Chapter 50

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Derek's POV:

I've been going to therapy for a little over a month now, before I started seeing someone I was well, I wasn't in a good place I felt constantly on edge and paranoid that if I left Mer alone she would be in danger again.

But now with a little over a month of therapy, I am slowly retraining my brain to not automatically go to the worse case scenario, that Meredith is okay unless I get told other wise. Meredith is doing so much better physically, she is now off all crutches and can get back to surgery once Dr. Wyatt has cleared her to be mentally fit.

So, there has been some improvements on both ends and we are slowly but surely getting back to the family we were before the incidents took place.

The twins are now 9 months old, their personalities are growing and they are becoming such beautiful and independent girls and I couldn't be happier, all I need to do now is ask Meredith to simply marry me....


"Derek, the phones for you."

I make my way into the living room Eliza on my hip and take the phone up to my ear.


"Derek dear, I was just on the phone with Kathleen and we were thinking, how nice it would be if you, Meredith and the girls came to New York for the weekend."

"Ma, that sounds really lovely but with how Nancy was talking about Mer last time she was here, I am cautious on coming over there." 

"Oh Derek, don't even worry about Nancy, I will have a very stern talking to her. We would love for your four to come down for the weekend, it will be like old times with a family bqq."

"Ma, I'll talk to Meredith, it all sounds very lovely but Meredith and I are still recovering from the past events."

"Of course Derek, I understand but you need family more than ever now, to huddle around you when things do go wrong."

"I know, Ma let me talk to Meredith and I'll call you back. This weekend was it?"

"Yes you have enough time to book flights."

"Okay, I'll get back to later in the day. Love you Ma."


Meredith's POV:

The past month has gone really smoothly with Derek and I both going to therapy, we are slowly getting back to how we were before. 

The girls are 9 months old now and have very different personalities so far, Eliza is wild and free she is always finding someway to use her voice to scream for what she wants or need. Amelia is more quiet and reserved and whimpers instead of screaming. When I was pregnant with them I didn't think I would be a good mother, or if my child would like me let alone two, but Derek tells me each day that I am doing a good job and I couldn't be happier.

I make my way back into the living to see how Derek is from the phone call with his mother, I look at his facial features and I can tell something is bothering him.

"Der? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything is good. Ma has invited us to come to New York for the weekend, I told her I would ask you because well, because everything that has happened these past few months."

  "Derek I think we should go, your sisters haven't met the girls yet and one of them is named after them. I think it would do everyone the world of good to leave Seattle for little while, we need a break away from here."

"Are you sure Meredith? I mean you aren't freaking out and going into your dark and twisty place?"

"Okay, so I may be freaking out a little bit, but I do honestly think we do need to get out of here for a little while maybe spend a week there, not just the weekend."

"Mer are sure you want to spend a week with my sisters, I don't even want to spend 3 three days with them."

"DEREK they are you're sisters for goodness sake."


Derek's POV:

So  it's decided, Mer and I plus the girls are going to New York for a week and to be honest I am thrilled that Meredith agreed to go. Finally my sisters will get to meet the three loves of my life.

"Meredith should we start packing now if we are leaving in three day."

"That would be good, I'll go pack the what the girls need and if you pack your bag and book the tickets we will be all set."

"Come here Mer."

I embrace Meredith in a hug and we swing from side to side, enjoying each other's company. It's surreal to think that I nearly lost her on more than one occasion, hence why I think I will propose this weekend. I can't bear to go through nearly losing her again, and go any longer without calling her my fiancé or wife.

"Der what are you thinking?"

"How lucky am I to have you in my arms right now."

"I'm the lucky one Derek, you stayed with me even when I was a total bitch for not telling you about the girls sooner. I don't think I ever said sorry, so for everything I didn't tell you or did to you I am deeply sorry."

"Mer, I understand why you didn't tell me, I mean of course I was feeling all sorts of emotions when I found out. But I made to beautiful girls with you and you gave me the chance to be a father so thank you."

"I love you Der."

"I love you Mer."

Hi everyone so sorry for not updating I am very busy with some things but I know it's a short chapter, but hopefully still is reasonably okay. If you have ideas/comments/advice let me know don't forget to vote :)

I'm thinking the story will end in like 1 or 2 chapters time.

Also today is my birthday!!!!

Have a great day today!

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