Chapter 38 | favour

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"How the hell are we even meant to guess which one is Kira?"

That was a good question Aizawa, you had no idea. Even after thought through every employee at yotsuba, you weren't sure who it could be. You ruled out people it definitely wasn't but you still had a long list of people that might be. Most of the higher up employees were kind of scummy and could definitely be Kira, what you needed now was some kind of evidence to indicate a potential suspect on the list.

"Well unless we're able to get cameras in there we can't really do much" Matsuda replied.

"We can hack into the security cameras but even then there's rooms that don't have them, not every meeting room and storage rooms have cameras in a building like that" chief Yagami added.

You wondered when they'd notice... you and L were finding it very amusing the taskforce hadn't even realised there's two other people in the room.

"That's why I've added to the taskforce" L spoke up.

The taskforce seemed confused for a moment, and finally after almost an hour of not knowing they'd finally noticed your latest recruits.

Wedy and Aiber. Technically they were part of espionage, meaning they're technically criminals. But in a case like this you needed a few spies.

"Hang on how long have they been here?" Light jumped.

You snickered at the reactions of the taskforce. You and L knew they'd be coming today and you knew they were there the whole time. Both of you saw them amazingly enter the building without setting off a single alarm, proving their expertise.

"Long enough. This is wedy and aiber, both work on espionage and their skills will be useful to our current situation" L introduced.

"Wedy, I'm trained as a theif and breaking and entering. That's why you never realised we got in, I didn't set of a single alarm" she introduced.

You actually quite liked wedy, she had some real boss bitch energy with her leather bodysuits and motorbike skills. She also walked and talked like she ran the place, your kind of girl. A femme fatale for sure.

"The names Aiber, I'm a conman. I'm able to make anyone believe any lie I spin and they're none the wider to it" he introduced.

Honestly, he had rich wine uncle vibes. The kind of person you'd find in a penthouse on a fancy lounge drinking expensive wine and telling long stories of all his wild escapades.

"Espionage? They're criminals?" Chief Yagami asked.

"Technically-" L began.

"We're working with CRIMINALS? Aren't we meant to be catching  criminals here?" Light cut him off.

You and L glared at Light in annoyance, he gave you both an uptight look in response.

"In a case like this we need people with knowledge of the underworld and training to undergo undercover missions. Yes technically espionage is illegal but the whole point of it is never getting caught, therefore their skills are invaluable to us right now" L explained, slightly annoyed in tone thanks to Light.

"Look it's either work with them or not catch Kira" you added.

The taskforce fell silent, realising you were right and you'd need agents like them in a case like this. Police training is way different then spy training that's for sure.

"So, if we need cameras in the building we can leave that to Wedy who can break in with ease and not get caught. And when we need to investigate in person we can use Aiber who's charisma means no one will suspect he's an agent, plus... it's about time we got another girl around here. We all know they're impeccable agents, (y/n) can't find everything by herself" L finished.

Death doesn't scare me [L x Reader] • Death Note Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora