Chapter 13 | spied on

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Anyone would think you're nocturnal with your sleeping habits. Then again, L had the same problem. Up late all night, as usual. This time you were packing up stuff for a hotel move in the morning, having to re-fold everything in your suitcases.

Most of it was long black coats and dresses, big boots and veils. Your classing spooky attire. If it wasn't black, it was white and old fashioned giving very ghost vibes. L's suitcases didn't look to interesting, the same blue jeans and white shirts over and over. The occasional big black trench coat for the colder weather and scarfs. Only one pair of shoes due to his hatred of them. And of course the bat pyjamas you'd gotten him for the colder nights. It was getting into colder weather too, you might have to get him a matching long black robe to yours.

"Hmm... should have bought my long black dress..." you mumbled.

"Which?" L replied, re-folding his shirts.

"The one with the slit up the side"

"Oh that one. Yeah that ones pretty"

Your conversation about clothes was suddenly cut off when you heard something fall in the other room. Both of you looking towards the noise, L got up to look. Opening the door to the main room, he found that a charger for a laptop had just fallen off the table.

"Oh just a charger, probably put it too close to the edge" he said.

"Ah, for a second I was wondering if this room was haunted" you joked.

"Death does tend to follow us on these cases"

He sat back down, continuing to re-pack his suit case.

Moments when it's just the two of you always felt so calm and warm. That's just what being married to the love of your life is like. But you couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for not telling him about Ryuk. But, you still didn't have any evidence that shinigami are real. Maybe... you could dig a little.

"L, do you believe in ghosts? For real?" You asked.

"I don't know. I need to see something to believe it. Or at least proof of something. I'd be willing to believe in them if I saw an apparition myself, or someone I trusted had an encounter story" he explained.

"What about life after death?"

"I can't say. No one can, none of us living will ever know. I hope there is one though, that way I can stay with you forever"

You'd have to agree with that. You hoped there was something at least, you wished to stay with him until the world caved in.

"What about Kira... what do you think he is?" You asked.

He was silent for a moment, stopping his shirt folding to ponder.

"I don't know. If he's human then he definitely has some kind of power that's not. Before Kira I would have scoffed at magic outside of a movie or book. But now..." he replied.

So... he was at least open to the idea. A skeptic, he needs to see to believe. That's what you though, and that's why you wanted something to prove Ryuk was real. But not telling him was eating you up inside, you just had to endure it for now.

"You can tell me anything (y/n), we're married remember?" He said, seemingly reading your mood.

"I know. I want to... I just want to know I'm right first..." you replied.

"You're suspicious of something?"

"You could say that yes..."

"Well whatever it is I'm sure you're right, you always are. But I get wanting reassurance first"

How did he do that? How did he just know your thoughts and moods to well? Maybe he was clairsentient or maybe it was just his detective brain being able to read people well.

Clairsentience was always something fascinating to you as well... we're psychics real? If they were you wouldn't be surprised if L was one, he always knew things before they happened and could read you like an open book.

"I know whatever you're hiding isn't it harm me. I know you'd never do that, as much as I want to know I get wanting solid proof of suspicions first. I'm not mad, just curious. When you're ready I'll listen" L said.

You sighed, slightly laughing under your breath.

"How do you do that?" You asked.

"Do what?"

"Know exactly what I'm thinking and feeling all the time. You psychic?"

"I just know you darling. You're the same with me" he replied.

True, you always seemed to know when something was up with L, like a sixth sense only for him. On the same wavelength at all times.

"I will tell you. I want to... as soon as I'm 100% sure you'll believe me and I have proof" you reassured.

"I know. I'll wait"

God you loved him. He always understood and never pushed boundaries with you. He truly was only soft for you, hating everyone else in his path but head over heels for you. He kissed the ground you walked on, and you kept him in a tight embrace for that. Equals in every way, even if you were the one who seemed to be a leader.

Continuing to fold clothes into suitcases silence fell over the dark room again, but it was an uneasy stillness.

You felt watched. The same kind from when you ran into that Misa girl in that shop. Like invisible eyes were on you. It was uneasy, and you were amazed L was completely unfazed. How did he not feel it?

Maybe you were just sensitive to that feeling growing up in a graveyard. Which reminded you... you should call your dad and see how he was doing. Now that you're all grown up and off with your husband solving crimes, he was left with co workers to run the funeral parlour and graveyard without you. As a kid you just came to the funerals to stand and watch, as you grew older you'd clean the headstones and polish new coffins. L would visit you from the orphanage next door and help you sometimes.

In fact, the first time you kissed was in that graveyard by the gates where superstitious people and witches would leave coins for the spirits. By the time you were teenagers and you could drive you'd take your hearse and both of you would sneak out at night to drive around the wooded countryside and have deep conversations about life... and do other things you couldn't do back home without waking people up.

Growing up near death seemed to have made you sensitive to the feeling of unseen eyes on you.

In curiosity, you looked up and around the room. Glancing at corners and darker patches. Just out of the corner of your eyes, something moved. For a split second and it was gone again.

Something familiar.

Under your breath and barely audible, you whispered to yourself eyes locked on the corner of the dark room.


Death doesn't scare me [L x Reader] • Death Note Where stories live. Discover now