Chapter 9 | confront

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"You don't have to come" L assured.

"I'm coming. I want to watch from a distance and make sure nothing goes wrong" you replied.

"I appreciate the concern darling, but I doubt it will"

"I know. I just want to observe"

L was going to confront Light at the entrance ceremony, which was the perfect opportunity for you to spy on him and his monster friend.

"Alright. Well if you're coming we better leave now because it starts soon" L said.

"I'll drive. May as well arrive in style" you replied.

With that agreed upon, you grabbed your bag and parasol and made L bring a trench coat and it was off to the University to get this little mission on the way. You planned to hang a little off to the side from L and Light to keep an eye on them. When you pulled up at the University you got the same reaction as last time, a lot of confused looks as to what a hearse was doing at the university.

Stepping out and revealing your rather dramatic style, you opened your parasol to block the sun and held it over you and your husband who is known for getting awful sunburn. The very prestigious and proper students definitely didn't expect anyone to show up at the entrance ceremony looking like they'd just come from a coven but as you walked through the campus to the hall, the looks you got said it all.

"Alright I'll stay behind you, I trust you'll confront him smoothly" you said.

"I know exactly what I'm doing. Don't worry your beautiful skull about it" L replied, placing a kiss on your cheek before you split off to different seats.

It was very packed, but you stayed off to the side where not too many people sat, hopefully your plan would work this way and make draw attention.

Sure enough, when Light walked in and took his reserved seat next to L at the front, the creature followed him.

Seeing it in person was surreal, he was much taller than he looked over the cameras. Seemed rather bony like he'd creak when he moved. His chains coming off his belt that held a pouch for something jingled when he flew. His wings seemed able to retract and appear at will, as when he stood behind Light they disappeared. It made you uneasy that he was right behind L, but you had no time to worry as the ceremony was already starting.

The head of the university talked a lot, you didn't pay much attention as it was unimportant until L and Light were invited onto stage as the top performing students. The creature didn't follow, he stays put. This is what you were hoping for, now is your chance.

You reached out for the creature, as discreetly as possible to try and get his attention. But when your hand came up to his arm, it went right through him.

Shit. New plan.

"Tall punk string bean looking thing with the sharp teeth in front of me" you whisper yelled at him.

Luckily your scary appearance made a lot of the students sit a few seats away form you, so they didn't notice.

"Monster thing. I'm talking to you!"

You saw him perk up, like he'd finally realised he was the one being referred to. He turned and looked for the source of the talking.

"Down here you tall... creature" you added.

The creature looked down at you, and you pulled your bat sunglasses down to look up at him.

"Huh? You can see me?" He asked.

"Yes. Mind telling me what you are?" You replied.

"Wait a minute how can you see me?"

"Beats me. Your human friend can as well, I know that much so clearly it's possible"

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