Chapter 19

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"Meredith, I need to talk to you."


Derek's POV:

I raced to find Meredith and sure enough, she was where I expected her to be, picking the girls up and going home. But I couldn't let her go home without her knowing she has family who was in danger of dying staying at the hospital.

"Meredith, I need to talk to you."

"Derek, I was about to bring the girls to you before I left, what's up?"

"You- you, you have a sister Meredith, two in fact and one of them is here in the hospital. She was in an accident and barely survived but she did which means you have a sister, the girls can have an aunty."

"Derek I know I have two sisters, I saw them today when I was at the O.R board, I stood there for hours waiting for you to talk to them to see their reactions and if she had died or not.  My father is in jail for the shooting  and I don't want to see him and I don't want to see my "sisters"."

I can't believe it, she has a family and she doesn't want to see them or let them in. After all these years if anyone deserved to have a family it's Meredith.

"But Mer, she is your sister and they're your family who asked me about you, they want to get to know you Mer, give them a chance I just want you to experience what I did when I was growing up, you deserve a family Mer."

"Derek I have a family, the twins and you, and at the moment that is all I need and want. When the time comes and if the time comes I'll reach out to them but I'm not ready for that, Derek he left when I was four years old and left to start a new family, he replaced me and as much as you want me to have what you did I can't forget that he replaced me with a new family and left me with a mother who hates me."

"Mer, I know this is a tough topic for you but please just think about it because once Lexie is healed you are going to be seeing a lot more of her."

"What do you mean, she is only a patient right?"

"Well, no today was her first day as an Intern here, and well she was going to be on your service I discovered about 10 minutes ago."

"WHAT! You mean to tell me that only is she a patient where I work but also I'm her boss?!"

"Yea.... but don't worry I already moved her to Cristina's service."

"Okay, I think I'll leave the twins here till you finish just so I can collect my thoughts."

"Okay, just text me when you are home, I love you."

"I love you too,"


Meredith's POV:

I couldn't believe it, not only did I have a sister but I had two and one of them is about to work in the same hospital as me and I don't even know if I want to know her for god's sake.

I really needed to get away for a little bit but I knew I couldn't run again, I have Derek and the twins to think about this time and I need to put them first so I drove to a place I didn't think I would end up at, Thatcher's house.


"Hi I'm Molly, you must be Meredith would you like to come in?"

Meredith what were you thinking about coming here, leave while you still have the chance.

"Um, sure."

"You've got a lovely house, how long have you lived here for?"

"I- um well my parents used to live here before they died and well went to prison."

He lived in the same subdivision as me and never even came to visit this sure was a terrible idea of mine.

"Meredith, you haven't seen dad in years, why are you here?"

"I haven't visited you! I was four when he left how was I suppose to visit him, you never even gave me your address and you lived streets away from me! WHY DIDN'T HE VISIT ME or at least take me with him! My life has was hell growing up but he knew it would be that's why he left me with her and then replaced me with your new family with his new daughters, so I guess I'm here because I wanted answers but I don't see that happening any time soon this was a mistake. I've got to go Derek and the kids are waiting for me. Molly, I know you are looking out for your father but you have to understand that he left me then tried to kill me instead of killing others and shooting my boyfriend, so Goodbye Molly."

"You- you have kids? and I'm sure he didn't replace you, he said you were always his little Meri, and that he always loved you and always will."

"You think he can abandon me and then expect to welcome him with open arms back into my life? He left me I didn't leave him, I spent every afternoon for 2 years waiting for the sound of Thatcher  coming home but he never did, I have no one to take to the daddy-daughter dances, I basically raised myself because Ellis sure wasn't around to raise me."

"Meredith, I want to get to know you and Derek and the kids please give me a second chance give this family chance to be the family we could have been, please Meredith."

"I- I have to go,"


I couldn't believe I just did that, I don't even know what went through my head thinking that seeing her would make anything better, instead, it just brought up feelings I didn't need nor wanted at the moment. 

I just want to get home to Derek, Eliza, and Amelia and cuddle with them all night and just be with my family.


"I'm home!"

"Hi Mer, I just finished cooking dinner, you up for eating?"

"Yup I'm starving!"

"Aren't you always, so where did you get up to while you were thinking?"

"It's a long a story Derek,"

"Well, the girls are asleep so we have time to talk before they wake up so what happened?"

"Okay, so..."

I'm so sorry for not updating for like two weeks :( 

I've been quite busy and haven't really had any motivation to write but I am currently working on updating all books so expect more updates soonish.

Anyway I hoped you liked this chapter, I know it was mainly conversations, etc but I kinda thought they were important idk,

Anywho don't forget to vote/comment and maybe if your new check out my other stories :)

Also thank you for reading and voting for all my stories it means the world to me!

Have a great day!


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