Chapter 16

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*Disclaimer in this story Ellis does not have Alzheimer's*

Meredith's POV:

It was my first day back at Seattle Grace working wise and being back since I left for Michigan, I'm still an intern and luckily I got put back in Bailey's service so MAGIC is back together again. Although I technically shouldn't be working yet as I just had twins the chief has agreed to let me do 5 hours a day if I only do charts and be in the pit which of course sucks but it means I get home faster to Eliza and Amelia.

I was on my way to the pit when I saw Derek looking as perfect as always and we locked eyes and I couldn't help but blush which Derek noticed giving me his McDreamy smile making me blush even more, but although he made my heart skip a beat I couldn't help but think about what Addison wanted to talk to Derek about.


Derek's POV:

Mum had messaged me saying she had dealt with Addison and we have nothing to worry about anytime soon and I couldn't help thinking about what Addison wanted to talk to me about and what mum said to her for Addison to back down from her high horse.

I've been seeing Meredith around the hospital in her blue scrubs and she still looks as beautiful as always and she did just have two babies and I just want to kiss her but we have agreed that we will keep the relationship on the down-low, which I don't know how that would work as we are living together and we have kids together but I guess we will wait and see what happens.


I was on my way to the pit when an incoming trauma came in and I was shocked to see who it was.

"30-year-old female, 34 weeks pregnant, hit head-on crash from a semi truck has a head lactation and broken bones and possible bleeding in her abdomen."

"Alright we got it from here, Shepherd are you alright to work on this case?"

I was shocked, to say the least, she was at my house less than an hour ago and now is lying in front of me holding on for her life as well as her baby's life, my ex-wife could die today.

"Has someone rang Sloan?"

"no, Dr. Shephered we will ring him now."

"Right once she is stable from the bleeding I need to get in there and see if she is responsive and I want her to be taken up for a C.T, that not a question it is order get to it!"

I can't believe that this day began with me being rude to Addison and now she could die.


Meredith's POV:

I heard that a trauma had just come in and just my luck I'm not cleared for any surgery or consulting so I'm changing bandages and helping people down at the clinic while all the other interns get to save lives and help on surgeries. I was finishing up on filling some forms out when my phone began to ring it was my mother.

"Meredith, are you there? Richard told me that you have moved back to Seattle and that you were in fact pregnant is this true?"

"Yes mother, I have moved back to Seattle and yes I was pregnant and gave birth to two healthy girls who one is in fact named after you."

"Meredith, what have I told you about swooning over boys and putting them before your career, once they get you knocked up they expect you to drop your shifts and wait hand on foot for them, I do not want you to have to live like that Meredith you need to put your career first before you get a significant other."

"Mother all due your respect but I love my family and Derek is in fact a doctor as well so he understands completely and would never ask me to do such things as wait hand on foot for him and give up my dreams, and I'm so sorry to end the conversation here but a trauma just came in."

"Goodbye Meredith"

So I may have lied about the fact that trauma came in but I did get paged by Derek to see him in his office and I knew it must have been important because he used our special code.


"Derek, what's up is everything okay?"

"Um, yea well that trauma that came in earlier today it was Addison and she is fine but she crashed during her surgery and we had to deliver her baby, and we don't know when she will wake up and if she will and to top it all off Mark is pissed at me because she only came down here to talk to me and if she had stayed in L.A she wouldn't have nearly died."

I was shocked I've never seen Derek this worried before and it's concerning that he is this concerned about his ex-wife.

"Um, well I'm sure that Addison will make a full recovery and be able to take her baby home but it sounds like you need to come home with me and be filled with newborn cuteness of your own."

"Sounds like a great idea thanks Mer."


Derek's POV:

We got home and were greeted by the smell of freshly baked cookies and no not any normal chocolate chips cookies these were the secret Shepherd recipe which no one knows besides my mother her self and when she bakes them you know everything will be okay.

"Meredith, Derek, I didn't expect you to be home for a while come sit down I just feed the girls so they should be asleep soon. How were your days at work?

"Eventful to say the least."

Chapter 16 done and dusted hehe. Oop Addison got into a car crash should she live or should she suddenly crash and not make it :(?

Anywho I hope you liked this chapter and please vote or comment and if you have any ideas feel free to tell me. And I'm sorry I didn't update this book for like a week I have been really busy.

Have a great day.


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