Chapter 7 | observe

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"Tell me what's wrong" L stated, rather seriously.

What the fuck do you say? 'Hey I just saw a monster thing in lights room' sounds a bit wild.

"Nothing..." you replied.

"You and I both know that's a lie"

Damnit he was too good at spotting bullshit... that's why he made a good detective after all.

"I told you, I just thought I saw something but it ended up being a shadow. I spooked myself that's all..."

You knew he wasn't buying it, but L wasn't one to push you. He knew that you'd never keep a secret from him that could harm him, the only ever time you kept secrets was when you wanted to surprise him with something. He gave you a slightly worried look, but chalked it up to something along those lines and dropped the subject.

"Ok. But we're married remember, you can tell me anything and it won't change my view of you. I love you, I worry about you" He said.

"I know. I love you too. When the time is right darling..." you replied.

With that conversation, he headed back to the other room to watch the cameras for the day. Leaving you with a kiss on the cheek. You would tell him, you hated keeping secrets from him. But you wanted proof first.

Proof that you saw a monster in Lights room that's seemingly helping him with Kira stuff. How you were going to get proof you didn't know yet, but you'd figure it out. When the time is right the truth arises. Finishing up the tea you were making when he confronted you, you took your mug back into the main room to watch the cameras with the others. Although it wasn't Light you were watching.

The... thing... was currently pacing around Lights room like he was bored. Light sat studying at his desk with a bag of chips.

"So after dinner he just goes back to studying?" L asks.

"It's because entrance exams are five days away" Mr Yagami replied.

Interesting. He seemed like a completely normal student, literally ignoring the presence of a creature in his room. He could definitely see and hear it, since the creature would talk to him and Light would reply in subtle non verbal ways like a nod or a small hand gesture. He knew that there were cameras, he probably spotted something in his room has changed and out two and two together.

You were SURE you put everything back where it was meant to be. What gave it away? Did you miss one of his traps?

"Why does he eat chips so dramatically?" You heard L mumble under his breath.

You silently snickered at that, why was he eating so dramatically?

The monster was apparently so bored he was straight up twisting and turning his body and doing handstands to pass the time. Or... something about withdrawal symptoms? He was kind of talking gibberish.


You all turned to find Watari had a note sent by a taskforce member.

"A purse snatcher and man waiting trail for embezzlement dropped dead, just now they were killed of heart attacks" he informed.

The taskforce perked up immediately, but you and L had a weird feeling about it.

"It's Kira! He's back. And no one we're watching has done anything suspicious or had any access to the knowledge of those criminals!" Matsuda chirped up.

"So that means Light is in the clear right?" Mr Yagami added.

L gave you an annoyed look, one you returned in the same sentiment. This was weird, Kira usually never targeted such mild crimes... And you did determine he can control actions before death.

"Well..." L began.

"Seriously? But this proves it!" Aizawa snapped.

"Look, I just want to review the footage of the past few days to double check. Once everything has been reviewed... then we can remove the cameras"

The taskforce sighed, but at least they'd get what they wanted eventually. They didn't like L was still suspicious but at least the camera situation would be over. They watched the cameras until everyone in the house went to sleep for the night, and one by one the taskforce started falling asleep at their makeshift desks themselves.

Alone apart of the sleeping taskforce scattered in the room, L slid over to you and put his head on your shoulder.

"What do you see? You've been staring at those screens for longer than I have" he commented.

Again, you would tell him. Just not yet.

You were starring at the creature who had no sense of personal space and was poking light in his sleep for fun. But you had to come up with something else.

"I'm just trying to figure out if there's some way he'd know about the cameras. If he does then he could have prepared those deaths while he was at school or something, since he can apparently control actions" you said.

"That's what I was thinking. Although I can't figure out how he'd know about the cameras" L replied.

You wanted to say the monster told him he was right about his camera suspicions, but you couldn't say that yet.

"I don't want to die to Kira..." you said.

"Neither do I, as much as I like the idea of us being buried side by side in matching coffins... I want to live a full life before that happens" L replied.

"Just know that whatever happens I'll raise the dead and summon demons for you if I have to"

"I could say the exact same thing to you. If selling my soul means you're safe, consider it sold"

On the same wavelength you turned toward each other for a kiss, lips meeting in a sleepy gentle smooch that as usual, transferred your lipstick to his lips.

"I should take a shower" you sighed, getting up and stretching your limbs out.

"I'd join you if I didn't have to watch these stupid cameras" L replied.

"Darling as soon as those cameras are gone, you're welcome to"

A slight grin cracked on his lips.

"I will. Going to bed after?"

"I'll sleep out here so I can be with you" you replied.

"Darling you don't have t-"

"Nope. Shush. Don't want to hear it, I'm using your lap as a pillow and that's that"

Death doesn't scare me [L x Reader] • Death Note Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon