Chapter 26

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Meredith's POV:
The ground is colder than it was before, I can feel the blood slowly trickling down my body and the pain is now unbearable and I don't understand how my family and friends that are all doctors haven't found me yet.
Maybe I'm just not as noticeable as I thought they have clearly not noticed that I am terribly late for my shift.
I just want to go home and see my girls and for everything to be okay and that this is just a nightmare that I will wake out of.

Derek POV:
Clearly, Mer hasn't turned up to work today, without even giving me a heads up so the girls have been in daycare for God knows how long because Mer couldn't tell me she wasn't coming to work today.
I'm making my way over to the daycare as I turn and see Cristina, Alex, George, and Izzie all standing there waiting for me. We all begin to exchange glances waiting for the first one to share whatever they are hiding from me. It takes a while but finally, Alex begins to talk.

"Derek, we went to Mer's house to check on her and to see if she is alright. She wasn't there Derek and it looked like no one had been there since morning, we are all really worried and thought you should know that.... we don't know where she is and if she is okay, her car is at the hospital but she isn't here and she isn't at home we are getting really concerned."

I don't understand. Her car is here yet she isn't, she isn't at home and she didn't take the girls with her I am getting really concerned.

"Okay, so clearly she got to work but something must have happened that we didn't notice, have we tried ringing her and paging her? Have we looked around the hospital inside and out?"

Izzie- "Derek, no offense but what do you think we were doing all day today? We were calling her and paging her nonstop for all we know she could be lying dead in a ditch and you were too busy with brains to freaking notice that your girlfriend is missing!"


Meredith's POV:

I think- I think if I just move a little closer to my pager I can ask for help, I just have to move a little to the left.


Bad idea to move because now the pain is back but I have at least moved a centimeter closer to the hospital than I was before not a lot of distance but I'm hoping enough that they can see me under the lights.

I can feel my pulse slowing down and I start to cry I think it's time for me to accept the fact that I will die out here and the person who attacked me will get away free of charge. But I'm going to keep fighting for as long as I can. I wish I could hear the sounds around me and maybe I could have heard the sounds of people calling my name.

Izzie's POV:

I felt bad for shouting at Derek but someone had to, I wasn't going to let him get away from not showing the tiniest bit of concern for Meredith's safety and instead of looking for her like we were all day her did surgery after surgery. Cristina and I have started to walk to her car to try and trace the steps she would have taken to get to the hospital.

"Iz, what's that over by the alleyway?"

"Um, I don't know let's go check it out."

We walk over to the object and it's Meredith's handbag everything is sprawled out on the ground some things are broken and money was stolen and it's clear that we are both confused. 

"Cristina, it's all Meredith's things but where is Mer?"

"I don't know Izzie, I don't know but this will help us find her."

"We should pick everything up and maybe call out for her?"

 George's POV:

Derek, Alex, and I have been searching all the wings of the hospital every on-call room, asking every doctor and nurse we see if they have seen any sign of her and every answer is the same leaving us back to square one all over again.

Alex's POV:

We've alerted the chief and Bailey letting them know that no one has seen Meredith since around 8 this morning and that she isn't here or at home so now they are looking for her too. Derek is clearly becoming more and more anxious as time passes. It's nearly 8 p.m which means we haven't heard from her for 12 hours, which is leaving us all on edge.

Cristina's POV:

Izzie and I are still looking around the clinic and trauma entryway because we believe that she is close and we just have to keep looking further. We have found her bag which is helpful it means we are close we are walking closer to the trauma doors when we see her shoes scattered across the ground.

"Are those her shoes Cristina?"

"I- I think so. She must not be too far away then we need to keep looking.'


Meredith's POV:

Everything is silent.

Everything has gone black.

I can feel myself going towards the light.

The light is so warm and welcoming.


Izzie's POV:

Cristina and I are still looking, she has now moved to the clinic side and I'm by the road I look down and I can see a trail of dried blood along the concrete, I follow it and it leads me to a body.

Meredith's body.


Hehe sorry for the cliffhanger I thought she should probably be found at some point. I will update as soon as I can and I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote/comment and keep reading. If you have any ideas let me know they are always welcomed :)

Thank you for over 7k reads it means so much to me I truly can't believe how people actually like reading this.

Anyway hope you have a great day :)


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