing I'm seeing her soon for her next appointment which is so exciting because I get to see my goddaughters.

"Yea.... oh hey Derek."
" have you heard anything from Meredith I just really want to be there for the birth but I don't know where she is living."
" I actually haven't heard from her in a while she must be busy with work or setting up the nurseries..."

Shit I wasn't suppose to say.. shit shit shit

"Nurseries? Cristina is Meredith and I having more than one kid?"

" pardon? I didn't say nurseries I said nursery."
"Sure Cristina, I would love to stay and keep this conversation going but I have errands to run."


Derek's POV:
I wasn't convinced that Cristina was telling me the truth, so I left it there and plan to come back to the conversation later.
I left to go to the gym and do some grocery shopping but before I could even think about doing their errands and sleep,I needed to check up on some of post op patients.


I was walking out the ICU when I heard multiple gunshots they were constant then they would stop and start again, it wasn't till I heard another bang that I realised that I was shot and losing lots of blood.

Sorry most of this chapter is pretty boring I need to think of more ideas but then I had a 💡and thought why not spice it up and do a shooting 🤷‍♀️. I will add a tw in the next chapter incase this is sensitive topic for people.
Thank you for all the votes and comments on this story XX
Have a great day!
And only a couple more days until greys is out!!!!

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