Chapter 35 | new leads

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After a rather blissful morning of waking up to the mess you made of your husband last night and spending a while cleaning him up back to his usual self, you know fixing his hair and wiping off all the lipstick stains and stuff, you bid him farewell as he went downstairs to get a start on the case again. You on the other hand decided on a nice warm shower to start the day.

You didn't want to get out it was so nice and warm, but you had work to do as well. You definitely stayed in a bit longer than you should have though. Your closet consisted of you guessed it, black. But many different styles of black to choose from. Long gowns, frilly Victorian era style shits, some classic white collared black summer dresses, lacy trimmed pants etc.

Feeling a bit lazy in the fashion department today, you slipped on a simple garment and didn't bother much with doing any makeup or hair. After the tiring but fun events of the previous night you were still a bit drowsy and couldn't be bothered with getting all fancy. It's not like you had a funeral to attend anyway.

When you opened the door into the stairwell to head off your floor and down to the main room, you almost had a heart attack yourself when Ryuk showed up.

"FUCKING- don't do that you... goth string bean!" You sighed.

"Haha, sorry it was too easy. Am I in the clear to follow you around again or are you still committing one of the seven deadly sins with L?" Ryuk joked.

"Why do you have to follow me? I mean you can it's not like I'm sinning today with all this catchup work, but why me? Go haunt Light again"

"Like I said it's not fun when he can't even see me. Although from the sounds of things down there he might be able to soon"

That caught your attention, stopping on the stairs you turned back to look at him.

"They have a lead?" You asked.

"Something about a Yotsuba? Whatever that is"

Rushing down the stairs you practically kicked open the door to the main room and skidded to a halt next to L where he stood reading over a file on his computer.

"New lead?" You asked.

"Yep. It's confirmed, all the Kira victims are rivals of yotsuba. Not a single worker there has been killed, but rivals have. It seems they're still killing criminals as a cover up, and under the orders of the original Kira. But their true intention of bettering the company" L explained.

"So Kira is someone at Yotsuba?"


Placing a kiss on L's cheek as a reward for being so smart, he gave you a smile. He was definitely out of that slump now, it'd be hard to get him to sleep after this.

"Want some tea? I'll make some" you asked.

"Yes please, you know my order" he replied.

"Earl grey with 9 spoons of sugar, a dash of vanilla and a cookie on the side"

"You know everything about me"

Heading into the kitchen to make some, you weren't expecting to run into Misa. Usually she was off on her floor or being accompanied by Matsuda at work. Guess she didn't have much to do today. You found her with one leg up on the counter trying to reach a glass from the top self.

"Need some help?" You teased.

She jumped hearing your voice, turning to face you.

"God you move so quietly. Like a ghost or something-" she laughed at her own fright.

Grabbing a glass for her, she took it from you with a thankful smile. It made you a little sad, if only she wasn't the second Kira. She seemed so nice when she lacked memory of her crimes.

"So I was wondering... you wouldn't happen to have a black parasol would you?" She asked.

"I have three, why?" You replied, getting the stuff for your tea out.

"My company wants me to do a lolita themed fan meet. I swear I had a parasol but I guess I dreamt it up or something because I can't find it anywhere! Can I borrow one?"

Why not? She takes good care of her clothes and accessories. She'll return it.

"Yeah sure" you replied.

"Thanks, it's nice to have a fellow spooky enjoyer around" she replied.

Another thing that made you a bit sad, she was definitely into her spooky and kooky. You got along well with her, but there was always that looming doom of her being the second Kira. You kind of hoped that she never got her memory back so at least when she inevitably has to serve time, she can have the peace of mind of genuinely believing she's innocent. You obviously couldn't undermine the lives she took, but it as also a rather tragic situation truly believing you're innocent due to memory loss and not understanding why you're being suspected.

From what you'd gathered about the notebooks, whoever the Yotsuba Kira is must have her old one.

"Hey... I hope this isn't weird but like... can you see ghosts or something?" Misa said.

Her words caught you off guard for a moment, you didn't know where that came from.

"N-no? Why? I mean it'd be pretty cool if ghosts were real but I certainly haven't seen them" you replied.

"Oh, it's just you seem to zone out in random places of the room sometimes. Like your eyes are following something. Guess zoning out would happen when you're tired from case work"

You knew what she meant, it was because you'd glare at Ryuk for screwing around while people were trying to work. He definitely got a kick out of making people think taskforce was haunted...

"Y-yeah I just zone out when I'm tired" you covered up.

Your conversation didn't last much longer once she'd gotten her drink and left to go bother light. But when it was just you and that bloody shinigami left in the room waiting for the water for the tea to boil, you were able to scold the laughing shinigami.

"Man taskforce must think you're crazy or something" Ryuk laughed.

"No thanks to you! Also people with hallucinations aren't crazy they just have a disorder thank you very much" you scolded.

"Your human morals and ideals don't bother me man"

As you stirred the sugar into L's tea, you snickered at Ryuk.

"Really then why are you following me and L around? It's almost like you're in love with us" you teased.

"Love is a gross human thing. I've said it once I'll say it again it's merely fascination" Ryuk replied.

"Yeah sure thing buddy, just admit me and my husband are so beautiful even gods of death fall for us"

"Yuck. Don't make me cringe at your lovey dovey crap"

Oh he was DEFINITELY in denial. You could tell at this point his fascination with you and L was definitely more than just thinking you and your man where a bit quirky. Weather it was genuinely care for you and L or something else you weren't sure. But you could just tell that he liked you and L better that Light.

Once you'd made your tea, you took the cups out to the main room and placed L's by his computer for him. He thanked you with a kiss and you slid a chair over to him to sit beside him and drink your tea together as you looked over the new lead.

"Anything new on the books?" He asked.

"Nothing yet. It's only been a few days, give me time" you replied.

"I know, it's just a good step in the right direction and it has me intrigued thats all..."

L looked around the room for a moment, and when he confirmed no one was listening in he turned back to you.

"Is Ryuk still pestering us?" He asked.

"Yep. Light is literally right there and yet he still follows us... something is up with him... I know it..."

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