Chapter 20 | confront the suspect

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This was a rather disappointing turn of events.

The DNA tests in the makeup found in the tape of the Kira envelopes came back as a match, to Misas unreleased makeup . The frustrating part? Even though the likelihood of of the second Kira being Misa were very high that wouldn't be enough to secure conviction, but it was grounds for an interrogation.

The plan was to take her into confinement and interrogate her. You'd sent your response to the second Kira out, and you'd gotten the message back saying that she'd continue killing and stop looking for Kira. Meaning they'd probably met in that time frame when the forensics was being done.

So in about a month, you'd confirmed there was a chance the second Kira was misa and Light and Misa had likely met. Now you just had to put the plan into action and question her. You weren't too pleased with the fact you'd have to restrain her to be questioned, but if she was the second Kira she was very dangerous.

Her power was very clearly different from the original Kira, and no one knew how she killed. It was too much of a risk to leave her free to move in case she tried to kill someone to save herself.

And of course, L was rather disappointed that the second Kira ended up being probably Misa. He did like her music after all, now he was all disappointed that someone he admired the work of ended up being a killer.

Today was the day though, the day Misa would be taken into confinement. But first you and L went to Lights university to catch him off guard and break the news to see how he reacted. So again you showed up at the university in your usual spooky attire. As usual, you got some looks here and there as you both sat on one of the benches talking as you waited.

"Everything is going to go down soon right?" You asked.

L looked at the time on his phone.

"Yeah, she's be on a break soon and the agents will get her then. The cover story was sent to her company last night so there shouldn't be any confusion or alarm" L replied.

"Good, I don't want this to fuck up. It's a tricky enough situation as it is"

"I know, and hey speaking of kiras..."

L pointed at Light who was walking down the path toward you.

"This will be interesting..." you said, spotting Ryuk behind him too.

"Is Ryuk there?"

"He is"

"He better not ruffle my hair again..."

Light noticed your presence, and you beckoned him over. Getting up approaching each other, you gave Ryuk a glance if acknowledgement, to which he snickered in return. Light looked slightly confused hearing Ryuk laugh for seemingly no reason.

"Hey, what are you guys doing back here? Thought you were too spooky for school" he blankly joked.

"As long as we don't die, University isn't that bad" L replied.

"You haven't been in for a while, people are asking where you went"

"I put on my enrolment form that I have reoccurring health problems as an excuse in advance"

"Well... you're not completely lying mr anemia..." you teased.

"Shush you, you've had some health problems before too"

Well, you couldn't argue there. Everyone has a few small health hiccups down the line in their life.

"Anyway... we have something to tell you but first wanna go get some cake or something?" L said.

Death doesn't scare me [L x Reader] • Death Note Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat