Chapter 36

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Meredith's POV:

A couple of days have passed and they still haven't found Taylor yet which has been making my stress levels go through the roofs. I know I sound crazy and maybe I am but I feel like each time a nurse walks by I see him, Derek keeps saying I'm safe and he isn't here but I swear that nurse is the spitting image of him. But like Derek said I need to think of the positives, I can finally speak as Mark took the wires of yesterday and I am that much closer to being able to go home to Eliza and Amelia who are now 7 months old today, I've already missed so much and I'm not prepared to miss any more than I have to.

Today is the day, today I am going to take the step with Derek and go outside my room. I think I'm ready to face the world I have been so afraid of for so long.

"Hey Mer, you ready to brave the outside world? Would you like crutches or a wheelchair?"

"Seeing as I have cast on my arm Derek, I think a wheelchair would work best?"

"Right silly question, I'll have you into it."

Derek has become even more overprotective if that was even possible for him to do, but he has found a way and with my mother being here for a further 2 days it has all been very suffocating with my mother, who is barely a mother coming in every day. And then there is Derek who has turned his protectiveness up a level.

"Derek, you're hovering again."

"Right sorry. Where do you want to go first?"

"Day-care please I need some Eliza and Amelia cuddles."

"Alrighty, then the day-care here we come."

Derek's POV:

Meredith is close to being able to come home and I just can't wait to finally have us under one roof as a family again, without Mer it's as if a part of us is missing it like a part of me is missing, I need her to come and put that piece back.

I can see that Meredith is becoming anxious, and it makes me sympathize for her that she has had to go through such a traumatic event that now she doesn't feel comfortable in her workplace. Many people along our journey from Mer's room has said hello or felt they didn't know where they stood so they kept the distance, which doesn't help Meredith, not really because it makes her believe they are staring at her out of spite or hatred which is so far from the truth.


They aren't supposed to page me while Mer is in the hospital unless...

It's a 911.

"Derek, is it a 911?"

"Yes Meredith, I am so so sorry, I don't want to leave you but they have an incoming trauma would you like me to get a nurse to take you back to your room?"

Meredith's POV:

I don't want a nurse to take me back, I want Derek to take me back to my room. I don't know the intentions of the said nurse whereas I know Derek and I know he wouldn't do anything to harm me. I don't want a nurse to take me back.

"Listen, Mer you are going to be back. Nurse Collins here will take you back. I've got to run. Message me once you get back."

That's not a nurse Collins, that's Taylor.

"Derek, please, don't leave me with him. Please."

"Meredith, you will be okay, I will see you soon."

I won't be okay, I'm with Taylor and he has the gleam in his eyes. The same gleam I saw that day.


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