Chapter 53 | a tough explanation

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It was done. Both suspects were now in custody.

Finally, it'd only take you almost a damn year to do so...

With Light and Misa off in holding cells, rem off with them to keep an eye on Misa and being interrogated down at the station, and the plea deal plan with Misa in action there was another little hurdle to get over.

Telling the Yagami family that Light was arrested. Usually this wasn't something you'd be tasked with, since it's the cops job. But with the understandably fragile situation of Cheif Yagami being the father of the suspect, there was definitely going to be some... tension to say the least. So for the first time in a case you and L were going to break the news to a family, or at least help the Cheif explain it to his wife and daughter.

Hopefully you could leave out the part about breaking into the house to sneak cameras in and subsequently falling off Lights desk and having your ass caught in 4K on all those cameras. While it was definitely an important part of the case since it lead to you touching the paper... it was kinda embarrassing.

"God this is going to be so awkward..." you whispered to L as you approached the Yagami household for the first time since the cameras.

"I know, we've never had to break the news before..." L replied.

"I hope this doesn't turn into a total mess"

"Me too, but before we deal with this... are you ok?"

Ah, so there was absolutely no way you'd be hiding things from him huh? Yesterday when you started feeling sick you got a sinking feeling you knew why. So after the arrest was made you went out and got something to confirm or deny it.

Three separate tests later and it was confirmed, L's suggestion had come to fruition and he'd be getting a baby bat in 9 or so months. In all honesty you didn't think it'd work, you didn't really go in trying exactly. The last time you did unholy things to him it was purely for the fun of it and you both went 'fuck it, if it happens it happens, we talked about it anyway'.

While the end result would be worth it, you were sure as hell done with the bloody nausea already.

"I'm fine, really. We'll talk more on the matter a little later my darling. Right now we have a mess to deal with" you assured, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a squeeze.

Honestly you were surprised he hadn't figured it out already with how smart he was. Maybe it was still too early for him to catch on.

Cheif Yagami unlocked the door, and when it opened you could hear the exited footsteps of his daughter coming down the hall.

"DAD! You're home!" She smiled, having not seen him in a while with the case going on.

Mere seconds later his wife came around the corner.

"Honey you're back! Good thing I bought extra for dinner tonight- uh... who's this?"

The girls looked over his shoulder at you an L, both of you awkwardly just standing there.

"No way it's the vampire looking ones you were talking about. You're right they do look like the Aadams family" Sayu said.

"Sayu please-"

You and L gave each other a slight smile. That was a compliment to the two of you, you were rather pleased with that comparison.

"But yes... they're my coworkers. They're here because they lead the case and we have to uh... talk to you about something" Cheif Yagami said.

Confused, they let you in and you were led to the lounge area where you found yourself sitting opposite the Yagamis and there was a sizeable amount of awkwardness in the air.

"Well uh... you may have noticed that Light isn't here right now-" Cheif Yagami said.

"Oh yeah is he at uni or something? Haven't seen him in a while" Sayu replied.

"Please don't tell me he's hurt or something" her mother added.

You and L glanced at each other, here it comes.

Sighing and talking his glasses off to rub his eyes in stress, the Cheif was silent a moment finding the words to break the news.

"He's alright. But... he's been arrested" he admitted.


"Arrested? Light? Goodie two shoes, top of the class Light?"

"F-for what? He didn't drink and drive or something did he?

"This is OUR Light we're talking about right?"

The questions from the girls of the family came at rapid speed, not expecting something like that from Light. Sayu had always known him as her smart older brother that annoyed her by stealing the TV remote. And his mother only knew him as her first born child she raised into a good student.

Very different from how you knew him.

"I'll start with the lesser first, although it's still not good. He and Misa got into a fight yesterday and right in front of the whole taskforce, he slapped her across the face. Hard" The Cheif explained.

"What? Really? That doesn't seem like him. What on earth were they fighting about?" Mrs Yagami asked.

"Well uh... there's security footage of him seeing other girls while still dating misa..."

"HE CHEATED ON HER? ON A MODEL? ON THE MISA MISA! What the-" Sayu exclaimed.

With a nod telling them the answer was yes and this was definitely something Light had done, there was a moment of silence as they processed what they just heard. They had no idea Light was even capable of that kind of cruelty.

"And... the worse thing?" Mrs Yagami asked.

"Well uh... he was- you see-"

Mr Yagami sighed, not having any idea how to break the news since he could still hardly believe it himself. But all the evidence pointed right at his son, and he couldn't hide from if any longer. He looked over at you and L, wanting you to say it instead.

"Look there's no way we can sugar coat this, it's going to sting" you warned.

"We found the weapon Kira uses to kill. It was tested and Lights fingerprints and handwriting is all over it. He's been arrested on suspicion of murder, he's the original Kira" L added.

Silence fell over the family again, a look of terror on their faces. No one wants to hear their son took one life, let alone thousands. Even if you and L hated Lights guts, you understood that the family didn't do anything wrong and would be rather upset about the situation.

I mean, you were going to be a parent soon. You couldn't imagine hearing that your baby bat killed people. Although hopefully being raised by you and L, that wouldn't ever happen. Some kids are just evil, they can be treated like royalty by their parents and still turn out horrible. That's what happened with Light, and you sure as hell hoped it never happened to your child.

Light being Kira proved something. You can have everything, a loving and supportive family, friends, a roof over your head, good money and be raised on good morals and still end up evil. And compare that to L, who grew up abused, abandoned and orphaned and ended up the rich worlds greatest detective with a foster dad, successors, wife and baby on the way.

Sometimes a child is a product of their environment, and sometimes they're just pure evil.

Light, was pure evil. And unfortunately now his family had to face that reality.

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