Chapter 42 | Trap Ryuk

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You and L we're getting rather tired of Ryuks sneaking around. You wanted answers and with that little stunt he just pulled you fully intended on getting said answers. In the hallway away from the taskforce you stood before him, L now able to see the shinigami too.

"I swear to god Ryuk if you don't explain why you're sneaking around and helping us... if you want to keep denying that it's because you like us then you better have a good reason for it. I'm suspicious of you, remember what I said to you and Light. If ANYTHING happens to L you're chopped liver" you snapped.

"You better start talking because there's no stopping her when she's like this" L added.

Ryuk had a smug look in his eyes, his ping pong ball like eyes. You were growing suspicious of his behaviour, he seemed to have some kind of plan and if it hurt your husband you're spilling blood.

"How many times to I have to say that I'm just bored and think all this is interesting?" He replied.

"If that was the case then you'd be staying neutral and not helping us. Light is the original Kira, and you're helping his rivals? You really think we aren't going to question that when you were originally connected to LIGHT?" You seethed.

He was making you mad at this point. It truly was like trying to tell off a toddler that wouldn't listen, expect this toddler was death itself and had an apple addiction. Being able to see Ryuk now gave L a sense of newfound power. He could actually keep an eye on him and look him in the face when scolding him now. No more jump-scares or eerie feelings of someone watching.

"You've been following us around for ages now, just admit you like us. Admit that you ARE taking sides. What can Light do? He's a human with a god complex and you're a literal death god. If you side with us it's not like he can tell you off for it or anything. What are you afraid of? Why are you denying it? It's so clear you're attached to us" L sighed.

"Interest doesn't equal attachment" Ryuk replied.

"For fuck sakes Ryuk just accept it! It's either attachment or jealousy. Is it the fact L and I are  happily married? Is it the fact we're in love which isn't a big thing in your realm? Are you jealous of that? Or are you attached to us because you feel some kind of relationship toward us after all the time we've spent together since you decided to watch us. It's one of the two, decide. And when you have decided you better tell us. If you don't come clean it's only going to make us more suspicious of you, and you don't want that" you said, a tone of frustration in your voice.

In anger, you turned on your heels and stormed up the stairs to calm down dragging the train of your long black dress behind you. It was silent for a moment, then a door could be heard slamming down the hall. L turned back to Ryuk after watching you storm off.

"Listen, you may be a death god but believe me... even you don't stand a chance against her when she's protective over me. I've seen what she can do without even breaking any laws, it's best to just confess your true intentions and we can work together on this stupid case YOU are the cause of in the first place because of dropping that stupid book. And I share the same sentiment she has for me, for her. You do ANYTHING to hurt her and I swear to everything unholy you and your shinigami buddies will PAY" L added, before turning to follow you up the stairs and make sure you were ok.

Honestly Ryuk wasn't expecting to be scolded like that. He was used to you telling him to shut up while you tried to get some sleep, or telling him to stop jump scaring your husband but this was an anger he'd not seen from you... expect when you threatened light.

Light was an interesting specimen watch, that's why Ryuk stuck around him when he had the death note in the first place. But he was nothing compared to the enthralling fascination of you and L. Even thought he didn't want to admit it, being scolded by you and L felt... bad. Something about it made the shinigami feel kind of guilty. He hated it, he hated that humans were making him, a god, feel things.

Maybe he really was the fool that chased love like mortals do. Maybe he was like Rem, and had grown protective of a mere human.

He hated that two humans had more power over him. He was a shinigami for fuck sakes! He should be the one ruling over you! And hey here he was, feeling emotions for two humans.

L, he was so interesting. Ryuk had never seen a human like L before. Down to the small things like his sugar addiction and funny seating position all the way up to how his morals and intellect worked and how the hell a shut in like him managed to get married. To Ryuk, L seemed more like an alien than a human. It would be such a shame if such a strange human like him were to die, because he was one of a kind.

And you, you had the gaze of a goddess. You had the power to make men bow at your feet, threaten anyone who hurt your husband into submission, had the confidence of an immortal being. You ran the show and you knew it, you were a maneater and you knew it. And despite all that, you still stayed loyal and gentle toward your husband. You could beat the shit out of Light and spit on his grave and turn around to face L and immediately turn into the soft, loving wife you were. Ryuk didn't know how you did that.

And of course, the two of you together were a force to be reckoned with. Like who immortal beings who could bend the world around them at will. Loyal to each other, amazingly smart together, the definition of a healthy loving relationship. Yet, you were so morbid at the same time. Not just because of your all black attire, or L's Eyebags so dark they looked like eyeliner. But because you found beauty in the dark parts of the world and still respected and acknowledged their tragedy. Death to you both was something romantic yet tragic.

The horror of the world was what drew you in, you'd worked together on brutal murder cases without batting an eye. You found graveyards a fun date spot. You respected the dead, yet found their resting places beautiful.

Instead of being scared of the darkness, you tried to understand it and work with it. You and L were the bright side of the dark side together.

And that's why Ryuk found you both so enthralling. Not many humans were like that... not many humans would be willing to treat a death god like just some other human. Most would scream and run.

Sighing, Ryuk walked up the stairs and phased through the door to your room where he found you angrily sitting at the end of the bed and L facing you mid conversation.

He may was well just cave, it was better than feeling like he was scaring you and L.

"I can walk through walls, a lock won't do anything" Ryuk said.

"You better be here to explain" you snapped.

"Fine, I'll cave..."

He had your attention, both you and L had your arms crossed waiting for an answer from him. He seemed almost annoyed that he had to admit this, like it was a sign of weakness from a powerful death god.

"You two are the soul reason I now understand that love really does exist... that's why I'm attached to you. You two taught me something shinigami never believed in, you proved me wrong..."

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