Chapter 12

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Meredith's POV:

"So some names I was thinking of  were Amelia after your sister and maybe, Eliza but if you have other names you prefer"

" Mer, I love both of those names, so now onto middle names. Do you want family names or names that have a ring to it?"

" Derek you know, if this isn't want you want I can give you an out because you never asked for your slutty intern to get pregnant. So this is your chance to leave I'm giving you an out,"

God why did I say that I don't want him to leave, I can't do this by myself crap what I have I done what if he accepts the chance out of this mess.

Derek's POV:

I hate how Mer thinks that I don't want our kids or that I don't want her, I've wanted her since the day we meet at the bar and I never stopped loving her I just wish she knew that.

"Mer, I don't need an out because you and the girls and what I've always wanted and I've always wanted you I've always loved you and I will never stop loving you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, Meredith Grey"

Meredith starting crying I presume because of how meaningful my speech was and how it just warmed her heart. But in reality, I knew it was because of her hormones.

"Would you like to see the girls?"

"Yes I would love to"

Meredith's POV:

Derek wheeled me to the NICU which I didn't think he was allowed to considering he was still a patient himself but I didn't complain I enjoyed his company.


The girls are just beautiful, we decided to name baby B Eliza Ellis Grey-Shepherd and baby A Amelia Jade Grey-Shepherd both girls have a family name somewhere in their own name, to make it have a special meaning and place in our hearts.

Amelia looks exactly like Derek's blue eyes and black hair that would no doubt be a monster to tame.
Eliza had my hair and Derek's blue eyes and unfortunately also inherited Derek's nose, poor thing.

"They're beautiful Derek they look all most like your twin."

" And they are just as beautiful as their mother."


Cristina's POV:

I was walking to the cafeteria with my lunch and saw Izzie and evil spawn sitting at the table so I thought I might as well join them.

Izzie- they are so cute, I wonder what they have named them and oh god I hope I'm one of the godmothers.

Alex- I suppose they are cute considering they are babies and all that.

"Who's cute?"

Izzie- Mer's and Derek's baby girls are just the cutest.

"Yea I knew Mer had the twins, but I haven't seen them yet I hope they are okay."

Alex- naw look who cares for someone other than herself.

" shut up evil spawn, I'm going to find Mer. Anyone coming with?"

Izzie- oh my god I'll come I want to see them!"


"Meredith Grey!  knew you gave birth but you didn't tell me you had to have an emergency C!

" hi, Meredith how are you after the c-section? Hi Cristina I'm a bit tired if I'm being honest and my incision is sore thanks for asking. I didn't tell you because Mr. McDreamy overdramatized the situation and forgot to tell the nurses to page you, but other than that would you like to meet your goddaughter and Izzie do you want to meet your goddaughter?"

"Of course I will Mer!"

" Sorry about before Mer but I would love to meet them, would you like me to wheel you there?"

"Yes please, Cris."


Meredith's POV:

" So over here is Eliza Ellis Grey-Shepherd who was born first at 1:35 pm and then over here is Amelia Jade Grey-Shepherd born at 1:34 pm."

" Oh, Mer they are the cutest! They look exactly like you and Derek."

"Thank you Izzie, they have to stay in the NICU for all most a month which is going to be hard if I stay in Michigan."

" wait Mer are you moving back to Michigan! So after all these months of me helping you and you telling Derek you are just going to move back! That is stupid Mer and you know it!" 

I just sat there shocked Cristina never normally yells at me and we hadn't seen each other in months so I am really confused why she was upset with me.

"Cris, I don't know what I want to do I have a life there now but I also have a life here so I'm torn and I don't know what to choose, and you yelling at me isn't helping."

Crap! The waterworks are coming for the second time today and in front of people as well just great.

Cristina's POV:

I know I should have not yelled at Mer, especially since she just had twins and her emotions are all over the place but she needed to put in her place and told how stupid she was being that she was considering moving back to Michigan.

"Mer, I'm sorry I yelled at you but you have to realize that leaving Seattle you are breaking Derek's heart again, the girls won't be close to their father and the only family they have. You may have a life there but your life is here and has always been here, even if you haven't realized it you will always be tied to Seattle."

Okay my speech even makes me want to vomit I'm never that sentimental but apparently, Meredith brings out my caring side.

"Cris, I know you didn't mean to yell at me but it's just their bedrooms are there everything is there, my new friends are there but you are right Seattle is my home and I will always be drawn back, and I can't leave Derek not when we both love each other and I just had his kids."

Meredith's POV:

Well, it looks like I will be staying in Seattle longer than I anticipated.

Hey guys! sorry for the lack of updating I've been away with my family. I hope you like the names and thank you @lexipediayang for the name suggestion and OMG thank you so much we are so close to 1000 reads and 100 votes that is so surreal thank you! I hope everyone has a great day!


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