Chapter 41

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Meredith's POV:
It's awkward to say the less, they all haven't talked to me in weeks and then all of sudden they appear ready to talk? Of course I let them into my room but it's awkward it never has been like this and I don't why, are they sacred to get to close or say the wrong thing?

Izzie-"Mer we are so sorry we haven't come to visit we were-"

"Busy with work I get it but you didn't even visit me on rounds! Hell you avoided my room too, you say your sorry and you say you were busy but if we're being honest you were avoiding me because...."

I'm beyond pissed, I didn't realize I was this upset till I started talking. They have been crap friends while I've been stuck here none of them offering to take the twins to help out or even visiting me it doesn't make sense they weren't like this the first time to begin then the avoiding me started, so I shouldn't be surprised but it still hurts. 

Cristina-"Mer, we are sorry but we weren't allowed to round on you because we're your friends."

"Friends would have come and visited me, you visited me once? Twice? And now you feel bad because I got attacked again and you weren't there for me, you could have said hello at least or had lunch with me when my mental state had gotten better, but you didn't. Derek worked you all avoided and I was by myself you all abandoned me."

They all stare at me like I've grown horns or have a third eye, they all have guilt in their eyes and so they should they abandoned me when I need them most I missed them, I needed them and they weren't there so for now I am staying pissed at them.

Alex-"Mer I know this won't help the situation but we and by we I mean Bambi and I stopped visiting was because well we got told that you weren't comfortable around males besides Derek. So we distanced ourselves till we knew you were okay, and then work happened and now we're here."

Izzie-"Cristina and I don't have any excuse or reason besides work, we were letting it take over us and unconsciously pushed you to the side when it should have been the other way round. And we all are so sorry we haven't been there for you but we are here now and if you us to look after the girls we can or food we can cook for when you get discharged."

Alex & Cristina-"Well, I don't cook." 

I understand where they are coming from but it still hurts that they let work top me but I also understand how that happened too if  the situation was reversed I would have accidently done the same thing.

"Listen guys, I am pissed that you have avoided me and abandoned me but the important thing is that you're here now and I know it may take me a while to get back to my old self but I'm getting there, so please don't abandon me again please?"

Everyone-"We won't Meredith."


*hours later*

Derek's POV:

Finally my surgery has finished and I can go home, but before I even think about going home I need to check on Meredith and apologise. I promised that I would come and check on her but my surgery ran longer and then I got pulled into an emergency surgery and a nurse had to take the girls back to nursery. So I need to go see Meredith with the girls and apologise and spend some time with her before I get kicked out after visitors hours. You would think being a doctor here I could some exceptions but no apparently no that Mer isn't in the ICU I'm a normal visitor.

"Hey Mer, it's Derek, Eliza and Amelia can we come in?"

"Sure I guess."

"Listen Meredith, I am so so sorry I didn't come and check in the surgery had some complications and then when it finished I was about to page you to tell you but then I got pulled into an emergency surgery start away. I swear if I could have I would have been here every hour on the hour, it's just today was busy and I'm sorry but I brought the girls to cheer you up?"

"Derek I was mad but then when I talked with Izzie, Cristina, Alex and George I was more mad at them then you, so I let my anger for you go because I knew you couldn't control what happened where as they could have handled it better. So I'm not mad at you but I will take some twin cuddles."

"What about boyfriend cuddles?"

"I'll think about it first I have to talk to girls to see if daddy deserves some cuddles."

"Mer they can barley say mama and dada." I laughed

"What do you think Eliza and Amelia, should dada have some family cuddles? Mhm Mhmh. Sorry Derek they said no and that you have to bring mama some strawberry ice cream."

"Did they now?"

"Oh yes and they just told me that you have to be quick."

"Right then I best getting going on finding that ice cream. Then cuddles?"

"Maybe cuddles."


I don't mind finding Meredith her ice cream, it means that slowly she is starting to be herself eating more and talking to me more and I can't be happier. I know it's small and we, she has a long way to go to get back to her normal self but she is making progress and that's all that matters.

And with the police getting closer in finding Taylor, Meredith can finally be at ease knowing he will be behind bars for a very, very long time and won't be able to hurt her or our family in any way shape or form.

So I don't mind buying Meredith ice cream because this is start of the upside, the start of the healing process.


"I'm back with ice cream and in return someone promised me cuddles."

"I did? I thought I said maybe Der, I mean if you pass me the ice cream then you can come lay here with us."

"I wouldn't pass that up, here's your ice cream."

Laying here with Meredith maybe not in the right circumstances but this is what I always wanted while she was gone to be able to have her in my arms, and now not only that but we have a family and I can't even describe how thankful I am for Meredith.

"I love you Meredith you know that right?"

"I love you too Derek, I know you are my knight in shining whatever."

Hi everyone hope you liked this chapter the next chapter will have a bit of a time skip to her discharge day and I might glimpse into Mer's therapy sessions etc.

But I hope you liked this chapter and oh my gosh I can't believe it we are so close to 16k reads what the heck thank you all so much for reading this and being patient with my updating.

Anyway don't forget to vote and if you have ideas or feedback let me know :)

Have a great day :)

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