Chapter 22

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Meredith's POV:

Derek and I have been up for hours trying to get the twins to sleep, Derek was rocking Eliza and I was rocking Amelia but what I didn't know was that as soon as Eliza fell asleep so did Derek so I was awake by myself trying to get Amelia to sleep until the early hours of the morning, as much as I love the girls I'm secretly glad Derek is now on leave and I get to go to work. Although I'm not sure how well I'll work with barely any sleep.

I had finally managed to get some sleep when my alarm had began to go off alerting me that I have my 12- hour shift today, which I'm torn if I want to get out of my warm cocoon underneath all of the warm blankets.

"Mer you have to get up or you'll be late."

"But Derek, the girls their teething you'll need the help and it's so warm in here and I just want to sleeeep."

"Well good thing their father is a doctor and can look after then plus it's just Amelia that is teething and you'll get to meet Lexie today, Mer you can't avoid her forever you've been on leave for 4 and half months it's time to meet your sister and I can drop you off to work with the girls okay?"

"Urgh fine I'm going to have a shower."

"Well, I need a shower too."


Derek's POV:

It was so cute watching Mer run around the house trying to find everything I would need for the girls and her work supplies and listing everything I need to do and buy and what the girl's timetable is, it's not like they're my daughters or I live here with them.

"Mer you do realize that I am their father and not the babysitter and that I live here?"

"I know it's just my first time working and spending the day away from them, and Amelia is teething and Eliza is catching a cold. Are you sure you want me to leave I mean I can stay if you need me to I'll-"

"Meredith we will be fine now do you have everything for work because we need to leave now if you are wanting to be on time for your interns they have been eagerly waiting to meet the wonderful Meredith Grey."

"Okay I think- I think I've got anything but seriously Derek, if you need me or something, happens to call me okay?"

"Okay, sweetie but they are five months old nothing too big will happen. Now let's go okay?"

God, she is so cute when she is rambling or worried her nose scrunches up and it makes me fall in love with her all over again.


Meredith's POV:

I was well into my shift and I feel guilty for saying this but I was so busy with work that I haven't had any time to call Derek and check on the girls, and I guess that is kind of a good thing too.

I was waiting for the new rig to come with the incoming trauma while talking to Izzie and she was ranting about how she saw Alex in the on-call room with Olivia and how he cheated on her, and I've trying to be supportive but I can't stop thinking about if the girls are okay at home.

"Mer are you even listening to me? Alex cheated on me with George's Syph Nurse like SERIOUSLY!"

"Um no sorry I wasn't listening I was thinking. Um here come the paramedics you ready?"

John doe, about 28 years old car crash victim losing a lot of blood.

"Okay let's take it to trauma one and get assessed can someone let the O.R know we are coming up."

"Um excuse me, are you Dr.Grey?"


"I'm Lexie.'

"Great. Move"

"Lexie Grey, I'm you sister."

Shit I didn't expect to see her today I mean I did but not like this, this isn't how I pictured meeting my sister for the first time, great just great.

"Listen, I would love to talk but I need to get this John Doe into the trauma room to assess his injured you can either stand there or help me and scrub in, which one is it?"


Derek's POV:

I knew this would happen I need Meredith would jump right back into work and forget to call me on how her day was going and her asking me questions about the girls, it's not like she has anything to worry about the girls are fine Eliza broke her fever a couple of hours ago and well Amelia still isn't eating or sleeping so I'm trying to find something to help with the pain and well I promised myself I won't ask Meredith for help so I have reverted to calling my mother.

*ring ring*

C- Derek how are you is everything alright?

D- Yeah, it's just Amelia has a tooth coming in and I don't want to worry Meredith but what can I do to help her?

C-Or you don't want Meredith to know you need help is that it?

D- maybe but please ma help me.

C- well what works I've discovered is a cold, not frozen spoon or a chilled teething ring I suggest the teething ring as a better option. How are my girls I was planning on visiting soon if that's alright with you?

D- Thanks Ma, it means a lot and I'll have to check with Mer when she gets home from work but it should be fine and Ma you don't need to bring any gifts with you that have enough gifts from your last visit.

C- Is it alright if I brought Amelia with me, she just got out of rehab and I know she's been dying to meet her niece you've named after her. And hey my last visit was Christmas so they deserve to be spoilt on their first Christmas.

D- Trust me they were spoilt for newborns, like I said I'll have to check with Mer, and are we still on for Easter this year?

C- Yup, you are coming to New York and the whole family will be there.

D- Yup, I've got to go now ma the girls are calling me I'll talk to Mer then I'll text you.

C-Bye Derek take care 

*end of call*


Meredith's POV:

My shift has finally ended and I can get home to my girls and Derek of course and surprised I haven't seen Lexie that much today she must have been retelling her surgery story to the interns.

"Meredith! Can I talk to you?"

Chapter 22 is done! I hope you liked this chapter and I've got something planned for the story which I'm excited about hehe, thank you so much for reading this story and voting for it this story is close to 5k and I would never have expected for it to even get to 1k so THANK YOU! Don't forget to comment or vote and if you have any idea for this story it's always welcomed :)

Have a great day!


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