Chapter 1 | death may not scare me...

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"What are we meant to do? Practically all of the police force walk out on me and none of the worlds organisations can cooperate, people are dropping dead left right and centre and we don't even know HOW Kira kills..."

The small number is remaining taskforce members sat before their chief, who was stuck in a tricky situation. Kira was always going to be a tough case to crack but now that there's barely any taskforce it would make things harder.

"I mean, L is working on this case..." Matsuda spoke up.

"How do we know we can trust him? He knows everything about us but we know nothing about him. He orders us about over a computer and expects us not to be suspicious?" Aizawa replied.

"He practically stole the case off us as it is, sure he's never been wrong before but who's to say he isn't in on everything?" Ukita added.

A few months ago, a mystery killer dubbed Kira began killing off criminals all around the world. But no one knew how, each one died of a heart attack, how does a killer use a heart attack as a weapon? He seemed almost supernatural, and the taskforce found themselves questioning their worldview. And just as soon as Kira made a name for himself, the mystery detective known as L swooped in and took the case. Practically making the worlds criminal investigation organisations bow to him in a day by proving in a single night Kira was in the kanto reigon of Japan, and likely a high school student.

Chief Yagami of the NPA, leading the Japanese taskforce working under L was now stuck at a crossing. Keep listening to everything L says blindly and question nothing, or demand some kind of act of trust from him and prove he's not untrustworthy.

L was a debated figure to crime fighters, he was undoubtedly amazing at his job. Solving as many as over 1000 cases and NEVER getting one wrong. But his methods were debatable. He was known for finding loopholes in the law and jumping through them, his morals were considered grey by all means.

But in a case like Kira, his help is invaluable.

"So? Are we going to do it?" Mogi asked.

Yagami was silent for a moment, debating it a final time.

"Yes. It's the only way he know for sure he's for real. We'll take his offer and meet L in person"

How exiting yet nerve racking for the taskforce, being the first to meet L in person. What was he like? How did he sound without that voice filter? What did he look like? How did he work so efficiently? So many questions, so little answers.

"Tomorrow he gives us the instructions, be here on time so we can follow them" Mr Yagami said.

With a nod of understanding from the small taskforce, the shift for the day was over. Usually they'd stay late, but they had families to attend to so for tonight they'd go home.

Was this a good idea? We're they walking right into a trap? Who knew. Only time would tell. The chief headed home for the night, when he arrived he found his family already had dinner and his wife was washing up while his daughter watched TV.

"Dad! You're home!" Sayu smiled.

"For tonight yes, I'm getting a break before something important tomorrow" he replied.

"I passed my math test! Kiiinnddaaa messed up my English but I'll get it next time"

"Well at least you passed math... where's Light?"

Sayu playfully rolled her eyes at the mention of her brother. 

"Studying like the nerd he is. Mum made extra dinner by the way just in case you came home" She said.

"Ah, I should see her. I'll let Light study he has those exams coming up" He replied.

His wife was pleased to see him, having not for a while. They sat at the dinner table over some leftover dinner from before as they discussed the state of his work.

"So you'll be staying overnight again?" She asked.

"Maybe... I'm not sure. We're meeting someone important tomorrow" he replied.

"I see. I do wish you had more time off, but I understand this case is tricky"

"I know, I wish I had time off"

Finishing up the last of their food, there was a moment of silence.


He looked up at his wife, giving her his attention.

"Are you scared at all? I mean this is definitely an... odd case" she asked.

"It's not death that scares me... something about this case does, but not death. I guess it's the risks we're taking. Especially tomorrow. Death doesn't scare me, but that mystery of a detective, he kind of does"

The mystery of a detective in question sat in a dark hotel room, sugary tea on the coffee table along with a laptop and stacks of case files.

"Unhappy, darling?"

He looked up from his work, you sat opposite him sipping tea from a mug reading 'the tears of men' on it.

"Yes. I wish this case didn't have so much paperwork" he replied.

"Exited first meet your taskforce tomorrow?"

"Not sure, we'll see how it goes. You know how people typically react when meeting us"

You smirked. You knew all to well. There was a lot of confusion, and you sure as hell loved to intimidate people.

"Oh I know darling. That's why I'm exited" you replied.

"Ugh but I have to get through all this work first, what a pain" L sighed.

"Don't torture yourself sweetheart..."

Looking him in the eye, you have him a playful grin.

"...That's my job"

Death doesn't scare me [L x Reader] • Death Note Where stories live. Discover now