Chapter 46 | the book

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"Well, with that done and dusted..."

Tossing your bulletproof vest aside, you unzipped the front of your bodysuit and in revealed the death note, safe and sound.

"You're awfully comfortable unzipping that" L teased.

"It's just you and me up here, not like it's anything you haven't seen before" you teased back, pulling the death note from down your shirt.

Handing it to L, he took the book in the evidence bag by the corner and held it up to examine it.

"Hmm... looks worn out. I wonder how many humans have used it before now" He pondered.

You had both gathered in his office, taskforce all off to get some sleep after the tiring car chase. Higuchi was currently at the police station in a holding cell, set to be interrogated tomorrow. Putting on some gloves to not finger print the book, you took it from the evidence bag to look it over.

"Touch the corner before you put the gloves on so you can see the shinigami" you told your husband.

"That's right, there's another one for this particular book... you've seen it I'm sure" he said, poking the corner of the book.

"Yep, when I got out of the car I saw it. I'm sure she and Ryuk will make an appearance in here rather soon"

"Better zip up your suit then"

If it was just you and L you wouldn't have bothered, he'd seen many of your bras before. You were married it didn't matter. But since there'd be two shinigami showing up inevitably, you took your husbands advice and zipped it up again.

Now with gloves on, L took the book and the two of you sat at his desk placing it under the desk lamp. For this examination, you'd need to pay attention to detail. L's sight wasn't amazing after a lifetime of staring at screens so even though he never wore them, he did have glasses. Taking said glasses from the top drawer of the desk, he put them on.

"Why don't you wear those more often? You look good with glasses" you asked.

"Really? I think I look like a total nerd"

"You are a total nerd. Not because of the glasses, because of your smarts. The glasses make you a hot nerd"

He playfully rolled his eyes at your flirtatious remarks and turned his attention back to the book. Opening it revealed a set of black pages, with white writing scrawled across it.

Rules of the Death Note

The human who's name is written in this note shall die.

"Well, they definitely cut straight to the point there don't they" you sassed.

"The title was definitely a DEAD giveaway" L sassed back, smirking at his own horrible pun.

"This is a serious murder investigation and we have a weapon of mass destruction here and we're making puns? Yep, a typical L and (y/n) case"

Opting to read the rules later and do a quick flick through first, L skipped to the pages of lined paper littered with writing. Names all over the pages, names in various languages, some with specific methods of death, all written in various colours of pen as the killer had written across different days. Some even in glitter gel pen.

"If we cross reference all the names I don't doubt that every single one will be in the Kira victim database" L commented.

"There's so many... how do the kiras even have the time to write this many down?" You pondered.

As you both flipped though the pages scanning the names over and looking for anything outstanding, a sudden revelation came to L's mind.

"Hang on... if Higuchi is arrested and no longer in possession of the book... does that mean you're the soul owner now since you're the first one to grab it after his forceful forfeit during the arrest?" L asked.

Before you could even proceed that question and answer it, a voice spoke up. This time it wasn't the familiar voice of Ryuk.

"That is correct"

Both of you jumped, and turned to see the newest edition to your collection of shinigami standing behind you, Rem.

"I knew you'd show up" you said.

L wasn't as freaked out this time around, he's seen one shinigami after all. Two wasn't a stretch.

"Now you have essentially stolen the death note off Higuchi, it's yours. What you do with it is up to you, but I'll have to stay around as long as you have it" Rem explained.

"I see... well it seems you and Ryuk will be hanging around a lot then, he's still following us"

"I told him to not get too close or he'd fall in love, and he didn't listen to me. Now here he is, protecting two humans"

So even Rem knew Ryuk had gotten attached to you and L huh? Well she was in love with Misa herself so she probably saw it coming from a mile away.

"You're in that same position with Misa correct?" L asked.

"Unfortunately I've gotten myself trapped in her web, yes" Rem replied.

"So I'm sure you'll understand where Ryuk is coming from when he tries to protect us then yes?"

Rem was silent for a moment, she knew full well that there's no way Ryuk would let her kill your or L for Light, just like there's no way she'd let Light kill Misa.

"Listen, I'm sure Ryuk already told you but I made a deal with him. He protects us from Light in exchange for breaking him and Misa up. So he's doing both us and you a favour. Sure Misa might be a little bummed for a while after the breakup, but it's better in the long run. Would you rather she be sad for a little bit then find the love of her life and be happy, or sad for as long as Light is alive?" You said.

Like a moth drawn to a flame, she'd flown right into the traps of both Light and you. She couldn't kill you or L, Light could try but Ryuk would step in, Misa could try but Rem and Ryuk would step in. You and L were essentially immune to Kira at this point.

"I'm aware. I won't kill you or L, Light can try himself but with Ryuk around I doubt he'll get far. I've seen the two of you before and heard a lot about you from Ryuk, you both value love very highly and I trust you'll know what's best for Misa. Even if she does end up in prison for her crimes, as long as she's away from Light and able to find someone that loves her as much as I do, that's all I wish for" Rem said.

You'd won this case. All by being spooky, morbid and so deeply in love with L that you'd drawn in two gods of death to your side. Boy would you have a story to tell your dad when this case was over and you got home.

"Don't worry, Misa will be far away from light by the time we're done with her" you assured.

"He's pitiful honestly... he's got a model, singer and actor who's goth as a bonus for a girlfriend and doesn't bat an eye at her. He's lucky, and he doesn't deserve that luck. The way he treats her disgusts me, doesn't he know that spooky girls such as (y/n) deserve the upmost respect?" L scoffed.

"I caught that flirting at the end there mister"

"Am I wrong? It'd be unforgivable if I didn't treat you like the queen of the underworld you are"

You gave him a loving but playful smile and gently whacked his arm, a love tap.

"Flatterer" you giggled.

"You deserve all that flattery, my darling"

Rem watch the two of you throw flirtatious remarks at each other, witnessing what a loving relationship was actually like. She only hoped that one day her beloved Misa could have what you and L do.

Death doesn't scare me [L x Reader] • Death Note Where stories live. Discover now