Chapter 42

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A/N: Meredith has spent two months in the hospital recovering from both attacks which now makes it May and the twins now 7 months.

*3 weeks later*

Meredith's POV:

It's discharge day! It's discharge day! I can finally go home to the girls and cuddle them days on end I'm never letting them go again, it's going to be the four of us against the world. I know I have to do therapy until I'm deemed fit to work but that isn't stopping me from feeling ecstatic that I can finally go home! I just need Bailey to sign my discharge papers.

Derek-"Someone is excited to leave, Mer you're bouncing of the walls with excitement."

"Well of course I am, I get to go home today, the police are close to finding Taylor I just feel excited to finally be safe at home."

"I know you are Mer, so Bailey will come back later to sign the papers, I'm going to do one surgery before you get discharged and then I can look after you for a wee while before I'm due back."

"Derek you don't have to take time off I can look after myself."

"Meredith, you are still in multiple cast with ribs healing let me look after you, and once I go back to work you can start to do things by yourself, okay?"

Argh don't get me wrong I love Derek with all my heart and I love it when he looks after me but I don't like it when he too protective.


Derek's POV:

I've left Meredith in her room asleep all that excitement got to her, so now that she is asleep I can head to my surgery it shouldn't take too long complications not included, I can't have anything go wrong in the surgery I need to do it, and take Meredith home she has been a patient here long enough.

"Dr. Shepherd?"

"Yes...Ellis Grey? I thought you were, actually I don't know where you were."

"I was avoiding Meredith, I was scared to see her in this state again it nearly broke me the first time. But Richard informed that she getting discharged today is that right?"

Ellis hasn't been around recently after Mer's second attack she left we hadn't seen or heard from her for a while and now she's here.

"Derek, I want to talk to here before I go to Boston, I got a job there and it's an offer I cannot refuse but before I go I need to make sure my daughter is safe."

"She's in room 416, Lexie might be in there with her at some point so just expect that. I'll come down in a few hours and take her home. I'm glad you came back Ellis.

"So am I Derek."


Meredith's POV:

I'm bored. Totally and utterly bored, Lexie was supposed to come and see me but she's late so I'm just sitting here waiting which I should be used to because I've been a patient for months now but I'm still bored, I need to know what's happening outside my room. So Lexie, she needs to hurry up and fill me in on all the gossip.

"I'm so so sorry I'm late Meredith, I didn't know what sandwich you would have liked for lunch so I went tot find Derek, and he told me so I got you a BLT I hope that's alright?"

"Lexie it's fine I'm just glad you came I was going out of my mind with boredom. So... fill me in on everything I've missed while I've been out."


A few hours went by with Lexie telling me everything I had missed while I've been stuck here in this jail yo could say I couldn't do anything which made me more mad because for the first few weeks I didn't feel safe enough to see Derek or the twins. I missed out on the girl's growing, so I need to make up for the time I missed when I get home.

Lexie-"Everyone misses you Mer, I know we've been slack myself included with visiting you but we all truly miss you and can't wait for you to come back to work."

"I've missed everyone too Lex, I just hope I can be cleared soon."

Ellis-"Am I interrupting anything?"

"Mum? What are you doing here?"

Lexie-"I'll go, surgeries to do, wounds to stitch."


"Mum what are you doing here? You haven't come to see me in weeks, you just stopped it's like you fell of the face of the earth."

"Meredith, I'm sorry I left so suddenly but when I heard you were attacked for yet a second time I couldn't bare to see you to know I didn't protect enough that I wasn't there to prevent it. If I had visited you before now I would have broken down and I can't do that I have to be strong for you, I could have protected you but I didn't."

Mum is blaming herself. It's no one's fault that it happened twice the only one to blame is Taylor and I'm sure as hell won't stop until he goes behind bars.

"Mum this isn't your fault, it's Taylor's. You don't have to be strong all the time you can break down it's okay if you do I won't judge you."

"Meredith, I am so sorry for how I treated you when you were growing up and when I found out you were having the girls, I love being a Grandma. Meredith I'm... moving back to Boston, I will visit you and the girls and possibly Derek if he's been good but Meredith I love you and I'm so glad your safe now, it puts my mind at ease. Goodbye Meredith."

"This is it for now? You're going to come back?"

"I will Meredith, I promise."

"Bye mum, I love you too."

Just like that she's gone and I have no clue when I'll see her again but I know we are both now at peace with each other and that's all I could ever ask for.

Derek-"You ready to come home Mer?"

"More than anything Derek."

Sorry this chapter ended abruptly I didn't know what else to write but the next few will be snippets of Mer's recovery etc

I hope you liked this chapter and I'm sorry but I forgot who's idea it was for Ellis to come etc but thank you to who ever that was and sorry I didn't tag you.

Sorry for any grammatical errors.

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