Chapter 47

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A/N: Okay.. okay so, me being really stupid I keep messing up the ages of the twins so I am going to state the month they were born and how old they would be in this chapter. Okay so, they were born in November (early meant to be Dec). They are now nearly 8 months old which makes in July, hope this clears everything up.

*A week later*

Meredith's POV:

I can't believe today I am off crutches and getting the cast off my leg! I can finally do things on my own without relying on Derek, I can start planning the girl's first birthday. Okay I know they are nearly 8 months old but that only gives me four months to prepare!

"Derek, hurry up! We need to leave I want to get these casts off!"

"I'll be there in a minute, Eliza is being difficult getting dressed this morning. I think she wants you to dress her, she seems to have gone right off me this morning."

I enter the girl's bedroom and there lies Eliza with tears streaming down her face, a flustered Derek, and a sleeping Amelia.

"I really wish they could talk right about now, so I would know why she doesn't want me to dress her this morning."

"Maybe she doesn't like your scratchy face Der, oh wait that's me... you need to shave you're growing a bread."

"But I like my beard, I think it makes me look more manly."



"Just pass my Eliza and I'll get her ready you take Amelia and then you go get ready and Shave."


We dropped the girls off at the daycare while we were at my appointment, and I just can't wait to hold them, carry them and play with them without the hassle of the crutches. I know I will have the moon boot for a wee while but if it gives me the ability to play and bond with my two girls then that is all that matters.

Callie- "Meredith? Derek? Are you ready to get the cast-off today?"

"More than ready Callie."

Derek's POV:

I can tell that Meredith is ecstatic to finally get the cast off her leg, but if I'm being honest I'm not really thinking about the cast. All I can think about is her, Meredith Grey, how much she has been through and overcome and how much I really want to make her become Meredith Shepherd. I have the day I want to do it, propose I mean but in all honestly I don't know what to say, but I need to divert my brain from this topic and focus on the baby step of getting this cast-off.

I look over to Meredith and she is beaming with a smile, she doesn't notice me watching but I can't help it, she's just so beautiful, and seeing her this happy means so much to us as a couple, and as a family. Not long ago she didn't talk to anyone, not even me, but sitting here in the doctor's room you can tell she has come a long way since the attacks, and I couldn't be prouder of the mother of my children, and the women I someday would love to call my wife.


Meredith's POV:

I can't believe it no more crutches! I am one more step closer to being able to go back to work, after everything that has happened I just need normality to start back up again. I just need to continue with therapy, and PT, then hopefully back to cutting people open.

"AHHH Derek, can you believe it I can finally walk without crutches, and I know I'm making a huge deal about this. But Derek it means I- we are one step closer to being normal again."

"Meredith, I love that you're excited over this and although it's a small step in your recovery, it's a step never the less and it deserves to be celebrated."

"Do you think after we pick the twins up from the daycare we could get some McDonald's for dinner?"

"Mer, if that's what you really want by I'm going to start cooking some healthier options for dinner, we can't keep having take out."

"Fine if you insist but when we get to the daycare I get the first cuddles with the girls."


*Later that night*

*Meredith's dream*

I'm in a small dark room surrounded by cupboards and shelves of medical supplies and documents. I'm back in the supply closet in the basement, how did I get here again? I was found.... how did I get back here I want to leave. I walk to the door and it's locked, I can feel the walls closing in on me, the walls are getting smaller and smaller. I fall to the ground I just want to leave this room and go back to Derek.

I don't know how long I've been stuck in this room, I am more aware of my body and its new injuries, Taylor must have already had his way with me and caused me to blackout. Were Derek and the girls taking me home, the cast coming off all a dream? This all feels so real, the pain feels real. I look up and there he appears towering over me lifting his hand up ready to slap me......


Derek's POV:

"No, please! DON'T HIT ME! PLEASE STOP....please."

Meredith screaming wakes me up from my sleep, she is still asleep herself but yelling, screaming, and crying to not be hit. I can only assume she is in a nightmare regarding the attacks.

"Meredith sweetie, wake up it's just a dream, just a dream."

She isn't budging she is still asleep, I start to gently shake her awake hoping this will get her out of her nightmare.

"Mer, wake up it's all just a dream you're safe here, you're safe."

"Derek.. it felt so real, I thought I was back there."

She starts to cry and it breaks me seeing how much that son of bitch broke her.

I stroke her hair until she falls asleep.

"It was just a dream, you're okay, you're here with me. It was just a dream."

Hi everyone so sorry for not updating for a while, I just had to take a wee break to sort some things out with my mental health and all that. In all honestly, I know how I want this story to end but I don't know what to do between now and that point, so if you have ideas please let me know!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know it wasn't much, or anything interesting happened but again if you have any ideas or advice let me know.

I hope you all have a safe and happy Easter

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