Chapter 59 | new life chapter

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A/n: well, this was another fun book to make. It's kind of like the opposite of ethereal, that's all about love gods and life and this is all shinigami and death. It also marks my 4th full length L book. I hope you'll all come along on the next book I make, which I am yet to decide which idea to put into action, rest assured I will definitely do more full length L books.

"You don't make this easy baby bat, stay still"

The child sure did love to wiggle around while her father tried to dress her, his baby girl giggled a cheeky laugh wiggling her arms out of her dads hands. If she weren't so cute L would have been fed up with this little game ages ago.

"Look you can flap your bat wings once your arms at actually in the sleeves ok? Now stay still" L said, finally being able to stuffed the babies arm into the sleeve of the bat onesie.

Her mother, you of course was currently in the next room hanging up the Halloween themed mobile your father had made for his granddaughter. During the nine months you were pregnant, you'd been working on your dream house with L at the end of the road only a few minutes away from the orphanage and graveyard.

It was almost done, all you needed was to finish decorating and putting together a few extra bits of furniture.

"You're a wiggle worm you know that? Do you ever stay still?" L asked his daughter as he buttoned her little onesie up.

She made baby noises at her dad in response. She'd clearly gotten L's sleeplessness in her gene pool, because despite it being late for her she was still wide awake. She also seemed to be practically born with matching Eyebags to her father as well as his fluffy dark hair. But she got her mother's eyes and skin, and as she grew up properly her build too. Picking up the baby bat, L cuddled her in his arms putting the little hood up over her head.

"Aren't you the cutest little spooky girl? You're going to be just as pretty as your mother when you grow up you know?" He complimented.

The energy the baby had was insane, it seemed all L had to do was talk to her in order for her to start laughing and making grabby hands at him. She may be dressed in all black alongside her morbid parents, but she laughed so brightly it could light up a whole city after dark.

"Ok, you made putting in your jammies a task and a half please don't give your mother a hard time putting you to sleep ok? She gave birth to you she doesn't need anymore stress"

The loud laughter from his daughter told him the attempts at putting her to sleep would be a difficult one. Taking her into the nursery to meet you, he found you setting up the night light by the coffin crib. A little ghost shaped one. The mobile was hung up over the crib and in the crib lay your baby blanket passed down to your daughter as well as the teddy the successors had chipped in to gift to her.

"I'm so sorry for giving her my insomnia genes, there's no way she's sleeping anytime soon" L sighed.

"I can get you to sleep, I'll be able to get her to sleep. You watch" you replied.

Switching on the night light making the little ghost glow, you took your daughter off her husband.

"I don't know how you do that, but I'm not complaining" L replied.

Cradling the baby you sat in the rocking chair by the crib, L leaning against the wall next to you.

"It's my secret hypnosis powers" you joked.

"Darling I don't want you to stress yourself out, I can put her to sleep if-"

"Honey, you've been stressing YOURSELF out over my stress. I'm fine, I'm past the post-birth exhaustion stage now. You need a rest after all the slaving away you've been insisting on doing for me"

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