Chapter 5 | installing camreas

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A/n: the story picks up here ooo shit boiz here we go

Standing outside the empty yagami household with a bag of cameras, you took the key Chief Yagami gave you and unlocked the door. Watari was over at the Kitamura's house doing the same thing- installing cameras.

Closing the door behind you, you looked around and observed the area. It was clean, looked like a family home with photos on the wall and shoes by the door. You quickly got to work, installing and hooking up all the cameras and wire tabs into every corner of the house you could. Each one lighting up with a tiny red light when it made the connection back to L and the taskforce at the hotel.

You were quite exited too snoop through Lights room, as your gut feeling was strong in this case. Once you'd hooked up the bottom floor, you went upstairs to hook up the top. As you went to open the door to Lights room, something caught your eye.

There was paper in the door.

He'd set a trap. Now if this were any other case you'd chalk it up a teenager being secretive, but given your suspicion, you were weary. You'd make sure to put it back in place when you were done. Heading in you put your bag of cameras down to snoop around and find good hiding places for the cameras.

You opened his drawers, only seeing a bunch of stationary and a dairy. You looked in his cupboards, only clothes and bags. Under his bed was nothing big storage boxes of childhood toys. It all seemed to normal. You decided to look though his shelves, everything was normal school books and a bit of Manga... expect for-

"Porn magazines, how charming. Eh, he's 17 all 17 year old boys are hormonal... but dude magazines? The internet exists" You laughed.

Other than that, all the books seemed normal.

Damnit, you were hoping you'd find something suspicious. Picking up your bag of cameras you got to work installing them, each one turning on when you plugged them into each other and one by one L could see them pop up on the screens back at taskforce. You'd get a good view of the whole room from the top of the air conditioner, so you stood up on the desk to place a camera up there.

Standing on your tip toes, you hooked up it and secured it in place. When you leaned back down to get off the desk, you missed your step causing you to fall back off the desk and onto the floor with a loud thump and sore back.

"Ow fuck-" you whined.

Almost immediately, your phone rang. Picking it up you answered it.


"Are you ok?" L's voice said.

"Ah, you saw that?" You replied, looking up at the camera you just placed.

"Yes, from about 34 different angles"

"I'm fine, I'll be a bit bruised but I'm fine- ah shit I've knocked stuff off his desk"

Around you on the floor lay a knocked over pen cup, a school book and his wallet with some of the contents spilled out.

"Remember where it all was?" L asked.

"Yeah, I'll put it all back perfectly. He won't notice. He also put a paper in his door for some reason, like he'd set a trap"

"Hmm... it could just be teenagers being secretive..."

"That's what I thought. But given the case it's a bit suspicious"

You got up, brushed off your long black witchy dress and began to pick up all the stuff you knocked over.

"It is a bit odd. Anything else in there?" L asked.

"Porn mags" you replied.

"Why he has internet connection?"

"Apparently he has no taste. The covers of those always mislead you anyway"

"They do. I'll let you finish the house. See you when you get back"

"Alright. I love you my corpse husband" you smile.

"I love you too corpse bride"

And with that, he hung up and you put your phone back in your bag. Picking up Lights pens and book, you put them exactly as they were on the desk. You began to pick up his wallet and the spilled coins and cash, putting it all back. It was odd he wouldn't take his wallet with him, but then again he was just at school. He wouldn't really need it there.

Putting the last coin back in, you picked up the last thing on the floor, a small clipping of notebook paper. Maybe to write reminders on? Or IOUs? You put it back, and placed his wallet back where it was on the desk. Then set off to finish bugging the rest of the house. You were sure to put the paper back in the door and left it just as you entered, this time with about 64 cameras inside.

You did find the random paper in his wallet odd, but not incriminating. You'd heard of people keeping sticky notes and mini notepads in their bags in case they needed to write something down like a reminder or address, but never heard of people keeping paper in their wallet. But oh well, it wasn't that strange.

Only having to do the last two bedrooms, you wrapped up pretty quick. Although you did find the cut out of the idol Hideki Ryuga Sayu had in her room amusing. Leaving the house you did notice the severe lack of black decor in the house. Black is so much more cheerful.

You waited for Watari to come back to pick you up which didn't take too long and it was back to the hotel you went.

"How did it go?" Watari asked.

"Good. Fell off a desk and probably bruised myself but it's all done. Poked around and didn't see anything too suspicious" you replied.

"How on earth did you manage to fall off a desk?"

"I was using it as a stepping stool to put a camera up. L saw me fall over the footage , the rest of the taskforce probably did too"

"I assumed he called you immediately"?" Watari chuckled.

"Oh yeah, wasn't even a few seconds later" you snickered.

"You made him soft (y/n), he hates everyone but you"

"I made him soft and spooky"

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