Chapter 41 | the yotsuba kira

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Thanks to Matsuda little fuck up, and Ryuks little hint, you finally had suspects. And from watching them over the cameras you'd had installed thanks to Wedy, all your suspicions were being confirmed. This group of men sitting around the table talking about Kira killings was confirming everything. The only question left was which one of them was Kira? Who had the notebook?

Ryuk was generous with that hint, but there's no way he'd be willing to give another. Even if he was attached to you, he was still here for the entertainment after all.

This notebook had been bugging you ever since you connected the dots. A notebook that kills people when their name is written down, definitely sounds like the kind of weapon that'd fit the Kira crimes. And you knew for sure there were two of them in the human realm, one hidden and one with the yotsuba Kira.

You knew full well that finding the hidden one was an impossible task, but if you could stop Light from touching the one the yotsuba kira had and getting his memories back, it wouldn't matter where the second one is because he'd not remember it anyway. Your husband had already discussed the plan to keep light away from it when you were able to get it but that didn't change the fact that you had to prove this thing was real to secure a conviction in court.

If you got that book, that was cool and all. But in order to incarcerate Light you needed to prove it was real. Using handwriting analysis and fingerprints you could prove he was the one that first owned it, and if Misas showed up too the she'd be connected as well. That was enough to prove they used it as Kira.

But how the hell would you prove to a court it was real? Sure you could just dump a file of all kiras victims on the table and tell them to look for matching names in the book, but since this would be the first ever time the book appeared in court they'd be able to say it was circumstantial. You'd need footage of someone writing a name and the person dying to prove it's real.

Someone would have to die to prove it. You didn't want to do that... while some criminals out there were absolutely rotten people, they still deserved to live. Rot in prison for the rest of their lives sure, but live nonetheless. As much as you found death fascinating and oddly romantic, you still believed life was extremely valuable.

You could use a stunt similar to Lind L Tailor, with his death being set for the same day anyway. But that could also be written off by a court as circumstantial. After all, if they were going to die anyway then whose to say it was really the boom causing it? This frustrated you to no end. The justice system was indeed a broken one, but when the supernatural is involved for the first time ever both you and L know they'd want absolutely solid, no doubt about it proof.

And that was going to be hard to get.

At first you just said 'oh have them touch the book and see the shinigami' that'll prove it for sure. But the book would be classified as evidence and put into a case or bag to keep it from being contaminated with outsiders fingerprints. If you told people to touch the book, you'd get accused of tampering with evidence.

This was a complicated situation, and you'd been pondering it for a while now.

It was while you pondered off in the corner on the sofa with a mug of tea, the mug reading 'I'm DEAD fucking tired of your shit' on it (a coffin picture underneath it too), that your close eye on Ryuk was elsewhere. Distracted with your thoughts, you'd failed to notice the shinigami intently watching your husband as worked.

While L couldn't see Ryuk, he'd gotten used to him being around and could almost sense him. He had the feeling someone was watching him, but at this point he was used to it and didn't even flinch at it.

The taskforce were distracted writing up reports on the new suspects waiting for their meeting to continue from a lunch break and no one was paying any attention to anyone.

So no one noticed the folded piece of paper float down onto L's desk. He didn't even notice it until it landed on his keyboard right under his nose. Confused, he picked it up and unfolded it.

'Look up'

Look up? What the hell was that meant to mean? Was this some kind of prank the taskforce were pulling? Doing as the paper said, he looked up and almost went into cardiac arrest when he was met with the talk looming figure in front of him, slightly jumping at the sight.

Ryuk had given him paper from the Death Note.

Before L could say anything, or scream... Ryuk told him to be quiet.

"Don't scream or you'll draw attention to yourself, man your reaction was hilarious" he laughed.

L took a second to process what just happened, thank god no one was looking in his direction or he'd look rather suspicious reacting to the air with fright. It clicked that the paper he held was the same kind that you touched and that this creature was Ryuk. He didn't exactly know what he was expecting Ryuk to look like, but this was definitely different.

"I thought it was about time you could see me" Ryuk said.

L gave him a slightly confused look, not saying anything to nor draw attention to himself. Again, Ryuk had done something that helped you and L... not Light.

What was going on here?

While the taskforce was distracted, L got up and took the paper with him, rushing over to you and before you could react he'd grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into the hall.

"Darling- what's up?" You asked, a bit confused.

"I can see Ryuk" he replied.


That was... not what you were expecting. L handed you the paper and you read the words connecting what has happened, the familiar laugh of the shinigami could be heard approaching you as he phased through the wall to talk to you.

"Don't give my husband jumps scares please" you scolded.

"It was funny" Ryuk replied.

"And why exactly are you letting me see you? Wouldn't it be beneficial for you to not have me see you, and for us to not have death note paper?" L asked.

Ryuk shrugged, like this was just some spur of the moment decision for him. In all honesty you wouldn't be surprised if he did that just to see L jump and get a laugh out of it.

"Again, thought it was funny" he replied.

Both you and L knew he was up to something. You weren't sure what, but he was definitely up to something. Although unlike your originally thought, maybe it was in your favour after all since this made two things he'd done to help you. If L can see him, it made communicating easier.

"You're right, he is a goth string bean" L said, examining the appearance of the shinigami.

"I know right? His limbs are like twigs" you replied.

Your words didn't do anything to Ryuk, appearance opinions were a human thing to him so he didn't care. But now that he could be seen by Lights biggest rival, and he'd been suspiciously helpful to him, L was very much starting to wonder what was up with the goth string bean in question.

And he was going to fight for that information if he had to.

"Alright, cut the shit Ryuk. What are you planning? What are you up too? Is this your way of admitting you have a crush on us?" L snapped.

"Ew no. Crushes are human thing" Ryuk replied.

You and L chances glances. You both knew that was bullshit.

"Explain Ryuk, or you won't get the apples from my toffee apple stash..."

Death doesn't scare me [L x Reader] • Death Note Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz