Chapter 56 | sentancing

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A/n: only a few chapters left ahhhhh

Two full days of back and fourth in court, it was late, you were tired and wanted this to be over.

And finally, the jury had a verdict. This case was about to close, after almost a year chasing down the death notes and having to prove their existence to the government it was all finally coming down to this. You and L had worked your asses off in his trail, and you were particularly exhausted by it. L was tired too, but seemed rather fired up since this was the big moment.

Maybe it was you being hormonal because you know, pregnant. But you felt particularly drained and tired, not just physically but emotionally. You expected to be exited that it was all coming to and end, and you were but inside you felt more... empty about it. Maybe you were just so desensitised to the Kira talk by now you didn't care how it ended as long as Light was jailed.

"Well, it's been a very very long trail. Thank you everyone for sticking through it, but we finally have an official verdict" the judge began.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats. You and L hoping everything worked and the appropriate sentence would be given, and Light hoping he could get off at least with a plea deal or something that'd lessen his impending sentence.

"Given DNA evidence, timelines matching up, statements from living victims an taskforce members it's clear beyond any shadow of a doubt that Light Yagami and Misa Amane were both Kira for at least 5-6 months before loosing their memories and passing the power onto the now convicted Higuchi..."

This was going well, you'd convinced the jury and judge they were the killers. Now you just needed the sentencing.

"Beginning with Amane, we have accepted the plea deal due to her cooperation and participation in making a truthful statement to police. While she did commit murder, there was a considerable amount of abuse and manipulation from Yagami that warped her mindset. She also displayed genuine regret and remorse for her actions once she was bought to her senses through the loss of memory and break up with Light Yagami. With the advice of L we hear by accept her guilty plea deal with a verdict of guilty of second degree murder. Amane will be sentenced to 40 years imprisonment with no chance of parole, and she's required to have mental health assessments on a regular basis"

That should please rem. You let out a sigh of relief. Misa was very lucky to have Rem or she'd be locked up for life, but with that deal you made with Rem, she was offered a much lesser sentence. You knew Misa had potential to redeem herself while in prison, especially if she was having regular checkups on her health. You truly hoped she didn't throw the chance away.

"Thank god" L sighed under his breath, glad that your end of the deal was properly fulfilled and there was no zero chance of  any surprise attacks from any shinigami on you or him.

"I told you it'd work, we aren't dying just yet my love... there's a lot we have to live for at the moment" you replied.

Misa was obviously sad to go to prison, who wouldn't be? But she knew this was the best possible outcome for her and she was willing to pay that price if it meant she could one day get out and walk the streets again. She gave you and L a thankful look for getting her the plea deal, and you gave her one back. You may be on different sides, but you can sympathise for her situation in some areas.

"Now, as for Light Yagami... given the indisputable evidence against him, it is abundantly clear that he was the original Kira who started the whole mess. A mental health assessment shows that he is mentally unstable, but was of sound mind when the crimes were committed as killings were pre-planned in several occasions. We reject his insanity plea, and nearby sentence him to first degree murder, and domestic abuse charges. He will remain in prison for the rest of his life, with a life sentence. If he continues to show dangerous behaviour, that sentence can be upped to death. He will have zero possibly of parole" the judge announced.

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