Chapter 37

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Bailey's POV:

It has been a total of four hours since Meredith hasn't returned to her room and we have searched inside and out of the hospital, the alleyways, the on-call rooms, everywhere the only place I personally haven't looked is the tunnels. Has anyone looked in the tunnels? I've got to call Derek.

"Derek Shepherd here, how can I help?"

"Derek, do you seriously not have my number saved in your phone, typical."

"Miranda, I am looking for Meredith what do you need?"

God Derek can be an arse when he wants to be.

"Have you checked the tunnels?"


"Derek, I have a suspicion she is there but in case Taylor is still with her I can't go by myself."

"Understandable meet me by Richard's office in 5 and we will go down together."

Taylor's POV:

Many have heard my name, yes I'm the man on the run and have chosen to attack the same victim from before but once you hear my side of the story you might understand why I did what I did. Derek Shepherd, that name angers me, he was the doctor working on my wife...... when she died, he could have saved her if he had tried a little bit harder than what he did. But he didn't he gave up saying there was nothing more that he could do, I was planning on hurting him but the shooting happened, and well he was injured, so I hurt the next best thing is his girlfriend.

Sure she didn't deserve what I did to her but Derek Shepherd did and he deserves to feel the pain I felt with losing my wife, but they keep saving her and finding her hence why we are in an unoccupied storage room.

Meredith is now unconscious and I'm undecided if I should leave her here or stay with her until she is conscious again. But it looks like fate has already made that decision for me as I hear Derek's voice coming closer.


Meredith- "ouch"

God, why did she have to wake up just as they were walking past."

*whisper* "Meredith. Don't......Make.....A.....Fucking......Sound."

Somehow I feel sympathy for her, as the hope in her eyes slowly disappears but I have to remember that this is what Derek deserves.

Derek's POV:

I can't believe I let this happen not once but twice! I let Meredith get kidnapped again right from under my nose how can I be so blind, why wasn't I there to protect her? Why didn't I listen to her when she said she didn't want to go with him? How can I be such an idiot and be more focused on a page than my girlfriend, what kind of boyfriend does that? A dumb one that is.

"Meredith! Meredith!"

Bailey- "Derek, if she is there, she sure as hell won't reply to you if she is in pain or still with him. We need to be smart about this. If my suspicions are right we need to get the police down here asap."

I know Miranda is right but deep down it breaks my heart knowing that we could be meters away from Meredith and not find her, and I just pray to God he hasn't killed her, because if he has I will kill him.

"Derek, I need you to know that this wasn't your fault don't beat yourself up we both have never met Taylor. We would have never guessed who he was and pretending to be."

"But she told me, she told me not to leave her with him and look what I did, I left her with him. How can this not be my fault?"

"Derek, she won't blame you which means you can't blame yourself either. Let's go get the police down here."


Meredith's POV:

The familiar pain has returned all too soon, I was so close to going home and now I am back where I started, abandoned in a room by myself close to death and no one knows where I am. Taylor left me a while ago so they don't find her and lock him up again. I know that if I don't get found soon I most certainly will die but I can't not today, not yet I have Eliza and Amelia at home, I have their first birthday to plan for the coming months.

Oh God, my mother is still here does she know that they can't find me? Since when did I worry about my mother, maybe that's what coming close to death does to you.

I start to cry and I can't stop the pain is unbearable, I just want the pain to stop for God's sake I am in a hospital and yet no doctors are around. I want to scream for everything he has done to me, I want to scream for all the hurt he has caused, I want to scream as a little more of my soul and self-esteem breaks. I want to scream at the top of my lungs, but something stops me, I know my jaw isn't broken this time but something stops me from screaming for help. So I just lay here crying and waiting for someone, anyone to find me.

I want to go home.


Derek's POV:

The police are being useless at their jobs saying unless we have more evidence that she is down there they can't do anything that is crap absolute crap. I know she is down there and if they won't do anything then I will have to do their job for them.

I am making my way down there when I feel a tug at my arm, and of course, it's the one and only Cristina Yang, but she doesn't have her bitch face on she has the look of worry. Understandable her best friend is missing and no one is doing anything about it.

"Derek, if you have a feeling where Meredith is let me come with you. I need to know she is okay."

"I think she is down in tunnels we need to be quick. The police are being useless."

"Okay well then let's go."


Cristina's POV:

Derek and I are making our way down to the tunnels, we are walking in silence too focused on our racing thoughts to utter a word. I feel guilty for yelling at Derek earlier I know he didn't mean to leave her with him, God he didn't know what he looked like no of us did, I also feel guilty for not protecting Meredith and letting this happen once again.

"Derek, I'm sorry for earlier I was out of line."

"It's ok- do you hear that sound?"

*Meredith's sobs*

Oh my God, that's Meredith, she is down here, she is alive I knew it.

"It's Meredith!"

Derek's POV:

I can't believe it Bailey and I was right and the police didn't listen, now we have to find which room she is in. We went door by door until there was one left and the sobs became clearer, I tried opening the door but somehow it was locked, there is only one way I can get in and that's breaking the door down.

"Cristina move back."

"What are you going to break the door done?"

I give her a look of seriousness and she knows I'm not kidding.

"Meredith, it's me, Derek, don't be scared we are here there is going to be a loud crash but you're okay."




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