Chapter 5

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Derek's POV:
I walked over to Joe's to meet Meredith, I was about 10 minutes early so I sat on the same stool I sat on when we first met. Soon ten minutes by and there was no sign of Meredith 10 minutes turned into 20 and then that quickly turned into 30 minutes. With no sign that Meredith was going to show anytime soon I decided to pay joe the money I owed but then I saw Cristina walking towards me.

"Um hey Derek"

"Hey Cristina do you know where Mer is she was suppose to meet me like half an hour ago."

" yea um about that she said she is sorry and wanted me to give you this."

Cristina handed me a letter I'm not going to lie I was very confused that Mer had to give me letter explaining why she stood me up instead of a text message, I opened the letter and began reading, the more I read the more my heart broke.

*the letter*

Dear Derek,

Before you get too deep into this letter I just want you to know that no matter what happens between us and if and when I come back that you won't hate me, for keeping something a secret from you. But instead you would understand why i didn't tell you.

Derek, I'm not coming back to Seattle, I've left and I don't think I will be coming back anytime soon and please don't pester Cristina to tell you where I am because she won't tell you. I know you will think I left because of you which is partly true but I just couldn't bare seeing you and Addison being all well married and now you are expecting a child so I thought it would be best for me to remove myself from the situation. And I'm sorry for calling you a McAss and yelling at you at the hospital it was just hard for me to see the man I love with another women after he said he would never leave me,

Like I said Derek I'm sorry, but i had to do this for myself and my future you can pester Cristina all you want or drive across the whole country but a) Cristina won't tell you a single thing and b) you have no clue where to start looking. And before I say goodbye Derek, I'm sorry i stood you up but I physically couldn't come I am half way across the country.  And please don't spend all the time worrying about me or wondering how I am I want you to move forward because well you didn't pick me you didn't love me stay and be with Addison.

I will love you forever and Always

Love Mer x

*end of letter*

She actually left, she left me well technically I left her first but I was going to confess my love to her tonight and now she is god knows where, at this point I just want to go home to trailer and self isolate myself I have nothing. I lost the love of my life twice, I lost my best friend also twice.


Meredith's POV:

Today I'm booking an appointment with the O.B to see how far along I am and I can't wait to see the little fetus and hopefully hear the heart beat because well this little fetus is the only thing keeping me together at the moment. I know I should call Derek and tell him that I'm pregnant but he didn't pick me, he doesn't love me and he can't change his mind after breaking my trust and heart so easily. And I can't bring myself to tell him, because he will hate me for not telling him sooner and I can't handle angry Derek at the moment.

*fast forward a couple weeks to her O.B appointment*

"Meredith Grey? Is Meredith Grey here?"

"Yup! That's me!"

" Please come this way, I will give you the room for a moment please take everything below the waist down off please and put this gown on, I'll be back soon."

I'm so excited to finally meet my little Fetus. I have to send picture to Cristina!

"Hi there, Meredith I'm Doctor Smith, now this is going to be a bit cold"

"And there is your baby, it looks to be around 10 weeks along so, today is May 1st so you should be due around the 25-26 of December just before Christmas."

"Oh- my god it's so cute and little, may I please have some pictures?"

"Of course, and I want you to be taking vitamins and if you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask. I'll leave to get your pictures and so you can get changed."

I can't believe it! I'm actually having a baby and in December, a little snow baby how cute would that be I just have to tell Cristina!

M- CRIS! Guess what!

C- Mer, I'm working, is everything okay? Is the fetus okay?

M- The fetus is more than okay! I just had an appointment and they are due December 10th! AND I have pictures, would the future Godmother wish to see them?

C- Of course I want to see my future God child!

M- Sent attachment press here to open

C- okay so the plan is I'm coming to your 12 week appointment and the fetus is so cute even though it hasn't developed a lot but still CUTE!

M- Okay I'll let you go save some lives now, and I better get ready for work too. Talk tomorrow xx

C- Take care Mer and you better take care of my Godchild!!!

Derek's POV:
I was walking into the interns locker room, because I universe hates me so much that I have to show the new intern where to put her stuff. Which happens to be in Meredith's locker she is putting her stuff into Meredith's locker, she has only been gone 3 weeks and they are already replacing her, how inconsiderate.

As I showed her, her new locker I saw an envelope addressed to me on the floor......

Cliffhanger lol! I know I have been saying this a lot but I mean it, I am so grateful for everyone that has commented, voted and read this book. I'm also thankful for the advice I have been given it means a lot so thank you!
Have a great day!

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